Give me a quick rundown on why Camus and Sartre is hated here

Give me a quick rundown on why Camus and Sartre is hated here.

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Camus is a hack, a non entity, a joke in the history of philosophy. A CHAD who never once suffered in his life, having the easiest life of the writers (who normally have to pass through internal struggles to breed art), he only succeeded in that department due to the HALO EFFECT, which already proves how CHADS are perceived as more intelligent, wealthy and more pleasant people, even though they're often mediocre in all departments but beauty. He has a short but bad ouvre
>Le mythe de Sisyphe
Ghastly rigmarole. Some amusing lines of reasoning, but overall, pretty poor. Criticizes past philosophers for falling into what he calls christian irrationalism while attempting to put forth his own brand of atheist irrationalism.
>Le Stranger
The logical step to his 'absurdism' theory, the only absurditity here is how is this in any way or shape considered a good or even decent book. He has no style, no coherent voice, no sense of literature. Dreadful. Self-consciously couched in a phony "existential" tone, with a pink cardboard absurd "hero" glued on at the end.

Camus - serial cheater, douchebag, made his wife commit suicide
Sartre - sexual predator, pedophile

they're FRENCH

They're continental philosophers: they don't use science or formal logic to support their claims. They spout off whatever they feel and think they've done serious mental exercise.

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Real talk because everybody reads them when they are 16-19 or studies them briefly in a philosophy 101 class and Yea Forums, mostly young, mostly burgeoning intellectuals likes to be elitist and sweep everything "entry level" and everything they read last year under the rug, but just because you read Myth of Sisyphus or Nausea as a teenager does not mean you have actually read or understood the philosopher's total work and so most of Yea Forums will not have read The Rebel or Being and Nothingness which were much greater contributions to philosophy.

Only incels hate CHADmus

There is nothing wrong with being a pedophile.

Both are inferior to the fascist CHAD of French Literature.

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exactly what a pedophile would say

because they're babby's first "serious" literature and babby's first philosophy. It's sophomoric, pur et dur.

Well yeah. Children are sexy.

They are pop philosophers who take very complex thought and dumb it down for the masses. Which is a useful endeavor, that unto itself is not objectionable. However they are presented as original and profound thinkers, when in fact they are the Bill Nye of existentialism

Celine is CHAD as fuck, but i wonder how much of a CHAD he is comparison to Sartre. Sartre was INCEL but managed to become a CHAD on the basis of his fame. Times back then were different. Sartre nowadays would be posting at Yea Forums talking about how he relates to The Underground Man, but in his lifetime, he absolutely fucked tons of French qts who may have not seen him as a CHAD but still fucked him because of his fame as "le existential philosopher XD", so his position as INCEL or CHAD gets pretty hard to define. The 21st century is not a kind year to non-CHADs. Camus on the other hand was the definition of the Yea Forums CHAD.

is 'chad' a compliment in this board or what?

>Sartre - sexual predator, pedophile
Also communist.


try self reflection user. change yourself.


>he doesn't know what a CHAD is
I can tell you're not a CHAD. CHADs nowadays are pretty aware of their role as CHADs in society, if you don't know what a CHAD is, i'm afraid that the logical conclusion is to assume not only you're not a CHAD, but you may be an INCEL.

look at adult women, not children.

fair enough i'm a chad, but you still didn't say what chad is

how do I know you're an anglo?

I like both. And you’re just repeating yourself. I asked why.

because it's immoral.

How so?

Only fools and women resonate with their philosophies

>science with philiosphy

because its immoral to act upon your desire. anything thats immoral in action is immoral in concept too.

I think that’s highly specious reasoning. Acting in it is certainly immoral, but I have no plans to act on it. By that logic, tha majority of all books are immoral. The inability to separate fantasy from reality is the mark of a mental disability. And I’ll take it one step forward. I have no desire to actually have sexual with a child. My only desire is to look at the pictures.

>the only absurditity here is how is this in any way or shape considered a good or even decent book

>Le Stranger
Are you fucking retarded?

How does that in any way impact the quality of their work you fucking pleb?

French gay circular obscurist overly dramatic drivel and whine. No hope, just misery.

stop fucking posting you retarded newfaggot

They are sophists. Unlike proper philosophers, they don't bother building their philosophy from an ontological framework and then establishing their epistemology upon that foundation and finally concluding with a prescribed morality that naturally grows from the preceding two elements. They just say "Grug no like thing cuz this".

