So, Yea Forums do you have any problem with writing your novel?

So, Yea Forums do you have any problem with writing your novel?

Be it Story? Setting?Theme? Characters? Dialogue?

If so please come to this thread in the hopes that it may help you.

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My character is addicted to heroin.

Can you help him? Im really worried.

I don't know how to write a mental breakdown from a first person perspective

have a mental breakdown yourself

How do I make my female characters feel more organic??

I’m working on a book of poetry, but every time I write something I end up posting it on poetry websites and I guess that disqualifies them for future publication.

I need help with my novel about a pige who joins the Seattle Mariners as their standout player and gets them to the ALCS.

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The hardest part for anyone, i think, is getting started and sticking to it.

Make them cute twinks in drag, aka the best combination of both masculine and feminine traits

I don't know how to kill off a secondary character without it seeming like they're getting shoved in the fridge.

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I dont know how to redeem my protagonist. Him surviving the book I'm writing would seem inappropriate but I can't kill him off. At what point does a protagonist become irredeemable?

if you write this i will read it

Send him to rehab.

What the FUCK is a pige?

You have to set the death up beforehand. If there is no foreshadowing, it will feel forced, but if you leave clues leading up to the death it will feel natural.

The death also needs to serve a purpose other than "I dont wanna write this character any more." Find some way to make the death impactful, to make it have a lasting effect on your plot.

If you've written him to a point where his death makes sense, maybe killing him is the best option. Why can't you kill him off?

What color are her eyes?

How to have ideas.
I'm convinced I was born without creativity and I'll just live as a kind of robot, never making anything and just living as necessary.

Sounds lame

Got multiple stories focus on a singular event. Each story is different, with varying protagonist and themes. The problem is the writing style and ultimately the protagonist themselves. I don't know how to work around those.

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Trying to write about man's masochistic man's sexual obsession with dominatrix but not sure how to do it in a way that it won't just seem like he is crazy to normies who don't share that perversion.

You need passions besides writing and reading.

Sounds stupid


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I finished this novel a couple months ago, but the opening keeps bugging me. I don't usually have this problem. I am very much interested in legit feedback.

Tombs half-buried in the parched clay cast no shadows at noon. The flowering trees scattered with only a few, buttery leafs, offered little respite from the sun's omniscience. Even the broad gate over the entrance of the village cemetary left just a thin, cool band of darkness beneath. A motorbike passed by this gate. Though the driver looked straight ahead, the woman sitting side-saddle on back of the bike, helmetless, peered absently into the bone yard. Her eyes, for a moment met those of the boy.
He dropped into a squatting position which appeared natural for him. Though he found precious little relief next to the thin tree, which, in that season, did not have blossoms. When the sun moved westward, over the next half hour, he managed to lay down next to one of these long sarcophagi in a splinter of darkness. The tomb was tiled in a colorful frescoe contrasting the hard, red earth beside it. A few blades of grass, yellowed by the heat, poked through cracks of parched earth. In the disance, the contrasting land became greener with the rubber trees and mango trees, past the rice paddies, and beyond that, the foothills rose to the mountains along the western spine of the island, ancient and always changing.
Two other boys of the same endeavoring age, riding together on a single motorbike, passed under the archway and into the cemetary. The machine puttered and popped from desrepair or diluted fuel, chain clinking, leaving a trail of dust and blue smoke behind that mocked them. One of these newcomers carried a small pail and a spade. He scrabbled off the bike, towards the boy resting beside the grave, and began inspecting the tombs. The third, the driver, lit a cigarette, leaning forward on the handlebars after taking a drag. He was clearly the eldest and the largest of the trio.
"Where do I dig, Flat Top?" the one carrying the pail and spade asked. His eyes were of the goggling type seen on ocean fish. He could not have been more than twleve years old.
The one called Flat Top now rested on his elbows, though still in the shade of the tomb. He had high cheek bones, giving him a V-shaped face. All of this accentuated the flatness of the top of his head. Not deigning to get to his feet and help, he said, "Anywhere."
The driver peered into the distance in a way suggesting he could not care less, that he was only the taxi bringing them there. Yet he carried an air of being the supervisor of the whole operation. When a motorbike passed on the road behind them, he didn't even look to see who drove it.
"It cannot be just any one. It must be special somehow."

Do it through her POV, normies will lap that BS us like a cat on milk

Don't do it. Don't even try. It's too personal. You can't distance yourself from it. This is a toxic theme, avoid at all costs.

Ignore everything about the media/movies/tv. Read nineteenth century realism. Think of feminism as a poison to your soul.

You can kill him off after the climax.

If you mean he's not acceptable to modern critics, then I would just ignore that and write him from your heart. Don't even read modern critics. Literature is dead in the sense of a mass market. It could possibly survive on a place like this if more Yea Forumstards actually took it seriously and didn't just come here out of an internet addiction. I'm seriously trying to help everyone I can. If we can do that, and read each other's work, and appreciate it, that is maybe the only hope actually world literature stands anymore.


You are never going to make it, the first 2 sentences alone already scream "This reads like a ReAl™ book now, dont worry its like nothing you've seen before!" a feeble man's idea of "memorable" lines.
Also why all "the" woman? "the" boy? why not a woman, a boy?

I got a bit of a similar issue, my character is getting gaslit. But im not sure if I should take the reader along for the ride or not. I was thinking to drop subtle hints along the way that the mc doesnt notice or misinterprets. Mostly, Im just worried the reader will feel cheated when the charade finally falls at the end

This could be a real mindfuck if you pulled it off, but yes, I think people would feel cheated if you don't give them any hints that let them figure it out themselves.

But readers are stupid.

Read female writers

I have a scene where a man is broken on the wheel and I need to go into detail without it seeming lurid or edgy while also being really fucking horrible. Does anyone know of any books with 'artistic' and 'aesthetic' character deaths that are also realistic?

My problem is my horrible work ethic
Im 1 chapter away from completion but I just can't get the words out, its been like this for 3 months now
I think I need adderall or something

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I keep putting scenes in the wrong order and it makes it confusing. I've been having other people look at my work and that helps.
I also forget to explain some things that other people don't know but I assume they do. I'm writing about the very rural, isolated area where I have spent most of my life and reference things that everybody knows about there but people don't out here. I don't know when to explain specific terms or leave them for the reader to look up if they don't know them.

You should take them for the ride but drop subtle hints along the way. If you don't it will feel like an abrupt "he was dreaming the whole time" kind of ending.


>How do I make my female characters feel more organic??

Think of a man, then take away reason and accountability.


You need to read my diary desu.