What the fuck? Why is this allowed?

What the fuck? Why is this allowed?

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I'm gonna say it

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I'm gonna check it

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I'm gonna be cry

Bateman is completely right. Racism is NOT okay!

i agree batman is a cool guy

Bret Easton Ellis is a horrendous writer. What terrible dialogue. God help him and anyone who takes him seriously.


Honestly this is quite cringe. It reads like a dollar store romance novel

BEE's prose is godawful.

>he doesn't understand American Psycho

Check THIS bitch



this makes me want to read American Psycho

check THIS, old man


>realistic dialogue is bad
You prefer King James style?

Hey qt ;p. It’s me. You are what we call a ‘tsundere’.

You want it but aren’t willing to admit it

Is to

we can't let our children read this kind of filth.

hate to agree with you but you're right for once. you can't capture Bateman's mindset without the realism of witnessing terrible dialogue that's smoothed over by normie-isms and sheer charisma. cuz that's how most dialogue is IRL unless you're dealing with somebody with a burst of inspiration, a lot of preparation, or generally high verbal IQ.

Let me show you little N-words how it's done

Attached: bateman_restaurant.gif (470x188, 828K)

actually check those

this is probably the highest-effort post in the thread

mr bateman get down

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Stand Aside

failures, all of you

Bateman is a nice person.

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It was all in his head, confirmed.

Cool. Very nice.

Attached: bateman.gif (245x240, 498K)

I mean, wasn't the chapter about the police chasing him written in 3rd person?
I think that may be the only made up part.

I checked this


shouldn't it be "gives him A high five"?

Also, why is what allowed?

this thread is redeemed

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