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>grug use made up word no one care about because grug waste grug life read many leaf by autistic grugcel for many seasons
phincelophy retards are so pathetic lmao

unfair bias against the French

the western canon is full of authors and thinkers guilty of worse

They mad Chadmus banged more broads in a week than most of us will in our lives.

But they don't whine incoherently


uh what?

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Pierre Drieu la Rochelle is the CHAD


Don't play coy dude. There is no reason to ever in your life use the words epistemology or ontological unless you're bragging about how you wasted hours and hours comparing how different autistic losers viewed the world. Nobody cares. You should fuck off to /his/ but you little faggots actually get "kicked off" a board that was created for you, and you are such pathetic retards the mods go easy on you. Embarrassing.

This fucking hits it.

Anyone who doesn't know these words on this board needs to leave. That includes people who know these words but for which they aren't such an organic part of their vocabulary that seeing them provokes this sort of reaction.

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I read them when I was 20 having just finished all of Nietzsches works. Sarte and Camus felt like weak jokes, comics.

>they don't bother building their philosophy from an ontological framework

Read Being and Nothingness you tard. And even though that is a thoroughly flawed ontological framework, and although Sartre never satisfingly overcame its problems in his later philosophical works, you simply cannot accuse him not putting in the effort.

I didn't mean that they didn't pretend to do that. Same with Nietzsche.

>a bloo bloo no really I use these words all of the time
>y-you just don't know them!
>p-pls don't make me go to /his/ ;_;
fuck OFF faggot. A contaiment board was made for you and the religion faggots to go to hell with each other. But of course that isn't what either of you want, you -like- being wandering jews who get to bring up your shit no one cares about on a handful of boards because you didn't have one. It is fucking horseshit the mods don't make you idiots go there. For YEARS people asked for this, it exists now, and for nothing. Its a worse travesty than what happpened to fucking /r9k/

Being and Nothingness is actual trash, and I feel like you know that but you're just being contrarian

I don't use the words all the time, but I'm not such a philistine that I regard these words as especially esoteric (nor any of those words I just used btw). Maybe you should fuck off back to r/thedonald or 8ch's /christian/.

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>he actually doubles down
>he actually sucks his own dick for saying philistine and esoteric
>n-no y-you go somewhere even though I'm some retard newfaggot who uses reddit and obviously has no idea what you were really saying
fuck OFF doorknocker

You don't even read books. That's a much bigger reason to fuck off when you're on a fucking LITERATURE board.

>hurrr durrr want me to use the board that was created for me?
>no thanks, religion and philosophy posters are insufferable
>I'd rather take up half the catalog here
>I'm not like those OTHER fags

I've literally never posted a thread related to philosophy here. But I'm glad to see you find religion posting insufferable as well. I just assumed you were another idiot here to indoctrinate people into your brand of Abrahamism.

Espouse pseudophilosophy that the unthinking retards pick up and wear as identity and in-group marker.
Celebrities rather than intellectuals.
Shit writers.

They're entry-level and decent, which means they're talked about more than they deserve. In a vacuum, I wouldn't have anything against either, but the fact that so many Freshman and Sophomore philosophy and literature students (typically white sadbois) fawn over the Frenchies is irritating.

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I haven't read any Sartre, but I've really enjoyed Camus's novels.

Being and Nothingness unironically changed my life.

I hate how Sartre’s early existentialism philosophy placed importance on the individual and the right/ need of the individual to forge their own path and create their own meaning/ value systems. Then suddenly he became a raging commie saying how the only way to live “authentically” is revolt against the current system because surely that one would allow freedom for more people. Basically, because Sartre’s an unoriginal, indoctrinated commie

*I like how...

exactly what a sexual predator in making will say

>dazai forces his wife to commit suicide with him, leaving his children with no parents growing up

"b-but hes based user u dont understand, hes dark, brooding and moody like me; /aesthetic/ anyone???? haha..."

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This. Neither come close to Celine

Exactly what someone might say right before being swatted to death with a newspaper.

Based and celinepilled

The stranger is literally the most boring book I’ve ever read, despite its length I couldn’t bring myself to finish it.

Jesus christ, the state of this board. Epistemology and ontology are two of the absolutely fundamental branches. Is this bait? Have I gone insane?

Is absolutely correct. Nobody who engages with literature or philosophy on any level at all should bat an eyelid at the us of these terms.

How fucking restrictive is your vocabulary that you consider these words to be somehow pretentious?