Why are Russian writers all so fucking obsessed with samovars?

Why are Russian writers all so fucking obsessed with samovars?

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Because they were part of daily life? Like tea time in the UK.

This, it's just a fancy kettle.
Dostoyevsky in the house of the dead, for example, talked of the samovar as the resort of the "noblemen" in prison, it was a social and refined thing to do compared to smuggling in vodka or spend your time gambling. Even in a squalid prison in the middle of some siberian steppe, where many would never leave, they had samovars and tea: a ritual, a signifier that they were not barbarians and had dignity.

it's not just Chekhov?

>This, it's just a fancy kettle.
It is more akin to the tea pot than the kettle, the ritual generally revolved around the pot, the samovar was a part of the ritual as much as the tea pot.

In a well to do home in England the servants would handle the kettle, but even the well to do would play mum and pour the tea for the guests. In Russia the well to do would have their servant fill the samovar but would fill their cup themselves. Not a hard fast rule of course, often the well to do would expect the servants to do all when it was just the family but take over as mum when company was about or give the honor over to a guest.

Tea and coffee rituals are interesting things!

Yes, also it was a kind of display piece and one of the more decorous things on the table.

Go to any Russian country souse tour and you will i inevitably see a large, beautifully ornate samovar.

The other big showoff item would be oven.

Because samovars are the best thing to exist in this world

Not sure I can agree with that, but they are pretty great. A nice and well used unglazed tea pot would beat a samovar out in a second, also, samovars suck for coffee.

The real question is how does one sleep on the stove?



The ovens were fucking dense and layered so you could touch the outside of it safely. And it was the warmest spot in the house, usually.

because it reminds them of their native willage


this guys over-egged accent drives me fucking insane

I just clicked on this thread looking for this post, glad to see the tradition is kept alive.

So catchy. Brings back memories, thanks.

Stop posting with a tripcode of vulva you pussy hat wearing fool.

>why do authors that I am removed from think, say, and do things that are unusual to me

I did not take part in those marches.

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but your philosophy on life is rather vulva-centric is it not?

whose isn't though?

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but i read translations of their works, that totally means i understand them and what they were saying

A man who isn't 14 years old
A woman who isn't a catlady

My philosophy is life affirming. If that’s “vulva centric” I guess so.
The women’s marches were cynical political theatre. I’m still more about OWS and the Yellow Vests in France

wtf, where did you find this video of me??

Awe, I saw you stayed up last night till 3, I had to go to bed, sorry :3

Because that's how they made Coffee and Coffee is fucking amazing.

>tfw Russian and never drank from a samovar although we had one somewhere

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I think they're overrated desu, a cool gadget but not actually that convenient nowadays

sure, it's for cultural value

Я пил y пpaбaбyшки в дeтcтвe, ecли мeня нe пoдвoдит пaмять тo вкyc y чaйкa был бoлee жeлeзный чeм c пaкeтикa или y зaвapнoгo, нo мoжeт caмoвap пoпaлcя дpяхлый мнe.