Was he right?

Was he right?

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Yes, you cant be a perfectionist while you're drafting the first manuscript. Its painful. All the polishing comes with the rewrite and edit


>listening to hemingay


You disappoint me Anti-Yea Forums. What have you read by Hemingway?

Oh shit is that my boy Hemingway?

>reading anything by "middle school" hemingay
wew lass



If Joyce could be bros with him why can’t you appreciate him?

False. Johnson produced first drafts of work more polished than anything Hemingway could produce.

False, especially with poetry.

Which Johnson?

All of them

Dostoevsky never took the time to revise anything that he wrote because most of the time he was in a rush due to publishers deadlines or trying to pay off gambling debts, he just dictated them to his wife/Scrivener and then send them to publishers stat

Mostly, yes. But not really.

Are you thinking of Whitman?

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Samuel. Reading his parliamentary debates, in which some of the most polished and elevated rhetoric in the English language was produced, in which Johnson was able to support both sides of the argument, makes one think that this was the result of careful, diligent composition and planing, yet we are supposed to believe that, he wrote "[t]hree columns of the Magazine, in an hour, which was faster than most persons could have transcribed that quantity." Since a column there contains a little more than six hundred words, this would mean an average rate of at least eighteen hundred words an hour, or thirty a minute.

Cool shit.

>famous author said this or that

Don't worry about who said such and such advice:
rough drafts in general are shit, and one should keep it in mind to revise and rewrite as needed.
Even if your first draft seems sexy af, put it away, look at it again in a week or so, re-read, proofread, revise, etc., etc, yeah

Attached: Too many mfa students own this mug.jpg (451x421, 48K)

Are you an MFA?

Didn't Kafka write "The Judgement" basically in one night? If so, Hemingway is not always correct in his assertion.

Faulkner said he didn't edit As I Lay Dying, but he could be lying.

r. graves redrafted his poems dozens & dozens of times


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No because there is not a single way to write.

is pulp

James Joyce always had a very pervy incest feel to him. Very uninspiring person. Very weak!

I guarantee Hemingway's short stories, like Big Two-Hearted River and A Clean Well-Lighted Place, are more Yea Forums than half of the swill on this board (if you actually understand them).

That's why most poetry is shit tho.


Lewis wrote a lot of this stuff longhand first draft and got publication.
Gross oversimplification from an alcoholic communist faggot? What a shock.

For sale: dead baby

Robert Graves is a shit poet and a shit writer

it's like working in a sugar shack. You just gotta keep boiling and boiling the shit outta the good stuff.

yeah, even though he never actually said it.

(((Harlan Ellison)))

I lmao