
Post handwriting. Do you write cursive or not? are there any ways that I can improve my handwriting?

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Because Im a narcissist and I want my handwriting to look like the scratchy note writing you see in movies

How is that related to being a narcissist?

Nobody in the UK knows what the word cursive means because its the standard. Imagine lifting your pen between every single letter. Nevermind, Americans need any extra exercise they can get.

Imagine being this wrong. We were taught cursive in school, though I can't remember if they called it that, but hardly anyone actually writes that way.

i'm english and lots of people write in block letters

Everyone in class had to write their name on the blackboard in class.
Pretty girl says
'Who is Annon?'
'I am'
'Your handwriting is beautiful'
'Actually i'm just pretty good at writing my own name'

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I'm English and almost everyone I know stopped using cursive in secondary school.

same, I got taught cursive in secondary but switched to block in secondary because thats how everyone else wrote

because I want people to see my handwriting desu


Handwriting is fixed.
Bad hand writing = high IQ and fast brain.
Good handwriting = Low IQ and very slow brain.

smooth brain: overly neat, flowery, and stylized scripts that are painfully slow to write and only useful to show off
big brain: personal writing systems with dozens of ligatures and hundreds of abbreviations, so complicated that future palaeographers might find your notebooks impenetrable objects of curiosity and mystery

>I sometimes write letters to people in a language of my own creation. People never get it when I say, "Oh, that is sn=fl d aos f^sj thing to do."

Massive LARP.

I got the Palmer Method but that is about muscular handwriting which means you have to use your arm and not your fingers to articulate the letters. It pretty much only works sitting at a desk and is hard as fuk to do on the go. Benefits are you never get cramps bc you’re using larger muscles to do the work that the fingers would have done. Maybe I’ll find a finger handwriting book bc my handwriting is still shit..

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>Sn%&d$ F==d @#d S==d


You don't have muscles in your fingers, all of the tendons that move your fingers are pulled by muscles in your wrist or above.

Certain words such as "this" have stylish tilt and clean line, which unfortunately only highlights some shortcoming such as capital f

This. I picked some online pdf and practised it. As time went by, I ended up making my own modifications and avoiding excessive ornamentation.