4 horsemen

Can someone explain to me the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse, and more precisely, why is one of them Conquest, with what appears to be positive attributes? (white horse, crown)
Is he Jesus? The Antichrist?

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On this board full of christians, there's none who can be bothered to enlighten a heathen?

The Bible, I think most would agree, isn't written well, is full of plotholes, and to be honest with you, the fanbase is cancerous.

yeah its almost as if visions and dreams have no basis in reality whatsoever

This isn’t literature.

Conquest is the first horse because it's the motivator of war. a war thats started for the sake of Conquest and glory (hence the WHITE HORSE AND CROWN) which then leads to famine and death. the four horsemen are representing a particular time frame or event each and so thats why it doesn't necessarily point to any single figure. The Lamb who opens the seals is Jesus. this is what Jesus is doing in heaven, opening seals, going over records, preparing his world for his return. Revelation is a book about the end of the world, with John narrating what he is seeing and hearing standing in heaven

Okay, but then isn't War redundant?
Also, it was my understanding that the Apocalypse was just God metaphorically pressing the "stop" button and bringing forth the Last Judgement, and so in itself wasn't negative. Why then does it unleash such desolation upon the world?

>4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
This one refers to pornography destroying society.

Not at all. Conquest is the motivator for war. Conquest does not immediately lead to war. Think of political intrigue, of pre-WWI European alliances, and of pre-WWII German conquest

>Is he Jesus?
It has been interpreted that way. But Jesus is the one opening the seals so it doesn't make sense to me that he is also released by the seals. Also, Jesus is shown in revelation 19 and is described differently than the first horseman (Jesus carried a sword and wore many diadem while the first horseman carried a bow and a single crown).
I think the first horseman is the holy spirit, representing the successful spread of the gospels (as predicted in Mark)

Can someone pleeeeeeeease tell me what the Father is busy doing, or Jesus is busy doing, or all the Angels are busy doing, such that nothing has happened yet? When will it happen? I'm suffering over here and I'm very sad, I just want to be judged already...

The title of the book of revelation is a verb, a continuous verb, a continuous revelation. Every single moment is an apocalypse. Of course you are suffering. But of throughout your continual suffering and continual trials you continue to have faith you will be redeemed and saved.

“In my beginning, is my end”


The beginning WAS the end!


I always looked at the 4 horse men as 4 figures that are moved by the opening of the seal.

The opener is Chirst, and the Holy Spirit is the release of the binding.
(Imo this is the same idea behind Pentecost)

T. A bad Catholic


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Absolute lads.

but why the wait? why is it all taking so long? i'm not Christian but I find the concepts quite intriguing, like there being a Father with a Divine Plan, and that we're all waiting for it to go down, but i don't know what the basis to actually believe any of it is. i don't know when it would happen, why there's delay, or what I'm supposed to do in the meantime. I want to believe it but I don't know if it makes sense to.

just read it. It is incredible for yourself and especially to imagine that western civilization is created on this prophecy one day finally coming true.
>Why then does it unleash such desolation upon the world?
He is punishing and damning the ones who didn't repent. Desolation is not brought onto the ones who are being saved by jesus, marked by the insignias on the right hand and forehead. After the carnage brought onto the peoples of earth by the horsemen bunch of things happen climaxing to such as Archangel Michael having to slay and damn back to hell satan himself and his army during these times.
Tribulation be interpreted as it may, but all mountains and seas are to fall and be reformed to something new during and once the last soul is either damned or has repent its sins, the square walled city of God with its 12 gates - one for each apostle of Christ - shall descend from heaven onto earth a place ruled by Jesus himself for the righteous repenters onto a new earth.

Any form of being brought to contact as through a revelation directly to God other than through Christ is blasphemy though and should be omitted from a devotion to Christ, therefore do not take the book of revelations literally, only accept the prophecies Jesus himself is refrenced to have said in the gospels about rapture for those who at all times await God unrelentingly and pious to his name, not waiting for when the first signs appear to admit their fleshly sins, even after death to have their bodies be resurrected when the time comes.

Though if you have yourself experienced the greyes then perhaps you can agree to some sort of holographic circular government where its members fall unto their face before God in his trinity. If one believes in this, even solely as in a greater dimension, being true perhaps has to give heed and admit Revelations will occur as stated by John.

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How is Yea Forums still so oblivious to the obvious concept of the unreality of time and time being nothing but our inner functions to form knowldge.
God is not limited in time heathen! You repent now or on your death bed as long as you accept God is but irrelevant to God (do not believe this allwos you to live a fleshly life till the last moment, for your fleshly life will not allow you to come and truly accept God in your final moments; it is a struggle even the most devout fear to fail, though they have devoted their entire lfie to God).
What you perceive you should not take as but phenomenological. Yet we are in this world that a greater diety, God, has created for us to exist and act in, and therefore as long as this is true we should exist and act accordingly even if we doubt it, for what gives us the right to question something that is greater than us and has formed what we now are.
Is an arrogant naive student right in questioning and destroying the works of his greater tacher.
We are flawed and are lacking, so therefore we must even in our search for answers submit as lacking and follow as intended by God.
By going against ourselves, i.e. suicide (Phaidon) we are going wrongfully against a never uncertain God that gave us this gift.
>also read Job (New Testament) and then Moby Dick if you haven't yet

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What was his problem?

Idk, but perhaps getting everything taken from him and becoming so health wise eviscerated he sticks in a hole to the ground all after being devout his entire life, might cause you to question God's jsutice a little bit.

holy fuck what is grammar

>t. fails to use proper grammar xirself

ESL user im guessing.

Thats what high iq writing looks like user, the grammar isnt even bad.

Around the time that the Revelations were being composed the Roman Empire was losing ground to the Parthians, famous for their mounted archers. It's likely that the first horsemen is at least partly in reference to them.

Friendly reminder that Millenarians, especially American Millenarians are not welcome on this board along with their bastardized Christianity.

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more like schizoid writing

Thats interesting user, more considering the book of David and Apoc are foretellings of the fall of empires

An almost completely unleashed Satan, apparently.

He only lost all his belongings over the course of like, five years then he got double his stuff back. For the rest of his life

>denying the final point of the entire fucking religion
ok buddy