
I've come to realize that Yea Forums is a strange amalgamation of Dave Masters and Charles Walker. Also Stoner discussion thread

Attached: Stoner_2048x2048.jpg (650x1040, 107K)

Never read

Who the fuck are Dave Masters and Charles Walker?

He raped his wife.

Walker was the crippled guy that cheated the test right? He's definitely Yea Forums.

Actually I'm William Stoner and everybody else on Yea Forums is Charles Walker, even though they think they're either Dave Masters or Hollis Lomax.

Beautiful Little book.
One of the rare Yea Forums recs that's actually worth Reading.

I feel like I'm a bit of a Grace myself

Shut up, Edith

That would be Butterfly tripfag, user.

i'd recommend reading the book "stoner"

Do you fantasize about finding an Edith, user?

Attached: 4B9A33AF-A14A-4C14-9B3C-2A231052BCD9.jpg (648x666, 101K)

It feels like a pynchon novel without all the LSD

No, I fantasize about finding a Katherine, and I hope to God I have enough sound of sense to not mistake an Edith for one.

Besides Edith wasn't thicc so that cold bitch was irredeemable.

I noticed a similarity as well. Though Williams, I believe is more powerful in his concise delivery of plot and themes. Pynchon meanders a bit too much for my taste and his ideas get muddled by his digressions. Not to say Pynchon isn't brilliant of course

Stop making these shit threads where you ask other people to discuss a book. If you've got a comment to make about it, make it. If you don't have anything to say then shut the fuck up. This adds nothing to the board.

>discussing a book adds nothing to a Literature board
bait or brainlet

>t. Lomox


No such thing as marital rape back then, so he did not rape her

>>I’ve come to realize Yea Forums embodies these characters from a book. Also I won’t list any reasons why
>OP is discussing this book you überbrainlet
I’m sorry but if this passes the mark as discussion for you, you have never properly discussed a book in your life.

I just finished Augustus and thought it was really good.

there’s no discussion for brainlets like you