University thread

University thread

Is there even any point in attending an university if you want to pursue Yea Forums interests?

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BLACKED schools, report in

Do you actually go to Stanford? I’m a junior right now with literary aspirations, and I have hated my time here so far. I have had a few good classes, but the philosophy classes that I have taken have been incredibly dry and overly analytical. Nadeem Hussain was also a fedora tipping atheist which got irritating. The english classes have been terrible. If you actually go there, so you have any class recommendations, and how has your experience been so far as a literary minded fella?

No, I just chose a random logo.

oh fuck you then

rough stuff tough stuff Texas A&M
I'm not an English major though, that's for people who go to Texas. Interestingly Gene Wolfe went here but the school is going to give George RR. Martin an honorary doctorate when he finishes his books.

does anyone at uchicago want to start a reading group in continental philosophy or something related

I was thinking maybe a reading group for Spengler's Decline of the West

am i the only non-chink/pajeet at uoft?


yes, actually. If you want to float above water in America and have the leisure time to pursue lit interests on your own terms, you have to attend university

Trades/military allow no freetime, let alone the energy and time to purse to learning Latin or writing a short story

No degree = welcome to your humiliating and exhausting new career at your nearest suburban shopping center/shipping warehouse/manual labor job

Now as to what to study at university: UNLESS you attend a giga-elite top 5 Jewish cartel approved university like your pic, DO NOT STUDY HUMANITIES. Humanities and/or art degrees are NOT paths to a career in the humanities or art for 99% of people and do NOT provide an education in your preferred subject. The humanities are a government-backed scam to siphon the wealth of the middle class and transform the population into subservient debt slaves. YOU WILL NOT END UP WORKING IN YOUR DESIRED CAREER IF YOU CHOOSE HUMANITIES. Again, 1%er schools are not relevant here, because you could study queer theology at Harvard and still will fall ass backwards into a six-figure salary

If you want
- healthcare (i.e. to stay alive)
- free time to pursue your true interests
- financial independence
- your own home
- a car
then you have to study STEM. Sorry.

This is going to sound totally materialistic and unpalatable to most people interested in art, but it's the reality of the world in which we find it. The 90s are over; there is no Gen X fantasy version of Austin in which you can get by through flipping hamburgers and living frugal. You are living in a nightmarish third-world hellscape wherein you have no choice but to become an "entrepreneur of your self" if you don't want to be consumed by sullen mystery meat and hyper-competitive slave labor imported fresh from darkest central America

Tech, bugworld, the hive, is the only way out. The less human and more eusocial and mediocre the better.

To escape modernity, you must embrace it.

Stanny here, recent grad. I did SLE as a freshman and followed with a Classics major. Classics courses were mainly good except for M. Shanks' "12 Things" and "Design of Cities" because he wants to be a stickynote Dschool teacher now, not a classicist. Ceserani's "Ancient Historiography" made me commit to humanities and drop my CS double major.

Any class you can take wirh Josh Landy (French lit) is dope, especially especially Phil and Lit. If Nemerov is still teaching his intro to Art History, it's fucking dope.

I mainly skipped CW classes because I hated reading other people's short "fictions," and instead made a community within the co-ops. I don't wanna be too specific because I'm veering out of user now, but I'm sure EBF Synergy XOX and Columbae are still as packed with writers and musicians as ever. You're already a junior so you should have established a friend group by now, that will be your main source of lit discussion.

I loved my time at Stanford after I found co-op communities. I would have transferred after frosh year if I hadn't preassigned

I go to a top 3 school, and no, you can’t major in whatever you want here either. English and Phil might be fine if you get internships and job experience while in school, but there are plenty of people who are getting useless degrees and being unable to find a job

>Virginal Tech
>Animal science, entomology
Might pick up a creative writing minor, since I've been taking classes on the side and and am enjoying them.

How many people there hate whites?

(Not asking to troll, I'm genuinely interested. I'm Eastern European and America is like a big theater to me.)

troll detected

Only the extremists are open about it and the STEM students mostly only care about your GPA/major, but I would estimate about 40-50% hold hostile views of whites

I actually took Phil 81. Thought it was decent, and I did like Landy, but the people in the class were insufferable. Planning to take a class with nemerov definitely.

I’ve heard a lot of bad things about co-ops, to be honest. Like, for example, that they’re filled with pot-smoking radical leftists, and it becomes like a sort of hippie frat. What was your experience like?

Also, as a Classics major, what sort of stuff did you end up getting after you graduated? I’m a bit worried about job prospects after college, but was hoping that the Stanford name and connections could help me get something. How has it worked out for you?

Sounds like a circus.

Maybe not fresh out of school but they will eventually spin themselves into some sort of teaching or management position

Of course it's a circus, this country was founded by carnies

I am white and never felt hated or judged in my time there.

