Itt: Yea Forums films

itt: Yea Forums films

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I think this qualifies

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Good choice; severely underrated film. What a cool opening titles sequence, too.

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"I'm Not There" seems to me to have Yea Forums undertones, though I'm not sure I could say why.

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dood i been watching shit on kanopy
shit is sick dawg

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how is this lit?

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revenge Spanish thriller/based on a French novel, how's it not Yea Forums?

traps are Yea Forums

Both great movies actually about writing

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Yes, soley for the fact that it’s unapologetically pretentious

There is only ONE Yea Forums director. If you don't know his name, kindly leave the board.

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How can films be Yea Forums? Books dont even have sound or pictures

There some films that have been described as literary or novel-esque. It's not about the format but I supposed the essence.

Im tempted to unironically call this the ultimate discord tranny wish fullfilment film.

pic related is very lit.

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keked at the "he read too much kierkegaard" line

I fucking love this movie! I was so excited to read the book after watching this but in my opinion the movie is much better. While his prose is undoubtedly beautiful at times the subject matter gets too gross for me, I bailed on the book about two thirds of the way through.

Far better movie would be The Face of Another

Sure smells plebbish in here.

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>posts jodorowsky
>thinks he's not a pleb

Like clockwork

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Not even his most Yea Forums film, check out "Poesia sa fin" and "La danza de la realidad"

Also, pic related

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That’s your b.o.

Hello, YMS.

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Going to see this tomorrow. Am I going to laugh uncontrollably in public again?

Probably, it's a divine comedy if you get my drift

he never should have called the movie Naked Lunch
having said that it's a good movie; the book is better though

>classic lars von trier shock shit (none of the scenes in the movie were really that impressive) and a segue into dante's divine comedy that was tired as fuck
no thanks

Fellini Satyricon

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film discussion belongs on Yea Forums
these movies suck

best version of the Trial coming thru, starring based Kyle Machlaclan

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that soundtrack tho

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There we go

this is probably the only good film thread ive ever seen on lit.

Jodorowsky's great, but I preferred Santa Sangre


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kinski is the worst actor of all times

great film. lars is based.

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kys my friend.

very based.

Why? Why, why why?
It has genuine moments of imagistic brilliance, but it also gets bogged down by pointless shit far too often. In THM, he's at 100% the whole way through
I agree with Dance of Reality, but Endless Poetry was half-baked. It didn't have the genius. That's simply due to the fact that Jodo had a co-director for the film. Didn't have the weight that he normally commands, when unadulterated

I thought Santa Sangre had more of an emotional core and a slightly tighter plot. Much more human and less distant than the Holy Mountain. Both were breathtaking though, I might try the Dance of Reality next. Thanks

It's really incredible how well JR would translate to film. I wish someone could do it

I've seen it.
It's shitty Casablanca.

But they would completely ruin the eventually-validated racist character and end up having JR give a speech about how capital is blind of gender and race and then everyone clapped while his beer is giving people cobalt poisoning

Man, if that was your critique for THM, you'll love Dance of Reality. It'll be your favorite of his, I promise


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This is a thing?!?!?!

>tfw no immortal Yea Forums bf

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Unironically this
Its a meta parody of early gross out comedy

This is the finest horror film in the last decade.

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Absolutely this
How do you watch it?
I can't Torrent it so I have to watch it online but almost every version's audio out there is desynced.

>muh nig
If anybody wants to spoonfeed me the largest possible digital copy of this poster, it'd make me very happy.

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Don't be haters.

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A wonderful film. PTA's cinematography is something like the movie equivalent of lush, descriptive prose.

I actually really like PTA's technique of shooting through open doors to "frame" images. My favorite of his is The Master, but Phantom Thread was great.

Jesus Christ. Okay, I'm interested.

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>My favorite of his is The Master, but Phantom Thread was great.
Thankfully one doesn't have to choose.

Everything comes together flawlessly in these two films – the camerawork, the production design, the performances, the music, everything.

I just finally got around to watching The Master the other day, it was really good. I was truly surprised Phoenix pulled off that role that well

This is my favourite film of all time and probably my favourite piece of fiction as well, it makes me so happy that somebody else appreciates it. I've never met anybody who has even heard of it

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> zard oz
Silly, but I liked it. It's a heavily flawed movie, but it's is just as interesting as it is flawed. I'd rather watch something that's uniquely imperfect than any perfectly rounded chunk of mediocrity.

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>implying that frame-within-a-frame isn't completely basic filmic vocabulary and that using doors to do so hasn't been done by every second-year film student
I love PTA too but it's not anything special

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Agreed, although "Zardoz" is an extreme example. At least Charlotte Rampling takes her clothes off during.

Count me in as well. I find this film mentally and physically refreshing. Like I am ready for a new start at life after I finish it.

