Most narcissistic author?

Most narcissistic author?

Attached: actual_narcissist_fuck_quora.jpg (500x369, 69K)

DFW 2bh



Camus or Hesse

Me desu

Either Sartre or Nietzsche

if non fiction qualifies, definitely Bernard Stiegler

Terry Goodkind

D'Annunzio and Wilde

Hands down, Norman Mailer, nobody else comes even close.

Mailer seriously considered himself the next Hemingway or Dostoevsky and literally wrote a 700 page book called 'Advertisements for Mysef'

Attached: Advertisements_for_Myself_first_edition.jpg (200x284, 19K)

I'd say Trump but AotD was ghostwritten.

Stirner of course

Attached: Max_Stirner-k.jpg (501x525, 55K)


Attached: strimer.png (485x443, 21K)

Was looking into him - why do you think this user

Wordsworth, but I love him anyway

I read a short book of interviews with him,
>That's what I call a good introduction to an author
because I usually enjoy french heideggerian leftists.
>This is what we call edgy philosophers
But he just kept repeating
>This is what I call...
as if his whole philosophy consisted in creating new names for rather basic ideas. It was annoying indeed, and quite disappointing in terms of contents.

me. also if you're not a narc you basically hate life.

By Anonymous’ standards, all of them.
Except the anonymous authors, many, if not most, of which were women

Walt Whitman, but in a good way