Fair about peers. The worst part of section based classes were students who didn't do the work or wanted to feel smart by bullshitting.

As to co-ops, obviously I'm biased because I met all my best friends in them. I'm not and wasn't a stoner, and the "Hippie frat" stereotype only makes sense in that co-ops can be insular and are tight knit communities. Like yeah Synergy is radically leftist and cbae the epitome of burgeoise college socialism, but those spaces attract artists really unlike other communities and more people there were interested in talking about lit seriously than elsewhere. Like the Freeks, the experimental theater group, yeah they can be easy to make fun of for overly avant-garde college shit, but they are certainly more invested with theater as form and practice than like the fucking Stanford Shakes or rams head, you know? Coops were the same.

As to careers: two of my cohort got European study scholarships and afaik are still abroad getting PhDs. Two went into tech (both Google originally, idk now). One wanted to teach high school, one I have no idea and I'm still trying to make it as a writer and am comfortably employed in the Bay Area in a non-writing position. The "Stanford name" won't get you a job, but it's a he'll of an introductory statement and a huge headstart in whatever direction you wanna go.

I remember a thread on /g/ when I was a freshman trying to decide and someone said "you're smart enough to get into Stanford, you can get a job outside of tech if you want." Weird shit sticks with you sometimes

Anyone here in FL? I'm looking for Universities to enroll in and I get different responses from everybody I want to go out of state but i'm not sure what direction to go in. Bennington College is the only college that I might try to enroll in out of state but even then i'm not sure how liberal arts schools work

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>Trades/military allow no freetime, let alone the energy and time to purse to learning Latin or writing a short story

Homer, Socrates, Plato, Dante, Cervantes etc. were all in trades/military. Dante sold ink and worked as a politician.

Fuck you. You only say that cause you couldn't get into UT

Humanities is still cool in pipeline colleges, Art History, NYU, Georgetown, UCLA, uofChicago sorta.
Archaeology, Arizona, any university at an Ivy with the Arch/ArtH mix.

Just don't waste money doing English because you are now expected to do something crazy or insane and then write about it or you can just try writing fiction as an accountant.

UChicago has changed a lot in the last 10 but especially the last 5 years, and is set to change more in the future. The "great books" aspect is seriously in danger and many elements in the college want to turn it into a more competitive professionalization program.

My years at bryn mawr where possibly the comfiest in my adult life. You'll learn a lot if you apply yourself. But it's probably not necessary or efficient if you're not aiming to write scholarly lit

Sophomore phil major at UCSD

I was fucked over by life and honestly I'm really just hoping my extreme (actually pathological) interest in philosophy and the subjects it siphons into will get me somewhere. I'm actually gonna write a paper on Baudrillard for the school philosophy journal so hopefully that will get me somewhere.

Same here im coming out of local college for undergrad and looking for a Graduate school but i'm not totally sure where I want to go

I hope you get some bites. I finally got mine to read the first chapter of Anderson. We'll get to Spengler next year..

lol all I know about their department is that DFW used to teach there. I just assume that it's a good place to study English you prick.

Some shitty uni in Australia ranked like 800 worldwide. Feel free to laugh at me if you know what one.
I'll be transferring to a much better one soon but this semester is gonna be long.

to any anons reading pls go to university and take a history class or two so you don't end up like this retard

There are higher rated unis in Australia?

>If you want
>- healthcare (i.e. to stay alive)
>- free time to pursue your true interests
>- financial independence
>- your own home
>- a car
>then you have to study STEM. Sorry.

Your business and (sigh) accounting departments beg to differ. Not that they are much more interesting than STEM though.

You can always do public policy and work in the public sector (civil service pays a fair amount and has benefitis and gives you a lot of time off for your more creative pursuits. It will never pay *great* though).

Attending brainlet version of Stanford, profs in the English department are pretty good but students can't be assed to even read the required books. how are you gonna be an English major and not do the bare minimum is beyond me lmao, might as well do accounting at that point

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Not op. Which of these would be best?

Yea I'd be down. I'm especially interested in the philosophy of history.

My gf is a literature and poli sci double major. What careers are there for her?

Prostitution's always available, I guess.

What would one need to do to become a librarian?

Basically all of them, 300k starting

I dunno. A librarian major? They're offered in my country, dunno about America.

First you must read every book

Cali here, but same
Similar boat, but a year behind you

we have a Marxist reading group already set up, Platypus Affiliated Society

look here, this is the only thing thats worth in Florida. I have you seen in other threads and the only problem with FSU is that alot of people get trapped in some loop of immature college life and sometimes its really inevitable, for you I'd say either go to your hearts contempt and sign up for some liberal arts college (bennington is good) or enroll in some uni with good professors plenty have been mentioned here. If you don't plan to go to far FSU is your only good bet

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Football State University. Bunch of damn nigger lovers.