Based and Yea Forums-pilled.
The film-circles in Norway are very small, so if you go to some cool screenings you'll usually bump into Joachim Trier sooner or later.
Talked to him a few times. Cool guy.

For OP:

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so far I've watched the film about 6 times, each time with a different group of people. By now I've shown it to around 20 others and only 2 of them have disliked it, with about 12 of those people (including me) saying afterwards that it's now one of our favourite films. It gets me so deeply every time. I never thought I'd be able to find something that so deeply expressed everything I've ever wanted a story to be (which I guess would just be, sincere and loving.)
Sorry to gush. I just really, really like it

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>le meme film
you didn't really like it, you just think it's a cool thing to claim you did.

lars von trier sucks and only appeals to pseuds. same for gaspar noe.

Lars von Trier accidentally made at least one good movie. I agree about Noe, though.

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I thought that about von Trier till I saw him call Bergman an idiot and fuck Bergman; now he's based.

von trier is significantly better than noe. Stuff like breaking the waves or Dogville is decent. Noe is a hack

Shit like Nymphomaniac is the reason why people can't stand him.

Or Idiots


Any of these.

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Not that Yea Forums but there is a Yea Forums character.

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how has nobodmy mentioned My Dinner With Andre

Some personal favorites.

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I agree that Endless Poetry wasn't nearly as good as Dance of Reality, but it is a much more Yea Forums film.
>not becoming a man through a rejection of homosexuality and then proceeding to cuck your best friend with his midget wife, all the while fucking another poets mistress who is played by the same actress as your mother

>Not that Yea Forums
What do you mean, "not that Yea Forums"? This is the theater of cruelty on film.

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his recreations of the divine comedy was bland and boring

harry potter and the chamber of secrets

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Nice Dude. I adore reprise and Oslo,31 september

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Robert Bresson

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Claire's Knee and anything by Eric Rohmer

I didn't like Dance of Reality at all, maybe because spanish is my first language, and the mom is such an awful actress and only in the movie because Jodo wanted to tit-fuck her.

I can watch The Ninth Gate endlessly.

Something about it...

Kinski is great

>the penis is evil
>the penis shoots seeds
>the gun is good
>the gun shoots death

blue velvet
the apartment
kramer v. kramer
the avengers part 7
the roman polanski movie where the girl cuts the back of the guys fat neck with a straight razor i can't remember the name but it's good
let the right one in
naked brunch
lol no clue looks like babby crypt keeper
the original kings of comedy
something gay
phantom thread
no clue
lost highway
no clue
no clue
the man who wasn't there (based)
no clue
the master
something french
gib milkies mommy
no clue

this book is fantastic by the way

Did you ever watch Angel Heart? You might like that. And the book it's based on, Falling Angel, is pretty good too.

>the avengers part 7

Damn user those look really great
Anyway we could get names of the films?
It would be all the more depressing if we are shown only glimpses of them without ever getting to know their full beauty

And Dario Argento's 3 mothers movies. Specifically Inferno.

t. pedophile

Ordet is my favorite film of all time

nigga wut post the proper version

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>doesn't post names

technically ephebophile

>no Wajda
>no Polański
>no Kieślowski
>no Kawalerowicz
>no Żuławski
>no Has

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Any one know If Burroughs ever watched this and what his reaction was?

I posted Wajda! Don't know if he watched it, but he seems to have been on set a lot.

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You forgot Kzàzszlaw Đyzschzinskli.

>Taste of Tea, The Ninth Configuration, The Hourglass Sanatorium, Winter Lights, Cold Mountain, Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, La belle noiseuse, Ashes of Time, The Tribulations of Balthazar Kober
>The Legend of Suram Fortress, Micmacs, The Last Emperor, Mother Joan of the Angels, Ugetsu, In America, The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears, Finisterrae, Ga, Ga - Chwala bohaterom
>Tale of Princess Kaguya, The Lion in Winter, Hero, Coherence, Detachment, Lolita, Hard to be a God, Ju Dou, Bugsy Malone
>Dragon Inn, Female Prisoner: Scorpion, Celone and Julie Go Boating, The Human Condition, THX-1138, Sansho the Bailiff, Don't Look Now, M for Murder, Female Prisoner: Beast Stable
>Metro Manila, À Flor do Mar, Sunrise A Song of Two Humans, Raise the Red Lantern, The Dreamers, The Conformist, Saragossa Manuscript, Mouchette, El Sur
>Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors, The Passion of Anna, The Diary of a Country Priest, Way Down East, Touch of Zen, Zazie dans le Metro, Arriety, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Event Horizon
>Malá morská víla, Apache Woman, Zolotye roga, Petla, Black Narcissus, Only Yesterday, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, [REC], Ikiru
>The Scarlet Flower, The Hunters ('77), Thief or Reality, Joint Security Area, Scent of Green Papaya, The Skin I Live In, Phantom Carriage, A Spring For the Thirsty, Possession
>The Eve of Ivan Kupalo, Evdokia, The Snow Queen ('86), Last Night ('98), Three Colours: Red, Wild Strawberries, The City of Lost Children, Joyeux Noel, The Frame
>Innocence, Blood Diamond, Whisper of the Heart, Babette's Feast, Visitor of a Museum, Neco z Alenky, Like Someone In Love, The Assassin, The Others
>Noctruna, La vita e bella, Woman Under the Influence, The Red Balloon, Black Moon, Farewell My Concubine, The Innocents (2016), The Unknown Soldier (2016), Beyond the Black Rainbow
>The Passion of Joan of Arc, The Road Home, Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East?, Journey to the West, Chinese Odyssey: Cinderella, White Mane, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies , Chi bi, Legend of the Mountain
Some films that deserve to be mentioned that weren't included in the mosaic:
>Ponette, Satan's Slaves, Borgman, The Vampire Family, Caravaggio, The Cement Garden, O-Bi, O-Ba - The End of Civilization, Late Spring & Ashes and Diamonds.

