What are some books about traditional sexual morality and agaisnt promiscuity?

What are some books about traditional sexual morality and agaisnt promiscuity?

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the bible


The Sound of Waves

Love and Responsibility by Karol Wojtyla

Look at this hoe with her bare forearms and shit

this is what peak womanhood looks like and it's beautiful

Forearms are fine, elbows and collarbone are not.

Christians aren’t traditional. Qualify this question properly by calling it for what it is. Christian standards

Christianity is a tradition, though.

It's actually not. Christianity is the result of Greek cuckoldry and an unnecessary diversion that the west might never recover from. One day westerners will stop with their childish rebellion and return to the ways of being of their forefathers

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That's just tradition with extra steps.

Elaborate please

All of the good parts of Christianity are entirely derivative of Platonism and gnosticism mixed in and muddied up with Oriental superstition and faux universalism. Any "traditionalism" (ie strong families, virtue ethics) found in Christianity is in spite of the ideology, not because of it.

I went into a rabbithole of highly specious religious history, traditionalist type stuff, that seemed to indicate that there was a kind of original religion before the Greek stuff, that seeded everything from Celtic druids to Egyptian religious beliefs

I don't even remember who or what this was anymore, anyone know what Im talking about

In other words, Christianity is traditional at the end of the day.

So where does one go in order to learn traditional values? (Virtue ethics, strong families, etc)

Confessions by Saint Augustine.
Plain facts for Old and Young by John Harvey Kellog, M.D.

Only in spite of the scriptures. It's an unrooted transplant from an alien culture that has only partially begun to confirm to it's host
The Greeks: Aristotle, Socrates and the Odyssey. And also the Indians: Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita


how would christianity operate without its ideologies on family life and virtue ethics? it's literally all about virtue ethics how did they mess that part up?

In practice hindus and buddhists don't like thots either.

Also Guenon, Evola, and Spengler

Jane Eyre

It can't, Christianity is a millenarian apocalyptic cult. Once they realized that the world wasnt ending in their lifetime, the church went and stole ideas from an older, more developed tradition. That's why Christianity is a bastard child of the west

Why would anyone care about that? Cultural and religious purism is ridiculous, cultural exchanges have always happened in Europe, India, China and Japan.

>stole ideas
Read more history, you dumb cunt. Start with the Greeks I guess.

me angree because someone insult christianity

No, start with the Greeks. Look up if Platon traveled somewhere.

What novel contributions did Christianity contribute to western life?

Implying anyone wants to go back to Platonism

Pretty much any Ancient Ethics book will oppose promiscuity, since sexual hedonism is not a good way to achieve eudaimonia/happiness. But they usually don't focus on sexual ethics only, but only consider it a part of the whole. I think the most explicit one against promiscuity is Musonius Rufus.
They also don't focus on female promiscuity, since the ones they were trying to teach were mostly men.