What the fuck was her problem

What the fuck was her problem

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She didn’t want to hear about anyone else’s problems.

Being Jewish

she was incel with a stinky pussy

Have you ever had to wait in line for over 3 hours to get a loaf of bread for some toast?

she looks like onyx

You'd be weird too if you were hopped up on "diet pills" at that time


Growing up in the USSR and thinking that because communism was immoral and unworkable, the solution was then to do the exact opposite

jew bitch


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The fact that personal experiences exert so powerful an influence on one's thoughts and values is disturbing to me. It's a very strong feeling of unease about the agency of humans that I can't rationalize. I've come to think that people are just extremely sophisticated robots that evolution has mindlessly designed in a chaotic fashion, and that many problems of thought would be greatly simplified by this axiom.

this is the most autistic thing I've ever read on Yea Forums

this is completely tame for Yea Forums

Every single word of this post is retarded.

There is nothing wrong with her morals but everything else is such pure trash.
Her problem was riding on ideas and neglecting to write a fiction work and work on her prose.
Also she didn't get the ultimate Chad she hoped for and all the male characters in her books are female Chad fantasies pushed to a comical limit.

ugly, jewish, femcel, midwit ego maniac

Too based

Commies stole her Dad's pharmacy, so she devoted to her life to devising a philosophy which would utterly denounce such barbarism.

It is just retarded enough to completely true


It’s always easy to lazily take the opposite extreme of something you hate. Also, was a furfag.

before 2014 much of /pol/ would've liked her given the libertarian attitudes and Ron Paul support there

not getting dicked

then you need to go back to discord tranny

too much Dostoyevsky

she was a brainlet pseud
