Straight Is the Way

Anyone else here read “Straight Is the Way” by Joel and Jane French?

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(Back cover.)

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>Christian boy finds out he’s bisexual. Tries drugs.
Talk about boomer shit

It’s actually quite harrowing in some parts. Assuming whatever issues you have with Christianity aren’t enough to prevent you from reading it.

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No doubt a fabrication along the lines of this old camp classic

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"Straight Is the Way" is taken directly from fact. Only the names are changed. Many details of its portrait of homosexual practices were confirmed after publication, thereby implying that the rest of the text is accurate as well.

I have seen "Boys Beware," but I wouldn't call it camp.

How come american christianity is so artless? Completely devoid of the aesthetic beauty that renaissance europeans made creations from.

What parts of the book did you regard as artless?

>thereby implying that the rest of the text is accurate as well.
Hang on there bucko

Completely fictive, I agree.

The whole thing

If you've actually read the book, can you tell me anything about the character of Reverend Neeli?

P.S.- No googling.

I haven't read it, the very concept of it is disgustingly mundane and something you'd only see some hillbilly americans give a shit about. Using god as some kinda crutch to get over a vice with being explored from this angle is so fucking weak, I'm not christian but looking at this kinda tacky excuse for divine worship and art is honestly sickening. The excerpt was quite enough

>dat euphoria

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Just out of curiosity, are you homosexual yourself, or are you just in favor of homosexual identity politics?

>"Straight Is the Way" is taken directly from fact. Only the names are changed. Many details of its portrait of homosexual practices were confirmed after publication, thereby implying that the rest of the text is accurate as well.
I lol'd.

preachy christians are worse, they're usually even less interesting.

>not hating gay people means you are in favor identity politics
the only one making the identity an issue is you, faggot.


In my heart of hearts,
i know that i could never love again.
i've lost everything... everything...


Jane is clearly a beard and the real brains of the operation.

Jesus Christ that propaganda is thick.

There is nothing wrong with being gay.

>not knowing eva

protestants have no artistic traditions because they thought art, splendour and beauty to be degenerate
modern christianity is also much less popular among the elites than in the renaissance, so most of it centers around low brow art for the masses

>they thought art, splendour and beauty to be degenerate
pretty based and redpilled actually

Corpse worshipers, everybody

Get behind me, Satan

k. Well, I apologize if you found this material triggering; didn't realize I was on reddit.

always funny when obvious r/TheDonald immigrants call everyone else reddit

Most homosexuals are in it for the identity politics. They were either brainwashed by their college proffessors or are 'virtue signalling' in order to seduce impressionable 'progressive' women

You're a retard lol.
Gay men aren't faking it. It's some weird thing that develops in male children who are too close to their mother. It's not a conspiracy to steal your girlfriend, it's just a mental condition that is not a disease or anything else. get over it, you have problems too (clearly).

its some boring unoriginal book that nobody of any religion or political belief could ever be interested in, what's the appeal here other than making another shit thread?.

You've read it?

>reeee hillary lost

Donald Trump has done tons of pro-gay shit.

doesn't keep election immigrant nu-/pollacks/ from being the self-defeating caricatures of a right winger that they are

>I le triggered le snowflake. Edit. Thanks for the gold, praise le kek! XD