What books will tell me how to stamp out rootless cosmopolitanism and the urban intelligentsia/elite and also crush...

What books will tell me how to stamp out rootless cosmopolitanism and the urban intelligentsia/elite and also crush degeneracy like pedos/homosexuality and trannies?

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What a surprise op is a faggot again

Praxis? Uncle Teddy K is your man.

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tranny discord plz go

The Bible

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books are a tool of the discord trannies

Our struggle begins with the Eternal Neet.

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TV Guide

You really know your way with photoshop user. Beautiful edit.

jacques ellul

NEETs can be redeemed, in my opinion. They aren’t always hopeless. Just as one bad circumstance created a domino effect on their bad lifestyle, small improvements can domino into lifting them up again.

TV Guide endorses the homosexual agenda and pederasty

Then so does lit.
Why are you here?

Yea Forums doesn’t. Your board is sodomite

12 Rules for Life

Mein Kampf

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Fuck off.

No u

You're absolutley write XD. I'm gay and so I'll kindly take myself out

The best way to crush degeneracy is to kill yourself. You'll rid the world of one scum.

Suicide is degeneracy, moron

these, and uncle ted and uncle pentti

>be neet
>live in multigenerational household and care for family members and do chores and work in the garden
>people think this is bad and i should be an atomised wageslave coming home to an empty apartment between workbursts and put the elderly in homes where their only contact is other bitter wageslaves that care for them without love while they eat processed food and waste away in front of televisions in concrete blocks of misery

you dirty protestant/atheist anglos will collapse even faster into nihilism while the glorious tradmedcatt/orthobros/muslims salvage humanity during the long slow collapse of global industrial society.

your nihilistic social structures won't last, filthy calvinist work worshippers and servants of demon capital

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Working at home isn’t NEET though.
And it seems you read a fair amount of educational materials too. Not NEET at all. You’re alright

Well I'm not formally in education, employment or training, so I am officially part of the NEET demographic.

Well neet is something specific, and you seem to have as little respect for officialdom as I do, so I’d see you as perfectly normal

How would you describe your idea of NEET? The stereotypical self-involved manchild?

living the same way atm

Ted was an anarchist that's not anti-cosmopolitanism.