Prove me wrong:

Manga is superior to literature.

Attached: 12e.jpg (402x325, 31K)

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I can't

Attached: nVpOX7Z.jpg (1000x707, 105K)

Off topic. Sage and report.

quiet, cunt

Depends on which manga and which literature. Most of it is stereotypical trash that uses premanufactured paper personalities rather than fully fleshed out human beings though, and few have the level of art that can transcend those flaws.

Wouldn’t work because any book I recommend you will refuse to read on the basis that it’s too much work for you.

Pictures are for children.

>makes no argument
>prove me wrong
That's not how it works, brainrotten weeb faggot.

>Hee heee hoo hooo le colorful anime world where all girls love me heee heee

Attached: de15df26e9bf61c4f5672a08dc60a50b.jpg (499x481, 28K)

They're not even girls. They're all either hermaphrodites or androgynes and look like pedo aliens.

Literature will forever remain the superior artform simply because it's inward by nature. Other artforms bind you by their outward appearances - visual arts assault you with their imagery, musical arts beat you over with their clangor, only literature remains pure within one's imaging and reasoning faculties

What about that technology where it generates the scenes of the video based on your brain waves? Obviously they're still prerecorded scenes now but what if in the future it was wholly customizable by your consciousness?

I’ve decided to make it my number one goal in life to kill all weebs slowly and painfully

I will vote for you. Just say "tippity top" so I know it's you.

I take it back. I'm a dick sucking queer that acts like a pretentious white woman with the inability to properly retort and use memes XD

>inward by nature


Manga me THIS book fagot!

Attached: manwithoutqualities.jpg (768x1194, 189K)


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The patricians choice

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anime =/= manga
stupid cunt

Do I spy Kant, Hume, Rousseau, Liebniz and Spinoza on that cover?

>Huu huuu le fantasy world
>look at this drawing
>she is so kawaii!!

Attached: 1511827991716.jpg (399x400, 47K)

>it's my waifu!
>my waifu is 2D ahahahah so cute

Attached: 1515700636054.jpg (641x491, 43K)

>look it's a catgirl
>she is like a normal girl but has cat ears!
>so kawaii ahhahhha

Attached: 1507562899785.jpg (598x270, 29K)

Fuck off frogposter

Attached: 1543738800219.jpg (850x755, 178K)

>visual novels, they are novels!
>japanese comic books, surely it's literature, those are books!!
>look at this vampire loli so kawaii desu

Dumb whore

>look I posted a girl throwing a punch!
>I wish mai waifu was real!

Attached: 25fz2q.jpg (282x252, 18K)

>board spends its time shitposting about who was W&P's best waifu
>it's somehow a bad thing when it involves drawings

>look at this japanese product!
>"she" is so cute! fap fap fap
>"ha kawaii! fap fap fap fap

Attached: tdpp.jpg (750x1000, 147K)


no offense, but are you like 40 or something?

>Based and Redpilled
>Trump 2020, fellow magapedes!
>Hats off, brother kekistani
>Cringe! This is going in my cringe collection!
>Qanon predicted this

Attached: 1547688047590.gif (480x270, 1.08M)


Didn't expect to have a good time in this thread.

the success of this bait is objective proof there are no smart people browsing lit

Same mass-produced trash.
I'd even say there's a lot more good anime than manga.

>Only 27 people browse lit.



Oh no. The joke's on me now. Damn these newfags popping out of nowhere.

28. Im outta here.

You were 28th faggot

What is the Yea Forums equivalent of nagatoro?

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Manga is the pinnacle of literature.

You can't write something week to week and expect it to have the same level of writing as a book.

It's objectively inferior when it comes to exploring the human condition due to its visual component, which narrows the breadth of ideological expression it's capable of.

>doesn't know definition of literature
>shills manga
Top kek.