Plz respond

I study lit at a christian school in nashville. it's a lot of fun and my professors are role models. i'm not planning on doing lit after i graduate, i just need an undergrad degree for a requirement. also just today i was invited to read an essay at another university that's 4.5 hours away. should be a lot of fun.
I also think that people who propagate this "studying literature is completely useless" are ignorant. yeah you could study business or stem and get a job that way. but there are so many graduate programs to choose from and a humanitarian degree will get you there. so if it's something you enjoy then study it because you'll probably come out with the best possible gpa out of any other choice. i.e. if you're good at it/sincerely enjoy it then do it.
if you're going to college for the quickest way to a job then also don't do literature. I believe a b.a. is designed to actually educate rather than prepare for a job. listen to the dfw speech "this is water" (I think it was).
Also whenever you pick up a degree, if you're anxious about job prospects after graduation then pick a minor that caters to this anxiety. there's no harm in getting a lit degree and a business minor, vice versa. you could also do legal studies, math, biology, virtually anything. it's just tough because when picking a minor within a different college of study you have to choose early. but say you picked a business degree, then you can easily get a mba straight afterwards.
Why do people stress so much about this? I understand the money involved, but living under debt for 10-15 years is not a death sentence. whether or not you pick a 6 figure career, you're still going to be working 7-9 hour days. what will you do with all that extra money, buy a moderately luxurious sedan? a humanitarian degree is designed to open sensitivity to art so that you find it interesting, like a life long interest.
My father did the stem route and has no hobbies. he works and then binges netflix whenever he gets home. it's depressing to some extent, but that might have to do with other factors like age and so on. my brother is essentially on the same path too. Money is not as fulfilling as your imagination makes it out to be.
You literally spent billions of years waiting for this existence and afterwards you'll be waiting for eternity again. Focus on what you have in front of you and not how you picture your career in 10-15-30-50 years from now. Work on day to day successes. Learn to be happy with a moderate salary that isn't 6 figures.

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>i just need an undergrad degree for a requirement.

You goddamn weeaboo. Yes, I can tell you want to do JET and become an English pronounciation monkey in Japan.

I think these graphs are pretty interesting. This would suggests that money can buy happiness, but there's a bottoming of factor. There's a diminishing factor as you obtain more and more. I think 50-70k is like the golden area.
looking at law, but also want to join the navy. hopefully be assigned to a carrier and live on the ocean for 2-4 years. we've got so much life ahead of us with so many possiblities

Hey bud my future uni is top 50 worldwide. Not mind-blowing but not bad.
Australia world super power 2020

What is it? Bushes and Kangaroos National College?

Did they control for age and job? Or is this instead 'oh, I've worked my way from a junior level to middle/upper management and while I'm now making $150k, I'm also tied to my cell phone because 100 people work under me, I'm responsible for their work and well being, and my job now consists almost entirely of meetings to deal with personnel issues and respond to the ever-changing demands of my executives, which leaves little time for actually getting work done even though the people who work for me will often produce a subpar product without my help, and therefore I'm working longer and longer hours and don't have anywhere close to as much time to spend with my family and my hobbies as I used to when I didn't have as much responsibility at work' ?

Pls didgeridon't bully me

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MFA in Fiction @ San Diego State University here. Took a class on David Foster Wallace. We read IJ and a few other things. I've enjoyed it for the most part but lots of pretention and white guilt. You can also tell that Israel helps fund the Arts and Letters department here because they hate and vilify anyone who is pro-Palestine.

SDSU West initiative was scam by local developers to steal land from the City. :/

I'm not entirely sure what components go into the numbers. could be skewed for a narrative of whatever. this pic reflects the theory of what i'm getting at though. the dimensioning return levels off very quickly once you make it out of lower class. as if you're making ends meet while having a rainy day fund, so where else does the money go to? is it entirely worth the stress and sacrifice for the overflow of money? what is there to do with this cash other than hold on to it or to buy things that are not necessary.
if you want to know you could search the pic and find the article ezpz. but then again, i'm not sure (and i think this is what you're getting at) how to accurately access happiness. there's essentially two ways to achieve this while working around a career. one is to actually enjoy your job. and second is to make enough and still have time to pursue your interests on the side. From my experience the stress from the pursuit and continuation of holding these 100-160k+ jobs is consuming on the self. it seems like the drive for the acquisition of money is never ending once you have what you need. from there you're just chasing shadows.

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>MFA in Fiction

Does this has any employment prospects?

I see a lot of the white guilt in my programs too. But it's not necessarily directed at anyone so I see no reason for people to take offense. it's generally targeted at people who are actively propagating those negative beliefs, or who did so in the past.
How did this pro-palestine belief come about? Was it from a particular experience?

Fuck me, I left the mistake in. Whatever.

