Is Cormac McCarthy the greatest modern writer?

Is Cormac McCarthy the greatest modern writer?

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Tao Lin

I thought he ded

More like the greatest hack

He is an author, yet his english isn't much better than Donald Trump's. Seriously, I hope someone runs statistical analysis on his prose and calculates such metrics as average word/sentence length, receptivity and overall richness of vocabulary.

he has terrific vocabulary, what do you mean

Terrific in the sense of horrific, right? Because any book by McCucky sounds like a shitty hollywood script for a shitty American movie.

absolutely not. tie between krasznahorkai and pynchon.

>greatest writer
Fucking kek

he's such a good writer, what do u mean. in terms of prose at least

Yeah his prose is silly as fuck



what exactly did you read from mccarthy?

The Road and that fucking trilogy. Not entirely, of course. I couldn't stand a single page.

Yes, if you are anglocuck

well fuck off then

Fuck off you

american literature is trash

He's not even the best American novelist of his era, Morrison is

Jim Morrison was a poet

Both Faulkner babies, donc ?

Alexander Theroux is.

>yet his english isn't much better than Donald Trump's

no u

Everyone suck on someones titty. Morriston arguably owes more to Marquez anyway

lmao good one

What about you kill yourself? This board is for discussing books on their content, not based on your retarded anti-semitic views.

read blood meridian ya cunt

>thinks krasznahorkai is not the greatest author of the present day

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LA Woman is a great song

The Doors are legit. Daily reminder that first lp was recorded in 1966 (!).

Morrison was shit Dylan is twice the writer he was

What compels people like you to come on internet forums and say dumb shit like this? Genuinely curious

He is certainly a good and entertaining writer, but any notion that he is some revolutionary is publisher marketing.

Can he compare to Pynchon?

He's not good at all. And his kind of entertainment is the same of a mainstream ass hollywood movie that comes out twice a month.

I have no idea how people read his books. The combination of constant declarative sentences, specific nature descriptions, lack or punctuation, and language switching makes him such a fucking slog to read. It's like everything was written in turns by an edgy 12 year old and some faggoty MFA student.


he's an atrocious memetic writer

James Ellroy

ah, blood meridian, monsieur? that novel is the sark and chaparral of literature, the filament whereon rode the remuda of highbrow, corraled out of some destitute hacienda upon the arroya, quirting and splurting with main and with pyrolatrous coagulate of lobated grandiloquence. our eyes rode over the pages, monsieur, of that slatribed azotea like argonauts of suttee, juzgados of swole, bights and systoles of walleyed and tyrolean and carbolic and tectite and scurvid and querent and creosote and scapular malpais and shellalagh. we scalped, monsieur, the gantlet of its esker and led our naked bodies into the rebozos of its mennonite and siliceous fauna, wallowing in the jasper and the carnelian like archimandrites, teamsters, combers of cassinette scoria, centroids of holothurian chancre, with pizzles of enfiladed indigo panic grass in the saltbush of our vigas, true commodores of the written page, rebuses, monsieur, we were the mygale spiders too and the devonian and debouched pulque that settled on the frizzen studebakers, listening the wolves howling in the desert while we saw the judge rise out of a thicket of corbelled arches, whinstone, cairn, cholla, lemurs, femurs, leantos, moonblanched nacre, uncottered fistulas of groaning osnaburg and kelp, isomers of fluepipe and halms awap of griddle, guisado, pelancillo.

Every book from Cormac McCarthy is like this?
I want to read something from him but I'm not into the Saramago style and English isn't my first language.

semicolonanon, i miss you greatly...

what's wrong with declarative sentences desu

sounds like someone hasn’t read delillo

Marquez is a garbage fire.

I ran a statistical analysis on this post and determined that ur mom gay

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Yes, his writing style is trash

46 counts of nigger in blood meridian.
Pretty amazing if you ask me

Always have wondered what Faulkner would think of McCarthy and Morrison

And thank you. I'll avoid him from now on.

>americans unironcially believe this

I'm not American but he's probably among the greatest writers alive. So, I understand why someone would believe what OP said.

You are clearly a retard who can't take an argument that disagrees with you, so you degenerate into these retarded ad hominems. Literally calculate McCarthy's unique words to total words ratio and compare it to any other major writer's. It will literally be closer to the ratio of Trump than (insert an author you like).
You attacked me over an argument regarding McCarthy's prose (not his other qualities as a writer), which can literally be measured objectively - "average word/sentence length, receptivity and overall richness of vocabulary". Now you are going to ignore what I just said, and either stop responding or continue with your ad hominems.

dylan is a pretentious lesbian masquerading as a man, morrison is genuinely inspired and his fucktons of mojo, his poetry is basically an erect penis sublimated into words

you're a retard. memecarthy is a joke


I just finished The Road and if I hadn't read Blood Meridian before, I wouldn't read anything else by him. But since I did and you fags told me that Suttree was quite good, I'll read that now.

On the spot, can you name 4 or 5 living writers that are better than him?


Go on. Name them.


Do you want me to recite them out loud or type their names in a 4channel post in this thread?


Toni Morrison, Zadie Smith, Pynchon and Murikami

John Green
JK Rowling
Steven King
Rupi Kaur
Jon Franzen

Oh and GRRM

>Toni Morrison, Zadie Smith
>Pynchon and Murikami
I agree with Pynchon on the list, but Murakami only wrote 3 decent books.
Right now I would put Vargas Llosa above McCarthy and his last good book was The Feast of the Goat.

>t. hasn't read Morrison or Smith

Only the short stories.

>declarative sentences, specific nature descriptions, lack or punctuation, and language switching
after years of reading Yea Forums I have to say reading mccarthy is actually easier than reading anybody else

it's a breath of fresh air and it's crude irreverence is an important part of the books not to mention how much impact he can get in a single sentence like "Toadvine saw him with the child as he passed with his saddle but when he came back ten minutes later leading his horse the child was dead and the judge had scalped it."

ah so his lowest concept works then

They're all good stories but nowhere near the scope of his other stuff

You're both wrong Leonard Cohen and Scott Walker will always be the most Yea Forums songwriters