Your favorite philosopher

>your favorite philosopher
>your favorite hobby
>your favorite book
>your political affiliation

for me?
>blood meridian
>democratic socialist

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>make ambient
>moby dick
>wishy-washy fencesitter

bad bait

>Nick Land
>pointing out jews on Yea Forums
>Infinite Jest

who the hell is this nick land???

and why is he so great?

>Public intellectual.
>what lit likes.
>Worse version of Trump

>J R
>Well, I'm reading about communalism, so there's that

>Marcus Aurelius
>Catcher In the Rye

>absolutely ANNIHALATING libs and fenimists with FACTS before DESTROYING their corpses with LOGIC
>Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception
>Ironic Trumpism



how's Yea Forums these days?

I know I shouldn't be taking this shit seriously but I'll bite.
>Shakyamuni (maybe)
>toss-up between reading, hiking, and weeb shit
>snow country
>ex-Marxist, now a disillusioned "right-winger" and turning to faith over worldly politics

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>dungeons and dragons
>anarcho theocracy

Shooting guns
Anna Karenina
National capitalist

>The Laws of Imitation
>Bernaysian Democracy

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I'm glad you're depoliticizing. I think it is very healthy in the modern age not to be swallowed up by ideological currents and to focus on the more important aspects of life.

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>Smoking weed
>Ham on Rye

fiction only? zarathustra i guess
libertarian in the streets, nazbol in the sheets

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>culture of critique

>probably Heidegger
>playing muh acoustic
>Ada, or Ardor
>Green Technocracy

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>your favorite philosopher
Ted K
>your favorite hobby
>your favorite book
Gravity's Rainbow
>your political affiliation

Hello meta

Long distance bicycling
Politics is outside of human agency

>Playing basketball
>The Brothers Karamazov
> Libertarian

>The Discourses of Epictetus
>Trad Conservative

>The Sot-Weed Factor

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>Les Miserables

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>Hegel or Fichte
>Training for pro armwrestling or reading
>Original hebrew translation of the Old Testament or Finnegans Wake
>Reluctant centrist

butchers crossing

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>Nietzsche, probably
>making music, reading, archery
>Tristram Shandy, maybe
>none, maybe some kind of eco/reactionary i guess

>Crime and Punishment
>Marxist perhaps?

based and redpilled.

kino hobby op

>figure drawing
>centrist until things get clearer

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>making glitch music
>Tao Te Ching
>21st century schizoid

How convenient that you brought your own helicopter to physically remove yourself.

>BJJ(doubles as a profession)
>American Psycho
>Right Libertarian

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>Smoking weed
>Paternal statist

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>Dreadnought by Robert K Massie
>Clerical fascist

>The Death of Ivan Illich

>Reading and shitposting about it on Yea Forums
>Also sprach Zarathustra

>your favorite philosopher Plato
>your favorite hobby yoga
>your favorite book Meditaions
>your political affiliation far right, Nationalist

Ooooh. more doxing!

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