Kek, Melbourne or Monash? Don't worry, they're both completely trash and you'll have to learn everything on your own the good way.

Yes. In that most adjunct English professors at Community College have at least an MA. I'm not in it for money. I honestly enjoy writing and creating. If I need to teach a few places to keep a roof over my head, that's all well and good.

They posted the names of faculty and staff who were pro-Palestine on posters all over campus last year. Then of course there was an Israeli writer summit here as well and nobody batted an eye.

>tfw nobody to talk about books with except my opioid-addicted ex that moved to Europe
At least I'll get a nice cushy stem jo- oh wait, no, I majored in physics

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I'm going to post in these threads until I find the one other guy that I know goes on here.

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I'll take my chances. If I spend the rest of my life designing the sewers for suburbia or coding an app for IOS I'll probably kill myself anyway. Makes no difference.

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Who else here had their college choice ruin their lives?

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Belmont or Lipscombe??

UF here. I wanted to go out of state, too. Ended up not going because of expenses. Say what you will about Florida, but bright futures is pretty great

UQ acktualy

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my uni is #1 in my field

What field, my boy?

Nietzsche Studies

Australian Nietzschean Science

Who in the fuck actually goes to GCSU
I'm and was just joking with my friend like two weeks ago that it seems made up, I've lived in Georgia all my life and have literally never once met somebody who went to GCSU. It's also in Milledgeville, and who the fuck can ever truly say they've ever set foot in fucking Milledgeville? It's one of those suburbs that you vaguely know is in orbit around Atlanta somewhere, but god knows where.

You're a freshman, why can't you change your major?

edi lads who up

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B n R

Manual labour can be incredibly fulfilling, ennobling and profitable.

So can sucking dolphin dick but you don’t see everyone clamoring to do that either

Speak for yourself.

name ONE (1) person who has been ennobled by sucking dolphin dick.
Hardmode: you can't name yourself or your family

Your mom.

t. dolphin

This was a funny morning

Hahaha, lol America. Is URM really a thing? Under-represented minority? It's fucking hilarious that being poor or
nonwhite counts as plus point for good unis.

Out of all the schools in the world, Stanford has probably had the worst impact on our culture. If there were any justice, its alumni would be taxed into.poverty.


Was just accepted to Columbia on a likely letter.
Is the core curriculum Yea Forums or not?
Would there be actual literary discussion or would it just be SJW talking points?

Just remember that being white is a sin. Except God's not real.

It did more to kill the appreciation of the arts in at least two generations of young men with the way it pushed the STEM meme.

It also should go without saying that all prestigious universities serve a social purpose that is fundamentally evil, and lead an evil system.

do you speak mexican Spanish and ebonics?

Are you kidding? Standford babbies need to have their grades curved. The thought of anyone receiving less than a B is profane.

Literally a meme school.

Is it really this bad?

Are there any Columbia anons here?

Spivak is a professor there, so I can only imagine it's far worse than it sounds.

I'm not actually American and I don't know what or where columbia is

Yes, What sort of stupid question is that?

I guess if you know the professors on a course by course basis, you can draft a curriculum that avoids bullshit, but if you go blind you'll end up as studying

It’s the Ivy League school in NYC. It produces large quantities of Wall Street douchebags and crazed leftists. It’s a cesspit where incredibly rich psychos are spawned.

Georgetown has an interesting mix (among students and professors) of a few traditionally-minded academic types and a lot of moderns. In the theology department, for example, you have a handful of real theologians and a number of modern "religious studies" types who recently pushed for the department to change its name. These modern humanities professors aren't bad (I've never encountered the kind of meme "anti-white" or even anti-western sentiment that gets memed on here), but they do politicize theology, history, and literature.

Mt Victorian literature professor, for instance, asked "what is the point of studying literature if not to raise political consciousness?" She still taught me a lot about the actual form and content of the literature, but you had to wade through this kind of nonsense the whole time. Still, if you have the chance to take courses with older professors, particularly the fathers, it's usually a good time.

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Being an accountant is soul sucking.

Probably doing my Masters there next year senpai.

Or is ‘soul sucking’ being an accountant?

If you're at Stanford you'll end up either doing consulting or going into media post-degree. Also, everyone here who says to study what you love, I don't disagree with, but if you're a creatively minded person, having professors in a subject matter that's your passiom, is very annoying

Also I just learned the other day that moot went there for a while

>hoping my pathological interest in philosophy and politics will get me somewhere.
Only other passion I have is music composition, but that's such a shitty prospect as a career that I'm leaving that as a hobby. I am falling for the "just do what you love" meme after losing interest in CS, Finance, Psych, Chem and hoping it gets me somewhere beyond barista.

Got offered a place to study Classics at Cambridge. Should I go or stay at my shitty french uni (which has the advantage of being completely free)?


