How to save myself

Currently studying Yea Forums at a midtier UK uni, having coasted through school bullshitting the humanities/arts soft subjects. I’m already two years behind, having dropped out once before due to a mental breakdown (currently getting help for a second mental breakdown).

Having just been dumped by my ex for an exceptionally high achieving man, I’m feeling incredibly inferior and no longer feel content in studying Yea Forums - the seminars feel like daycare, and the content is aggressively left wing - we are having lectures on lyricism in grime music, or decadent pedo trash like Allen Ginsberg.

The course seems to be full of homosexuals and women, to the point where I feel completely out of place and concerned I’m not doing a high energy/breadwinner subject. I’m tired of aimless, self-pitying examinations into “queer theory” and doing moronic group activities in class involving sticking post-it notes to the wall.

I want out, before I’m condemned to life as a school teacher or endless aimless TEFL-ing. I want more.

As mentioned earlier, I was an incredibly lazy teenager who used a natural aptitude for written communication and nerdy interests to get by without putting in much effort - any truly demanding STEM-type subject exposed me for what I was, although at the time it was attributed to imaginary (((learning difficulties))) like dyscalculia. I barely scraped a pass for secondary school mathematics.

How do I save myself from this mess? Is there any chance I could re-learn mathematics and jump ship to STEM? Or would Law be a better gambit? Should I stick with English for my undergraduate degree for the sake of ease and then switch for a masters conversion course?

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Sorry mate but you are the very problema you complain about.
You shouldn't be in uni, specially in lit studies.
Go learn a trade or something.

>I’m not good at STEM therefore I’m dumb
You realise that maybe you’re just not good at humanities either? Maybe you are actually genuinely stupid? I study literature at a global top 20 university and have never encountered these doubts, because I know what I want to achieve with my degree and know how to get there. Your emphasis on ‘success’ and ‘high energy’ says to me that you don’t just have doubts about your course, but doubts about your entire life. You could switch to any degree and you’d still be discontent because you’re a fucking loser who is still stuck in that ‘smart-but-lazy’ mindset. Newsflash: most people grow out of that at 16, if you’re still thinking that way then perhaps you’re just dumb AND lazy.

What career path are you looking into?

> /fit/

Not likely, I consistently get 85s on my papers.

Hello there midtier britanon. Which midtier UK uni is it, precisely? I have just had a half-term's worth of studying the decadent noncery of Allen Ginsberg too. More recently it's been stuff about 'black bodies' and 'ontological whiteness'. It's really beginning to irritate me. Would be nice to know that there's another dude out there getting tired of the same shit (my course is easily 85% women).

Advertising, also did a summer internship at Goldman
no you dont

Sounds awfully autistic to study something you enjoy and not appreciate it, maybe you can switch to something else, find your way OP don’t be so resentful.

Studying literature isn't studying literature anymore. OP is right to be upset that ideologues have destroyed a once proud tradition.



Just do things that are fulfilling to you and fuck all this 'I gotta make it' bullshit, you fat fucking American pig.

>Just do things that are fulfilling to you and fuck all this 'I gotta make it' bullshit, you fat fucking American pig.
OP is British where the majority of the country live paycheck to paycheck as rentslaves earning less than 20,000GBP a year. How do you expect to have the mental and physical energy to do fulfilling things if you are working 12 hour shifts 5 days a week to survive?

You do realise it is very easy to transfer to a better university halfway through a degree course. Nobody tells you this but if you have a high 2.1 or 1st from a decent uni you can easily move to a top 10 uni where your lit degree which actually have some value.

My friend moved from Anglia Ruskin to Kent happily and a girl i know jumped from UEA to Cambridge.

Just transfer to lit at UEA.

I study humanities at a top 1 university and I encounter these doubts all the time. If I'm stupid, then everyone else around me is even more stupid for letting me get this far.

I’m currently at Kent, lad. Reckon I could get to Cambridge if I got a first this year?

>I go smart boy school and feel good bout meself, you jus dumbo
Fuck off man, feeling discontented doesn't resign someone to a life of cashiering and smoking pot. Maybe you'll get your big boy degree and become a fameless author who kills himself because no one sees how smart he is, and maybe OP will fundamentally change academic lit.
No one can predict someones future from their academic success, certainly not you.

>have never encountered doubts
that's because you're an imaginationless brainlet
>Advertising, also did a summer internship at goldman

allen ginsburg is actually good. you are not and probably will never be a breadwinner. your classmates are smarter than you think they are. they are also more studious and rigorous thinkers. as it stands, you lack the ambition and the discipline to do something meaningful with your life. your ex realized all this about you long before she left.
>how do i save myself?
an hero

>I’m not good at STEM therefore I’m dumb
Should have stopped there Will Hunting.

SEETHING retards

>has to read a book by a woman
>yes the proud tradition of my forefathers is being erased in front of me this is #WHITEGENOCIDE amiright fellow kekistanis?

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Men cannot save themselves. Only chr

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If you can't learn math you're stupid, 100%.

There are smart people in the humanities but the advantage of the area is that you can't be proven wrong, everything is half-right, you can coast and be an idiot without getting called out.

>you can’t be proven wrong in humanities
this is how we know you’re a dumb sperg