Why do people on lit cares so much about whether the author is Jewish or not?

Why do people on lit cares so much about whether the author is Jewish or not?

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Crossover with /his/ and /pol/

Because Jews are intelligent but unmoral/ethical

It's either a troll or some genuine retard from /pol/. I think it's just one guy either way. We don't actually care, it's someone shitting up the board who isn't from around here.

They're faggots that dont have the IQ high enough to understand superior jewish literature

it's just one dedicated poster. he's probably jewish himself. jews love talking about other jews. google "jewish geography"

>antisemitism on a Yea Forums board
>its only one poster

Pick one.

>We don't actually care
fuck off jew

I like Mendelssohn's music and I like Philip Roth's books.

There's a small population of far-right guys who browse Yea Forums, although this isn't a far-right board regularly. Right now its relatively quiet except for a few people who participate in "jewspotting." It's largely ignored but pretty annoying.


becuase there are three agendas to consider.
the author

and considering where we are at
is really just another word for mainstream

Why do you care whether the author is Jewish or not?

i like mahler's music and i like spinoza's books

I dont really go out of my way to read kike shit but if something happens to be written by one that im interested in so be it. They do have a very loud and very liberal subsect though that makes them annoying sometimes but eh overall dont mind them

the content of their works is almost always subversive, in the rare instance that it isn't i don't mind

In the past, Yea Forums ridiculed and ran off Rand posters.
We gave them their rightwing reading lists, now we roll over when they proudly proclaim they don’t read anything.
Ignoring the trolls don’t make them go away.

Have you ever considered that subversion is the best version?

We need to become elitist again and tell obvious morons to kill themselves.

I take it back
It's because they are BADDIES OwO

i have and i've decided against it

>tripfag sympathizer
retards like you should be culled - both from this board and from existence itself

I'd rather purge antisemites who derail actual literary discussion.

You can't go back and elitism won't drive them off even if you could. They already think they're elite.

nobody cares what you'd rather do, mr. shekelberg


You lost haha

jews are pretty interesting... desu desudesu

Well have you considered that subversion is not propagated by a single group, but is inherently present in the media and information we readily consume on a daily basis? An ideological argument of any sort presents a model which subverts the ideas of another. The destruction of values and manipulation of social structures is a constant and, in the end, a largely banal presence in our chaotic world saturated with cheap media and ideas. Everyone who wishes to make their ideas heard participates in this degradation of the referential in culture, so why not just enjoy this sea of subversion my homie?


his is mostly reddit and leftypol

>Why do people on lit cares so much about whether the author is Jewish or not?
What's so bad about pointing it out? Are they hiding something?

the "jews did it" used to be a meme way back in the day and at one point retards and autists took it literally and now we're here

I don't post on his but their rules state that racism isn't allowed. If that means that you can't make pol type arguments without being banned then it's a given that it's going to be the opposite side dominating there.

>found a jewspotter

you get banned for pointing out that race is real which renders any argument worthless.

>found the jew
what are you hiding bro?

I'm not a jew, I'm a Catholic, and the answer is pederasty

In the present publishing world Jews are most definitely over represented but there are some great Jewish writers in the canon. Kafka being number one probably.

Dont try to put me in any of the same groups as yourself in any context, butterfly

Because everyone needs an enemy, and people are generally too stupid to not blanket the opposition.

>OP; also known as Faggot, Birthname: Faggot Goldberg

Inventing The Enemy was being ironic user.


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it's perfectly reasonable to blanket an insidious group of people like the jews

explain this

Say what you want about /pol/, but they are dedicated in assembling their batshit conspiracy corkboard graphics.

>can't refute a simple infograph

Because they are an insidious bunch which weak minds are prone to fall victim to.
It is not a matter of theology, race or such but simply an act of tidiness like one would remove lice without thinking twice on emsut remove the jew.

again, what is the last name of each of those editors?

willful ignorance on your part

any argument you understand, anyway

are you suggesting it's all made up?

/pol/ is an enclave of militant incels and russian funded spam bots, not one half of the political specturm. Donny didn't even win the popular vote!

There are a lot of Jews who live in New York City and those are nearly all New York-based companies. They hire local and the people there work their way up through the ranks. It's the result of organic process, not some insidious agenda.

confirmation bias and Jews are just smarter on average.

wow, how grassroots, now it all makes sense.

god, this excuse really doesnt work anymore

yeah, doesn't fit our narrative at all!

Look, man, I'm a Catholic who believes in supersessionism and wants to take back the Holy Land. I'm not a big fan of Jews. I'm glad that Muslim Congress girl is calling out the Israeli lobby. But you people are simply delusional and paranoid and are seeing things as a result.

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hello jebediah

Pol is just for people who don't like censorship, that's what the name means

>wants to take back "holy land"
>calls others delusional
yikes bro

characteristic extreme nepotism found in the media & hollywood

you make me embarrassed to call myself a catholic
no wonder we get so much abuse