I just got some code monkey certs and didnt even fully attend school and got a decent job and do dick all day. Unless you get a full ride uni just seems like its for chumps.

If you could go to any school in the US (saying that only since I live in America), where would you go? The ivies seem to just push people into academia or finance, UChicago and Columbia are losing their emphasis on a well rounded education, MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford and Berkeley are too focused on STEM, and Notre Dame and Georgetown have sold away their Catholic identity. Seems like a bad time for anyone who wants college to be a formative experience both for their character and their intellect.

Gig em

Harvard. Also if you think Stanford and MIT aren't good outside of STEM, you are fucking delusional.

who here /nescac/

You don't go to university


I guess if you have to go to school on the West Coast

Ohio State University STEMlord here.

Have I been memed?

Nice, only a 2nd year myself, see you around user


ChemE major here, this is so true you can def do niche trades like guitar making or even get into agriculture. Go where you interest are but make sure what you learn is applicable.

stay-- no greater understanding of literature will be procured

West Point checking in. I won't see much lit for a while after I graduate.

Check out Tom Wolfe “the right stuff”


NU freshman here
I took a few lit classes and they were fine. I can only get myself to do anything if I have actual work to do.

I went to UF. If you go in state double major in any humanity along with economics, or do comp sci/philosophy or mathematics/philosophy. I did history and I wish I picked up Econ with it. Also, join a frat. I was in a nerdier one and met a lot of good dudes.

The test pilots before. Those pilots are some interesting military profiles

FSU is better than UF for the arts and humanities. UF made its name in STEM and STEM alone, and I’m saying this as a UF grad.

>glorifying an undergrad institution
Yikes, cringed and bluepilled.
Undergrad isn't an accomplishment in 2019.

Anyone go to Western? London Ontario?

any w&m students/alumni?

UCSD Alum here. Get a good GPA and good test scores and you'll get into a good grad program. It's not hard, especially at UCSD which is full of morons.

Are you a genius?

>Is there even any point in attending an university if you want to pursue Yea Forums interests?
Yes, obviously. Why the hell wouldn't there be?

Praise lord Faulkner

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Also don’t try to write from a conservative view like I did. I would typically average a B on my papers doing so, but my peers who wrote what the professors wanted to hear typically received A’s. Food for thought.

He flunked out of Ole Miss and never earned a degree


Hardly a scientific test tbph. They might just be better at writing essays

Anybody here from UNC Chapel Hill? Too many plebs here tbqhwya

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Nah, I read a few. We were on par but my arguments didn’t fall in line with what was fully accepted since I never fully blamed colonialism and said fault lied on both sides for a lot of my papers. One professor did accept that method, and he gave me A’s both semesters I took him. Whatever, it’s in the past.

I'm the very quiet type unless you begin to know me then i'm very unpredictable,have an attitude and I guess im nice. I rather not join a frat because I fall victim easily into terrible indulgences, its part of my nature man :/. Plus the last guy said i'd get aids or some shit.

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t. Grad student at Western Mountain Midwestern U

English department here sucks l m a o

I go to Princeton, anyone here?

Anyway, it's been a decent time. Don't really know what I'm gonna do when I graduate, so things will get worse.

student here

>British, but live in America and want to study PPE
>Haven't sent UCAS application yet
Should I even bother applying at this point? They say that international students deadline is may 1st, but I don't know if I'll even be considered

Sophomore standing by.

What did Yea Forums score on the SAT/ACT?

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nobody cares after your first semester of college

Post again when you get accepted.

>To escape modernity, you must embrace it.
Sounds like you've been reading Evola.

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Ayy same wanna suck eachother's dicks?

You guys can be gay, butterfly is going to suck my dick though ! :3 even tho she is normally gay she seems like she might be interested in sucking my dick

I’m the guy who is turning her straight

i would probably get a perfect score on the reading and writing if I was inclined to take it

Where would you get the money to go? If you're talking about undergrad, I'd say go. If you're talking postgrad, I'd say go if you're absolutely sure you want to do postgrad study.

Please tell me you dont go to nu

Undergrad. Would probably take out a loan

The loan system for Cambridge students (or any UK students desu) is really good.
You should definitely go, especially if you are thinking about working in Academia.

Im graduated now and live far away but I love my midwestern alma mater in the comfy bubble of Manhattan Kansas

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They will only begin reviewing apps. after the deadline. Term doesn’t start until September, why wouldn’t you be considered?

2350/36, 800 world history, 800 physics, 800 math 2

I can't decide between philosophy or classics study degree
I don't care about the job opportunities they can grant me, I want an easy degree and also to learn something useful along the way, like a dead language
Any of these 2 are suitable for me? Any recommendations?

Anyone else from germany here?
Sinology (China studies) at the WWU Münster here.

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this EoE reading is some next tier pseudbabble, holy damn, why would you do that when you know that the anime's creator wasn't even into Hegel

Are any of you dweebs heading off to St. John's College, Annapolis?

