Considered England to be the only civilized country

>Considered England to be the only civilized country
>Considered the United States to be a barely acceptable second rate knockoff
>Hated all non-white races and French Canadians, and hated NYC because of its diversity
>Hated Nazis because they hated Jews for the wrong reasons
>Married a Jewish woman and kept telling anti Semitic jokes when she was standing right next to him
>Learned he was part Welsh, immediately wrote a horror story about a man learning he was descended from disgusting fish monsters
>Once wrote a horror story where the plot twist was that a woman with light skin was actually black
What does Yea Forums think of HP Lovecraft?

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He was quite the character, I like the guy.

>Married a Jewish woman
This is inexcusable under any circumstances whatsoever.

>hated French Canadians

I think every story he wrote literally ends with:
"eh gods, the horror I witnessed that day are unthinkable and I shudder remembering its shapeless form. I dare not speak further for the mind is a feeble thing and if mankind was to bear witness to the creature it would surely rip away this sheath of protection"
I don't understand how people could read entire collections of his work when they all end as described.

I agree with this. That is based.

damn i also am highly antisemetic and am fuckin a jewish bitch

these niggas never heard of the joy division hmmmm

jewish pussy got me actin really kosher

Look up his dog’s name

That's half-true, half-meme.

Tho he was wrong on one thing: quebecois are based.

sounds like a real jerk

The original poltard

>Hated all non-white races and French Canadians, and hated NYC because of its diversity
Pretty based. I live almost at the border of canada in NY. French canadians and NYC are both shit.

>I do not regard the rise of woman as a bad sign. Rather do I fancy that her traditional subordination was itself an artificial and undesirable condition based on Oriental influences. Our virile Teutonic ancestors did not think their wives unworthy to follow them into battle, or scorn to dream of winged Valkyries bearing them to Valhalla. The feminine mind does not cover the same territory as the masculine, but is probably little if any inferior in total quality. To expect it to remain perpetually in the background in a realistic state of society is futile—despite the most feverish efforts of Nazis and Fascisti. However—it will be some time before women are sufficiently freed from past influences to form an active factor in national life. By the time they do gain influence, they will have lost many of the emotional characteristics which now impair their powers of judgment. Many qualities commonly regarded as innate—in races, classes, and sexes alike—are in reality results of habitual and imperceptible conditioning.


Attached: quebecois.png (600x600, 466K)

Amateur press associations were often the 1920's Yea Forums so you're not wrong.

>By the time they do gain influence, they will have lost many of the emotional characteristics which now impair their powers of judgment.
He was definitely wrong about that part.
The guy was in many ways very keen.

He was a man of culture in that, which reinforces the basedness of the Québecois.

I'd say while quite a lot of his works have that stance that's not what stands out. While he did resort to that, he did a fairly good job at protraing that whitout resorting to this. See: At the Mouintains of Madness, The Colour from Outter Space, Dunwitch Horror, Cold Air, The Rats in the Walls, Herbert West Reanimator. Those are some of his best and he rarely resorts to that in those stories.

But I'm gonna give to ya, Call of Cthulhu is pretty much what you described...

Why do you hate me lads?

Québec should join the union and help de-Anglo/bantu Louisiana.

One of the biggest reasons why Quebec never joined the U.S was because they knew the Americans wouldn't respect Quebec language rights and culture.

Exactly why Québec should ally with Louisiana.

cause you guys are fucking gay

But I'm not gay, if by gay you mean homosexual.

what was his cats name again

nice trips

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c'est parce que vous avez voté trudeau

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Incorrect, j'ai voté NPD parce que la députée de ma circonscription a les plus gros seins de tout le Parlement.

The original amerimutt

He was a pure-blooded Anglo.

Pour moi, c’est le MacPoullet.

Exactly, pure-blooded mutt. Anglos are the accursed offspring of Beelzebub.

one of your women broke my heart

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>Considered England to be the only civilized country
wtf I hate Lovecraft now!

Based off of the cherry-picked shit you listed, I'd find him a riot.

Not all of us are strong enough to resist the magnetism of khazar milkers, user.

Wich story has the plot twist with the black woman?

Afroamerican male

This was in the 1920's, when America hadn't had very much experience with Jews yet. They were just starting to immigrate and hadn't yet achieved the amount of influence in media and finance that they are known to have now. Lovecraft was convinced that they could assimilate.

Jews have definitely assimilated.

In some respects, but they still view themselves as a distinct group, more so than other European immigrant descended populations.

>>Once wrote a horror story where the plot twist was that a woman with light skin was actually black
Which one is this? Sounds worth a read.

>>Considered England to be the only civilized country
he really was insane

That's the irish.

only strictly orthodox jews which is comparable to devout christian groups

Absolutely based guy

If by assimilation you mean still sucking circumsided baby dicks and permanently heading the cia, then yeah, i guess ur right.

Intermarriage rate is ATH though, and their birthrates are abysymal, so there is still hope.

As juvenile as his work. I guess that counts as "based" on here ?