Is this right?

Is this right?

Attached: 1mqkppcwijj21.png (523x795, 175K)

maybe, if all you read is fanfic and YA

See, I could read this and not be aware which gender wrote it, and I wouldn't even give a fuck about the focus on the dick. Why are wom*n so fucking uppity all the time?

What books even do this with female characters? Shitty fantasy and sci-fi? Maybe tumblr should read better books.

The funny thing is this thread will get many incel tears, while the OP screenshot is completely correct. As a women, I have yet to read a convincing character written by a male. Dostoevsky is the biggest perpetrator in this regard. The female character in Underground Man makes me think he never hugged or kissed a woman

I'm usually a big fan of saying stuff to piss people off but this is kind of low effort, even for Yea Forums

No serious author would use this term in writing unless it was part of a dialogue

good bait incel

Stephen King does this with breasts.

Not even Shakespeare?


Attached: Screenshot_2017-09-14-19-06-10-1.png (1348x1104, 170K)

these tumblr people genuinely have a terrific sense of humor, rivalling the Yea Forums's as its greatest, and sometimes surpassing it. i really like the battle between Yea Forums and tumblr, because it's truly a battle of equals

Thanks! As a tumblr user that likes to make a comedy post every now and then this post means a lot to me! : )

>If female writters wrote characters of the opposite sex like male writers do.
Yeah sure, male writters always describe females with "noticing how their boobs pressed agaisnt the front of her shirt".
Dont know where the fuck she is coming at. Not even female writters write like that.

But dont nipples get hard when you are scared and cold?
What pic described was as if every man that walks is always super aware of his penis and what it is touching.

Aw, you're welcome. Thanks for being so sweet, most people here aren't so kind. Have a nice day my tumblrfren UwU.

p.s: do you know if there's any material/regions on tumblr that have active and new gentlefemdom content, free of sexual elements? i used to find some gfd on there but found few pages that were without strange and uncomfortable acts like p*gg*ng or spanking or other things I don't like. is there new gfd being made regularly, wholesome and vanilla in nature? if so i'd like to use the site. also is there sailor moon content? and will the girls on there be kind to me? i met a girl irl who used tumblr and she was really rude to me and clearly didn't have any respect for me, sadly...she put her earpods into her ears literally while i was talking to her, lol... :(

ITT incels and discord trannies

Sometimes I do notice my penis when walking downstairs.

>male writers graphically describe women’s vaginas
Boobs aren’t the equal of a man’s cock and balls. A more adapt comparison would be to the extent women describe a mans chest/muscles which romance novels are just as graphic about if not more so.

a perfect marriage, then

No idea
When writers start talking about non males I usually just skip those parts

Chests and genitalia are not the same thing. I can't recall any piece of fiction where a woman contemplates her vagina, but I can find many where a man does his chest/stomach.
Yet again, a woman shows women were a mistake.

Exhibit B,, same book.

Attached: Screenshot_2017-09-19-18-00-16.png (1440x2560, 406K)

How is a man looking at a girl's boobs pointing through her shirt anything relevant to what OP's pic is talking about?


The point is literally every time a female character has a scene her tits are mentioned.

I only write female characters but nobody knows because I never mention their gender
And also because nobody reads what I write

The bottom post is how women write women.

Why can't women just accept that men are fucking horny? Transmen will tell you, the second you go on T all you wanna do is fuck

I shiggy diggy

>who is Grushenka
>who is Varvara Petrovna

Dostoevsky has written some of the best women in all of literature. The fact that you are used him as an example proves you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

These are the women calling you guys incel btw

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Jesus fucking christ kill yourselves

Grushenka is an absolute caricature. Using her as an example of a good written female is laughable

women are caricatures of themselves tbqh

also how can you look at the Underground Man and call the woman a caricature and not the man

He's not. Incels are real

If all you understood of that character was 'incel' literature is probably not for you

using those kind of hell-tier sophisms just show that you dont belong here, go back

Attached: 1520775482264.jpg (2938x1427, 549K)

Incels don't exist. They're a CIA psyop

I hope these sad people find a way to improve their lives and stop being miserable.
comparing yourself to everyone constantly is a hell of a drug and a terrible life

> tall+fat
> trufemcel

> she is actually that snooty

> almost never do people actually ask for it
> imagine literally asking for it and not even being worth a 'no' answer

> this one could be saved

> whatever the ftm term for trap is

imagine the smell

>t. incel

Fifty Shades of Gray reads like that though and it was written by a woman

Jane Austen must be a breeze for you.

Yeah, but one usually doesn't consider their nipples.

The fact that you are used him as an example proves you are baiting

She is right but women that aren't old hags or fat get excited by women being written like this

>this is America's foremost prose stylist
woe! how far we've fallen!

what the fuck is De Lesquen shitposting doing here.

Are you sure, user?

maybe her rock hard nips are representative of her internal state

>the year is 2050
>incel civil rights movement has passed
>incels are a protected class
>only incels can use the i-word

Yeah because this happens all the time. I thought it was pretty weird how described Sonya's nipples when Raskolnikov confessed to her

Nice meme.

i don't need to

>these tumblr people genuinely have a terrific sense of humor
>later reveals she's a tumblr user
why are you shilling for a corporation you don't even work for

If they're hard you feel them rubbing on your shirt.

the male interpretation of being a woman is the most captivating to read because it approaches it from what i already know. there's no way to fully understand what it is to be like the other gender, no matter what *enhancements* you may inflict on yourself or however hard you try to imagine.

This is terrible

Idk to whom I am even replying to here, desu. Just skimmed through this discussion and wanted to point out that Murakami, for example, quite regularly describes the penises of his characters and what is going on with them.


An author describing a character regarding another character doesn't really count, does it?
Tom Robbins' Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas describes men's genitalia in detail through the perspective of it's main character.

blah blah blah

That actually is a valid sentence. I do worry about whether or not my penis is visibly showing, especially when I'm wearing rather tight pants.

Has here ever been a word so damaging to the quality of discussion on this site than 'incel'?

who cares what someone calls you faggot

I've never read a book with a woman in it so i wouldn't know.

Attached: 1551573478070.jpg (576x960, 93K)

soi was a fucking plague for a few months.

>feeling your penis at all when it's tucked in your undies
>balls hanging while wearing undies
>dangling "hairily"

I'm not even mad at this point.

I don't care what people call me, I barely post. It's just shit to read through endless threads of 'ur an incel xD' 'no u'.


Yes, even non autistic nerd chicks want to get titillated like they're reading 50 Shades

Literally who?

The only problem with incel is that the men are too pussy to use that word against these stupid misandrist incels.

I thought 'incels' were Russian bots? Or am I getting my narratives mixed up again

>women never think about their boobs or talk about them with their friends or consider how they physically appear to the public

>thoughts about boobs and how they're accented in dress == balls and penis and how they're accented in your trousers

How is this even considered a good criticism and not just cackling hens thinking they're on to something.

Using the word "incel" is an Express ticket to No-Gives-a-Fuck-about-your-opinion Ville

If you're an incel.

>if bad writers of one gender wrote like bad writers of the other gender it would be bad
I hate the fucking internet I want to go back

If by incel you mean someone who has more than 3 braincells left, and can argue without just saying a buzzword then yes

>As a women
Based multiple personality poster!


You're not a woman; you're an incel false-flagging in a pathetic attempt to incite misogyny in this board. Back to /r9k/ you go

>Stephen King
Well, there's your problem right there.

>as a woman
top kek tits with timestamp faggot