I'm excited to go. I'll be doing the admitted students event

Black but in cs

Columbia user here. If you got a letter saying they’re probably going to admit you, that’s cool because that means you’ve been accepted into the CUSP program as well.

So the Core is great in theory but bad in practice, imo. And no, it has nothing to do with political shit. If you’re not a total retard and have a little tact, people will be tolerant of you if you have more conservative tastes. The real problem with the Core (and here I mean LitHum and CC primarily) is that you’re asked to scarf down these rich works, and then all you’re asked to do with them is chat about them for two hours with a bunch of other 19 year olds, the majority of whom are not nearly as invested as you are (assuming you’re someone like me, who’s already inclined to procure for themselves a liberal education). It would be much better if there were either A) a lecture component, or B) a slightly slower pace to the readings. Personally, I now wish I had gone to a place with a more open curriculum, but I can’t say whether you should come here without knowing what other places you applied to and what you intend to major in. I can drop a Discord or something if you want to talk more about it.

If you'll consider in-state, New College is very Yea Forums

Yeah my step-sister went there and she liked it. Lots of drugs as well.

I will be living in Indiana and going to Booth within the next year. I would be down.

Wow I didn't think people actually went to GCSU either. Do you know Miller?
1500 new 2220 old
Just study both. It's what I'm doing.
user, I've noticed a similar problem in my own discussion-based courses. For example, we've been reading Locke and Rousseau for a 200-level phil course, and I cannot invest myself at all because the other people are such RETARDS. I'm no genius either, but for god's sake I can engage with a text on a basic level. Noticing the same thing in the Latin class I'm taking; how can someone be on at a minimum his 5th semester with the language and make the kinds of basic errors I've seen.
I think I'm unironically contemptuous of some of the people in that class.

Go to Rollins College. You will be surrounded with unbelievable amounts of money. Most of the guys that go there are pussies, women are very attractive, amazingly beautiful campus, and located in winter park florida right next to park ave. Best spot in florida in my opinion.

So I hear. My cousin goes there and he likes it a lot, but he's a math major so YMMV.

Transfer to Emory or Tech asap (no UGA dont get me starte on why) or your better of going anywhere out of state. literally GA State has better prospects.

hi sweetie me too

Yeah Georgia has some pretty piss poor schools. Other than Emory and Tech if you're a STEMfag anyway.

I got a double BA in humanities, zero job prospects other than teaching or dramatically bullshitting my way into entry level marketing jobs (which is soul crushing an requires way mor energy than i have in a day). Ive finally decided there’s actually no job that im interested, i just want to read an write, but still have to survive and busting ass at shitty service jobs aint gonna cut it too much longer. Should I just go back for a BA in comp. sci. and defer/take more students loans?

No no no no no no no no New College is full of literal retards. Go to UF or keep it up at FSU ont be a retard user

Self study and get certifications rather than waste your money on a degree.
Can you expand? I've heard the opposite.

It’s how it goes, man. It may be a bit late for you, but my experience with languages (at least classical languages) is you just wanna get the elementary shit out of the way through self study. As for people taking up time with dumb shit in English/philosophy discussion sections, well, there’s no help for it. The key (as you probably know) is just to establish a report with the professors by showing them how much better you are than the average.

I have friends and have met former professors from there. Most are your runt of the mill lazy Liberal Arts students who do none of the reading, smoke all of the weed, and make sure to send an ironic “lol” after every monthly text to mommy and daddy asking whether or not the tuition check was deposited. very underwhelming weiros there. At least at a big state school you will avoid these cliques and be foced to cultivate your own ideas and interests.

Yeah I sort of expect it with intro level classes, but when you're at the 300 level I'd think you'd be better at it. This is my first semester of college though so maybe I just haven't had my expectations properly lowered yet.

Ah ok, that’s good that you’re entering at the 300 level though. And yes, it’s also true that even at that and the 400 level, there will be people in there who just don’t have a strong grasp on the language. But there should also be some people who are really with it, right? Where do you go?

>rung of the mill
Gonna start saying that actually

You can regurgitate STEM and universities ranking, disciplines that pay shekels all day but not only most of them have no job prospects but there will come a time that unless you are literal genius with connections it wont help you at all. This system will devour the opportunities and leave you at best case scenario doing something less draining with a bit more coins but not much to enjoy your life anyway. Unless you are lucky or a superman, godlike expert in a field that is in demand right now. All this and the question still remaind, why bother? Do you want to do all the things you dont want to do just so you can potentially do things you want in your non existent free time as a slave or as a successful slave making it?

