What are some good books on the Tarot?

What are some good books on the Tarot?

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Gravity's Rainbow

Meditations on the Tarot. It's Catholic Mysticism, but really really good reading even for us, heretics

I'd also like some good books on the Tarot, since it seems, like many other exoteric applications of the Principle (Yoga, Meditation, etc.), that it has been spoiled by all this New Age / New "Spirituality" / modern bullshit.

alfred douglas

This is the only book on the Tarot you would ever need, unless you were also looking into historical application or card games.

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And Against the Day

>Born to Jewish-Ukrainian parents in Chile, Jodorowsky experienced an unhappy and alienated childhood, and so immersed himself in reading and writing poetry.

>experienced an unhappy and alienated childhood, and so immersed himself in reading and writing poetry.
sounds like Yea Forums lmao

You are based. You can turn yourself into gold.

this pretty much

My research lab does a tarot reading every day.
It's pretty fun. Cat themed tarot cards.
For some reason all of us pretending to earnestly and unironically participate in some counterfactual ritual improves morale for doing science. Plus we get some laughs and chat about stuff that's not our work which maybe helps the most.

based cat hoarders

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Secret doctrine of the tarot

>counterfactual ritual
No, I'd say you really do it.

pretty sure the grammar holds up with counterfactual as an adjective
please explain if I'm wrong

Ye, I was being cheeky.
Though I would say it is a bad choice of adjective. It's not in opposition/contradiction to facts it's more of an 'indifference to the list of facts you have gathered up till this point' kind of thing.

Ah sweet ok. Wish I knew a word for that feel.

I'm about a fifth of the way into this right now, very enjoyable read and very informative. It's hard not to get taken in by jodorowsky's excitement at what he is talking about


Persona 4.

Arthur Edward Waite - Pictorial Key to the Tarot

that's what most of the other books are based upon.

Paul Huson's Mystical Origins of the Tarot should be your priority.

With this you've got explanations for every card in the Marseille, RWS and the GD all in one. You ought to compare various systems together.

Jodorowsky's book as an user there said is great for sure but it's Marseille focused.

Another book is Robert Wang's Qabalistic Tarot, for RWS and Golden Dawn based decks.

The RWS and Thoth are offshoots from the original Golden Dawn cards, by the way, thus it's good to look at the source material which is Mather's Book T.

After that you can read up on RWS (ask others I dont know much books on this). Getting into Thoth you should have Duquette's Understanding Thoth Tarot and the Thoth Little White Booklet pdf before getting into the Crowley's Book of Thoth itself.