This guy was wayy ahead of his time...

this guy was wayy ahead of his time. If only he were born a decade or two earlier then maybe most his shit might have stood today

Attached: freud.jpg (528x360, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

in all seriousness read walter kaufmann's book about freud, jung and adler. its preddy gud

>Sigmund Freud Psychologist, founder of Psychoanalysis: “Freud held the opinion (based on personal experience and observation) that sexual activity was incompatible with the accomplishing of any great work. Since he felt that the great work of creating and establishing psychotherapy was his destiny, he told his wife that they could no longer engage in sexual relations. Indeed from about the age of forty until his death Freud was absolutely celibate “in order to sublimate the libido for creative purposes.” – according to his biographer Ernest Jones.

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Why are the jews so based?

>Galician Jewish
Freud was Spanish??

chaste and breadpilled

self-indulgent gobbledigook

man was born in the wrong time, as soon as this old fuck died, not even a decade later they developed many new techniques that just our right refuted most of his theorys. What a shame his stuff is really fucking clever

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What's the title of that book?

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this is basically one giant freud apology at the expense of the other two.

>Freud was born to Galician Jewish parents in the Moravian town of Freiberg, in the Austrian Empire.
>Kaufmann subsequently discovered that his grandparents were all Jewish.
>He was second of the seven children of a Hungarian-born, Jewish grain merchant and his wife.

explains his absurd fixation on muh dick

Attached: da59fb4390f28fbf5f61eb6083305b0f6f8c879e88e86788e9c0f04dc5dd8491.jpg (1000x749, 114K)

explain this board's fixation on muh dick

that's what makes it interesting. since freud is usually the one that gets shat on

You're actually less aroused when abstinent.

don't let faggot mods purge the truth



Cool, cool.

You are what you do. If you're regularly engaged in sexual activity, this is what will remain fixed on your subconscious. You will feel compelled to act out out of habit. The production of various fluids is increased in expectation of release.
Sex is on my mind much less after just a few days of abstinence than if I am having release even at 3 times a day. Sexual activity only satiates for at best a half hour and baseline ability to be aroused returns and is set off again by any thoughts or stimuli. Whereas after solid abstinence, baseline arousal itself is decreased and it is much easier to avoid stimuli that sets you off. The reason most do not report this is because they fail to practice it mentally. They are still conjuring sexual thoughts, exposing themselves to erotic stimuli and at that point, their abstinence becomes almost a pointless battle against their own horniness. This is most people's very limited experience with abstinence and why they associate it with horniness.