At this point in time there is nothing that can make anyone genuinely happy in this society. Just having an ok job with a bit more money still means it is slavery to someone richer. It doesnt matter because all the other people are still under and unless you live in a bubble your friends, if you have any, will suffer constantly. This system is devoid of all meaning and it is eroding anything that makes life worth living so I dont understand why someone is still afraid and wants to direct his every fiber of being into psychopathic system just to have more bananas.

At this point that no matter what, it is of no worth and you may even argue some homeless guy has better and freerer life for whatever time he can endure the streets. He is at least someone who can spend a bit of time on things that this society seems meaningless like pondering the questions which plague human life since its dawn. Might as well go all in and imitate socrates at this point, people need it more than ever to be questioned about things, not letting them "state my opinion, take it or leave it" stance.

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Yeah I did it in high school and took the AP exam for it, so I was able to enter with credit. Did you study classics in school? Or on your own?

I go to the College of Charleston, it's pretty comfy tbqh, my other complaints aside. The classics department is housed in pic related, it's not so bad though (as I imagine the case is at many schools) it is small compared to the overall size of the institution. For reference, there are 12 of us in the Latin class, and the professor felt that was noteworthily large, this at a school with 10k students. I think the STEM and business programs are the cows, again probably typical for college.

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Thanks for the reply

I applied to CS, but I applied to Columbia for a liberal education too. I'm also an international so I have kinda have to take a STEM major to be employed after graduation. It would be great if you could drop your discord.

Another Columbia user here. Core is great because you have an excuse to read all these great works, but people in your classrooms won't be invested at all and just will sparknotes and parrot back some redundant critical theory brainlet points because they never actually did the reading. Also, Philo (our Literary society) is cringy as hell. There are good underground groups though.

What year are you user?

based post

Never heard of it?I mean it looks very cool but this guy is scaring me lol I enjoy every type of person but when i get to Uni I want to be serious and a few crazy cat character woudent be bad but I'm not sure now?
I'll check into it, it sucks that everyones split between florida colleges, New College looks cool,FSU is ok. I just want a college with a good ass humanities department regardless of the people

I’m doing the classical languages as part of my major, which is comparative literature. But I covered Latin and Greek through the intermediate level in high school, on my own and at a local college. And yeah that does look comfy.

absolute unit#2597 is the Discord

I’m still a freshman. And yeah there are lots of great things in the Core that I had never gotten around to reading before, but I’m also a language autist so I consider reading the translation of Ovid, for instance, to just be foreplay to reading him “for real.” And in that sense it’s inherently a bit unsatisfying for me. Core sections also vary a lot though. This semester I’ve got a few other literary people in my section, but last semester was just abysmal. And yeah lol Philo is pretty bad, it’s too bad because if they actually knew how to be funny it could be good. A couple of guys in it are genuinely funny but it’s mostly aspies who want to enact their Reddit humor irl.

respectable. not from FL but from looking here and at reviews: if you want the best humanities enroll in a liberal arts college, pretty much all of them let you pick what you want to study, you have full control and its ultimately you who decides what you learn,whether it be bennington or New College. FSU,FIU are well respected and have been around for a while and are most likely safe bets. Everything else in FL is pretty much ass UF is ok but its not a tech school

>I’m still a freshman.
Some other Columbia anons and I are going to a NYC Yea Forums meetup. You should come too user. I'll add you on discord. Let me know if you don't get the request.

Idk maybe do a campus visit? My cousin really likes it but he is admittedly weird. It is definitely a nontraditional college but it's down to you to decide whether you want that experience.
School's been around since 1770 and Charleston is a historical city in general. I like it a lot. Campus is a bit weird though because it's 65/35 women/men. I'm pretty conservative so it leads to a bit of a suffocating campus climate but I knew what I was signing up for.
That's cool you're doing the classical languages, I'm starting Greek next semester. Do you have a favorite Latin author?

Completed medicine, now doing bachelor in phil/politics as well as a CS masters (European degrees) because I want to. Have debts of 70 000+$, but fuck it. Ain't nobody tell me what I can and cannot do. Even found a part time job that pays me 40$/hour, I'm not shitting you. Told my boss I want 50$ and by God I'm gonna make him pay it. If you want something in your life, take it.

Where my hill dwellers at?

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>Arch/ArtH mix
This is actually trash. You'll either get culturehistorian views or postmodern views meaning you'll hardly learn anything about archeology. You're better off combining Arch with His.

I'm waiting for semester two. Pray with me user

Computer science. I don't consider myself great at STEM but this is a nice for getting a new hobby to do. I'm considering double majoring in something Yea Forums related or majoring in a language.


Do you know anyone who goes to Marburg? Thinking of doing my masters there. (archaeology)

31, but my math was a 26.

34 highest score english lowest score math

NU meetup

>dropped CS
imagine being that stupid

Yeah, why do you ask?

Gunnar, is that you?

It's pretty cozy here user, you should come :)


Are you a pretty girl?