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One of the most Yea Forums films ever that I rarely see discussed anywhere. Lord Byron being a major weirdo while Mary Shelley hallucinates the story of Frankenstein to life. Strong rec.

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Almost stopped watching halfway, but I'm glad I watched it, nonetheless.

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Sounds like utter trash

Title, you fucking fag?

>Uncle boonmee
Fucking based

"You! What the fuck is your name?"

Which image are you identifying as Uncle Boonmee?

I quoted the wrong pic

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Thanks brother

Oh, I'm disappointed.

Go to bed YMS

>film discussion belongs on Yea Forums
no, shitposting about marvel movies is what belongs on Yea Forums

this is the best possible portrayal of Ahab

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This is one of those movies I remember always seeing on the shelf at Blockbuster when I was a kid

is this bait?

can't believe I loved a movie about the screenwriter of the movie (played by Nicolas Cage) writing the screenplay for the movie while struggling with his issues of self-hatred and problems with women, which is contrasted with his Chad twin brother (also played by Nicolas Cage) this much

I know the word gets thrown around way too often, but Aronofsky is an actual hack.

is Polanski's adaptation of Manuscript Found in Saragossa any good?

I-I'm doing it r-right?

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One of my favourites

I love Nosferatu. Those scenes in the Paris crypt are so gravid. I love how William Vollmann’s book The Atlas begins in the Paris catacombs, lined with skulls Lord Byron May have drunk tea from.

Don't know how to express my gratitude my fren

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he's not the worst but he's pretty overrated

since no one said it yet

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That movie was just ok

he's not even *that* good.

that movie was shit

based polish kino user

I thought it was all right, but I wouldn't watch it again. It just made me wish I was watching The Thing, or Hellraiser, or Silent Hill instead

felt like the shittiest adaption of Rosemary's Baby ever conseived

are the Coen Brothers Yea Forums?

It's kind of sad to me that there's no real board to discuss graphic novels.
Yea Forums is full of superhero wank and Yea Forums is too elitist to acknowledge illustrated books.

I would do anything to have a place to talk about non-capeshit comics and graphic novels (not filled with insistent political shit either).
Oh well, Charles is likely the most Yea Forums man put to film.

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lol yeah that's kinda true

I read Maus, does that count

In my not so humble opinion I don't think it's that good, there are so many other great graphic novels that don't acclaim there worth mostly through sentimental historical symbiosis. (I'm tempted to explain why I think It's 'really' lauded as the best, but on this website I think it's fairly explanatory).
Very good, not great.

>No Twilight posted ITT
The absolute state of plebs

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to be fair rob is pretty based in movies for the most part

>non-capeshit comics and graphic novels
Any recs? I hate the medium, but I'm willing to change my mind

I can understand why you'd not have the best impression, when I walk into my favourite comic shops, 80% is Marvel/DC/Image superhero garbage.
Watchmen is the only superhero related novel I've read and that's purely because Alan Moore is perhaps the only person in the world who understands the implications of the ubermensch in relation to the public.

First I'd advise just going into one of these stores and flicking through the stuff, just like you would a bookstore.
The Marriage Of Heaven and Hell - Blake (V. Short, great introduction)
A Contract With God - Eisner
Then Crumb etc.

It might seem backwards of me to mention it, but the vast majority of graphic novels are terrible solely because they are meant to appeal to immature teens for the large part. (Just how women continue to read YA fiction). So I completely understand where you're coming from. I'd sympathise even more if I hadn't found such catharsis in the few I have found however.
It's like rap, 99/100 times it's shit but there is some good stuff, it's just been diluted down by the masses.