Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, but better and done 28 years before

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, but better and done 28 years before

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Athenaeum-Novel-Northwestern-World-Classics/dp/0810130793/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=the athenaeum&qid=1552144288&s=gateway&sr=8-3

But really no

Laurence Sterne but better

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god i wish i were a young boy again

That's gonna be a big YIKES for me. Pompeia's prose is baroque as hell and has none of Joyce's innovations. It's good, but not in the same league. If you like the boarding school genre, read Menino de Engenho and then Doidinho by José Lins do Rego.

how do u guys remember books so well? do u have a notebook where u write them down? i can't remember something i read even a month ago...

>implying joyce's "innovations" were good
Not only he didn't innovate in anything, his style is jarring and unpleasant, try hard and hypocrite. He tries too hard to be sing songy and only manages to be pure cringe. Stream of conciousness is the most bizarre and least natural way of portraying conciousness, and if you feel any relation to it you're a fucking adhd cum brain retard. Pompeia's prose, that kind of prose that ended with modernism, but survived through Proust, is the original patrician way of conveying experience, with its labyrinthine sense of space, its endless digressions, its Cicerean ways of holding the verb until the end (adding different ways of saying although),its disregard for entertainment (holding information or throwing it out in the middle of the text as if the concept of entertainment was simply not a thing to their mind); it's essentially a patrician's window to the world: careful, meditative, contemplative, reserved, etc etc
What the Modernists did was not innovation, but simply pure destruction of the beautiful in favor of trash like this:
>Mas tal como rebentou não. Os bocós estranharam. Sentiram-se mal. Davam-se tão bem com as velharias. Era tudo tão cômodo e tão fácil. Nem precisava pensar mais. A coisa já saía sem esforço. O realejo era herança de senpaiília e estava à disposição de qualquer um. Bastava estender a mão e virar a manivela. Pronto. A ária mil vezes ouvida contentava todos os ouvidos. Sem cansá-los nunca. Uma beleza.
Kill yourself if you think this is any good or representative of the human's psyche.

maybe quit reading scifi sweet heart

my memory is just poor..

Jesu christo de los siete cielos I hate english for "novels" how patrician is it round her to hate on anglos? i might just fina adopt

How's this book

godly, one of the best books I've read in terms of prose quality
very laboured and crafted writing, without ever seeming dishonest or "forced"
what kind of innovations would you say Joyce had brought in Portrait? it didn't contain stream of conciousness, and most of the literary impressionistic elements had been done before, including by Raul Pompéia
I'm not particularly into the boarding school genre, but will check out your recs
Yea Forums's reccomendations from brazilians have always led me to great stuff. Some user told me to look for Murilo Rubião and I absolutely loved it

Is this in english desu (i can only read english...)

it's been translated, yes
amazon.com/Athenaeum-Novel-Northwestern-World-Classics/dp/0810130793/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=the athenaeum&qid=1552144288&s=gateway&sr=8-3

José Lins do rego FUCKS and is much better than these pre-modernist hacks. I don't remember from where that quote is from, but proves literally nothing. Stop being a Belle Époque apologist, user. You're Brazilian.


Where’s that excerpt from?

>Raul Pompéia
How's highschool user?

Based. Hating anglos is the funniest thing desu.

plebbiest post on the board

I feel you, user. I feel you very much. I’m not even sure why I read anymore

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If the book is good, I remember many things. If the book is shit, I can barely remember the title. If the book is really bad, I remember what was so bad and why.

>Uma beleza.
Uma delicia. Kek fuck monkey literature, no one gives a fuck about it and never will while Joyce will continue to be regarded as one of the absolute best.

Haha good one
*braap* oops, haha, my bad

Rapazes where do you get your portuguese language ebooks from
I have a hard time finding good versions in the usual place. Is it just Gutenberg?
thank you in advance. regards, amateur monkey man

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Una vela........

You read that in "Comunicação em Prosa Moderna", didn't you?

I picked that shit on a sebo and was skimming through it. It doesn't teach you much about grammar if you actually paid attention in high school. Though there was some interesting insights into paragraph structure that i'll probably follow. But other than that, it's basically modernist propaganda. The man can't stop his cum brain from praising "the modernist inventions" and slandering the based pre modernists (which is a ridiculous term). For fuck sake, i just want a style guide/manual that talks about Proustian syntax and pre modernist prose, Laurence Sterne style. Just fuck modernism. I also write parnasian poems. Fuck free verse.

>I also write parnasian poems.

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I'm sure you're one of those idiots LARPing as carthusian monks. God, you people are insufferable.