1560 800 math 760 reading/writing


how the fuck is there someone else in here that knows Gunnar

Are /you/ a pretty girl?

I used to be

Can people even be awarded honourary doctorates posthumously?

How about just kick me in the balls next time you see me

hehehehe I'll never tell

WarwickAnon here. Trying to find other Warwick uni anons.

Currently reading Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari, Carl Schmitt Political Theology, China A New History, and Fanged Noumena.

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Yes, just don't spend too much money on it if you genuinely don't care about the degree.

College is a great place for meeting people, making connections, and learning. But it's probably not worth spending $120K a year if all you want is an English/Philosophy degree.

>Wow, social conditions don't change across the centuries!


lol dropped

Every humanities class is what you make of it. If you work hard and actually try to learn it can be a really enriching experience. Unfortunately you can also skate by and get your degree, in which case it'll be an enormous waste of time and money.

What are some business majors/fields/jobs that will allow me to make decent money without wanting to kill myself and still have free time for reading/writing poetry on the side? I have dreams of getting my work published someday, and I dont wanna just give up because its the only thing I'm passionate about in my life right now.
t. Freshman accounting major who just discovered his passion for literature

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Is this what being a chink is like?

God reddit is so gay, just one look at the comments and i was outtaaa there niggaaaa

What do you think of Jack Reed's articles, "Should you go to, or stay at, West Point?"

I graduated the Citadel so I'm the type that would have chosen West Point over Harvard or Yale if given the choice. However this guy makes extremely compelling points.

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Carnegie Mellon to follow in the footsteps of Sam Hyde

What is appealing to you about the US military? I don't mean this is a provocative sense, rather I am genuinely interested. "Dying for Israel" memes aside, it seems like it is rather hard to justify wanting to become a pawn in the military industrial complex. I think the military sounds interesting in my idealized conception of it, but the reality not so much.

Absolutely a fair question. For 18 year old me, life was very boring and suburban. I wanted a physical challenge, to become tough, to face risks. The politics of the military meant nothing to me. The military seemed to be a place to learn practical skills, experience a level of asceticism, involve myself in one of the few lines of work that still appeared "masculine". You have to realize that the notion of nationalism or selfless service played no role in my decision - I viewed it as the clearest path to becoming a man in a very uncertain world that lacked tradition. My relationship to the military industrial complex as a soldier didn't cross my mind. What I did consider was the type of individual I wanted to become. You could say it was selfish.

Now that I've done my time I can say that the idealized conception you get from books and movies does exist. Yet only for brief periods that are sandwiched between much longer periods of mundane bureaucratic nonsense.

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You should become the next Jünger and Big Boss.

Love Jünger. Been searching for the contemporary version of him. Lots of American soldiers from WW2 and Vietnam write as well as he did, but I haven't found any lit from our most recent wars that compare. I think it's because people who are drafted have a much different mindset than those who sign up, and nobody is drafted any longer.

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What major are you doing? I’m an OSU math and phil dual major

No Utah bois?

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I want to fucking die now. Sank-you.

Oh shit. I'm at the Y tho

What kinds of philosophy of history readings are you into? We could also do some shit like Vico, or more recent stuff. I used to be into philosophy of history myself. Honestly I just want to do a close reading of something interesting, anything.

I'm actually supposed to be going to the Platypus ones but I never show up. I'm friends with Tom.

How soon? I will probably still be here next academic year but can't say for sure

As somebody about to graduate college, this sounds incredibly similar to my current mindset.
Both of my parents were officers in the Navy, and I'm the youngest of three. All of us went to college and the older two came out to get standard middle-class jobs. I went to a better college, and my peers are mostly going to grad school in stem or directly to very well-paying jobs. But something feels wrong about that. I don't feel like I grew up. I've never done anything with serious consequences or anything that challenged me in what felt like a truly meaningful way, in ways that I know my father was challenged.
But my parents have always given off the feeling that they did it so that the three of us wouldn't have to. They both came from very shitty homes and seemed to want nothing more than to make us a normal family that didn't have to face anything like they did. How do I tell them I still want to do that? On some level I just feel naïve for even considering intentionally forcing myself to live a harder life when I don't have to, but something about where I am now feels so hollow.

Tom's a cool guy, you should go to the international conference in Chicago in a few weeks

So grade deflation wasn't a meme? I kept hearing about it during my stint as a visiting scholar there.

Grad student

Roast me

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>Roast me
Frat brother detected

More like Redditor detected.

/r/RoastMe is getting on the frontpage somewhat often these days.

Good on you for browsing Reddit and keeping an eye on Yea Forums's enemies

dae le extra chromosomes?

EDIT: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

reported to the honor council

Are there a lot of international students in the humanities department? There seems to be a ton in STEM

You are a very respectable young man with a bright future ahead of you. Good on you. Good luck and godspeed, friend.