Can we all agree that Renaissance Neoplatonism was the pinnacle of philosophy?

Can we all agree that Renaissance Neoplatonism was the pinnacle of philosophy?

Attached: image.jpg (1845x625, 269K)

Vanilla Neoplatonism is

Attached: 1359043400161.png (208x208, 3K)



Attached: Poggio Bracciolini - Cristofano Dell'Altissimo.jpg (240x273, 12K)

>Can we all agree that Renaissance Neoplatonism was the pinnacle of philosophy?
I have no idea what you are talking about but knowing this board I'm going to venture a solid "No".

Cringe as fuck


Renaissance Neoplatonism is sophistry - motivated to confirm faith/dogma. Everything good about it is found, bastardisation absent, in Neoplatonism, which is, in every way, correct.

Attached: GalGlasses.gif (160x120, 453K)


I mean, if you are looking for a flame war with people that know what you are talking about because you feel the need to inflate your egos I apologize for getting in your way.

I'm just saying that no, we can't all agree on your premise.

Or any premise.

Go fuck yourselves, you pseud wannabe trolls.

Kill yourself

Make me.

Oh, you don't want that.

You are just saying that because you can't make me.

This question went about your head:
>Can we all agree that Renaissance Neoplatonism was the pinnacle of philosophy?
And then you said, indicating no critical thought on the matter by you:
>knowing this board I'm going to venture a solid "No"

I'm happy for someone to challenge Neoplatonism or argue that Renaissance Neoplatonism is superior. Which hasn't happened yet.
You just posted hot trash.
Hot trash poster.

Attached: goats2.gif (500x281, 1017K)

Georges Plethon was pretty based

Attached: 220px-Benozzo_Gozzoli,_Pletone,_Cappella_dei_Magi.jpg (220x310, 25K)

That poor goat is holding a message for her and she acts like t-that..?

I don't need to know your subject matter to know that people will disagree with you on it.

But I guess my point went about your head.

OP here. You're right, feel free to update the picture if you wish.

Yes you do!
Otherwise just move to the next thread.
The only thing you can do ITT is ask wtf its all about. Geez

You're just too stupid to get into Neoplatonism. You're the kind of guy that reads philosophers on the basis of how much text shows up on wikipedia.

>Yes you do!
You are like a little kid that makes macaroni pictures and despite the fact that you are technically an adult I still can't help but pat you on the head because of your innocent effort.

Lazy and stupid are different things, user.

Says the most childish twit on board.

Attached: About-Poggio Bracciolini.jpg (720x576, 206K)

If you acknowledge me as the most childish "twit" on the board, then you also have to acknowledge then that that puts me in the best position to be an authority on childishness through direct experience, and hence, I can accurately identify such traits in others, such as yourself, my child.

Marry me, based butterfly

Not how that works, kid.
Look at you. No interest in the thread topic, but you gotta squawk and squawk for attention. Get a name already.
Shitposters like you are what brings the place down.

Attached: De Rerum Natura - Bailey.jpg (500x512, 14K)

Attached: Voltairine de Cleyre - They Who Marry Do Ill.png (470x723, 167K)

Are you that guy who loves Plotinus?

Are you that guy who loves Plotinus?

>Can we all agree that Renaissance Neoplatonism was the pinnacle of philosophy?
Meme modalities aside, technically, I gave my views on the topic.

Also, I don't need a name, that is not why I come here.

You can say my shitposting is what brings this place down but maybe I'm just responding to a shit thread.

Maybe I'm just a symptomatic reaction to a deeper problem.

this post is superior to this post

Or maybe you're just a fucking pseud

Maybe I am. Maybe you are.

Who is to judge? Me? You? Butters?

Butterfly can judge me. You can't.

I just did.

No you didn't.

Read Ficino btw. It will make you less insufferable, and being less insufferable might be useful in real life.

>judge (jŭj)
>v. To form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration: judge heights; judging character.

Given my judgement of you is subject to change with each exchange, but technically, I did pass judgement on you before at that point in time.

I don't mind being insufferable to society, and certainly don't aspire to be "useful" in real life to people I find insufferable.

You're literally a tripfag without tripcode. Get off the internet for a while.

>You're literally a tripfag without tripcode.
Who isn't? Aside from blessed Butters.

>Get off the internet for a while.
Make me.

op care to give us a reading list to get into all the characters on your list? and I don't mean what are all their best works, I mean what have you read that you found useful?