Newfag to reading

I'm a 23 year old male. I just moved cross country for trade school by myself and I get a lot free time. I'm tired of vidya, masturbating, and internet lurking. I want to get into reading, and I need some recommendations. I'm going to go to the local library tomorrow at get a card. The only books I ever read were the ones they would make you read in high school, and the only one I ever enjoyed was "catcher in the rye". I liked it for the same reason a lot of high school kids probably liked it: angsty, teens can relate to it.. And as a 23 year old adult, I would probably enjoy something that I can at least somewhat relate to. I'm really just not interested in fantasy or science fiction (it can still have elements of those genres, but I'd prefer something more based in reality). Can be anything I suppose. You also have to understand, I don't read, so it needs to be digestible for new readers. Doesn't even have to be fiction. Could even be a good biography, autobiography, or memoir, collection of short stories or something.

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Read the sticky and look up the starter pack there

I don't mean to be unkind but your thread made me cringe.
Ishmael comes to mind; I read it as a young teen when I started reading non-pulp and enjoyed it. The language is pretty simplistic without being dumbed-down. Also gorillas are based.

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Find the top 100 books image and find something that intrigues you, work your way through that list

diary of a short-sighted adolescent - mircea eliade

that list sucks

No it doesn’t

So which novels aren't predictable meme-trash, then?

Why did it make you cringe? Just how new I am? Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out. Gorillas?

i'l chekc it out

I’d say at least 80% of the books on that list are worth reading

i'd say practically none of them are, unless you want to literally transform in to a meme

read whatever you want to read you fucking mongoloid

Start with the Greeks

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Honestly just scroll the catalog until you see a thread with a picture in the OP of a cool looking author in black and white and then read a bunch of posts saying how good it is, if from what they're saying you glean that you may enjoy it, order the book from book depository.

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Shoplift this book at your nearest barns n noble and thank me later

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this. find inspiration through your curiosity. don’t force yourself to read anything if people highly like something.
browse the library, barnes and noble, even occasionally this board in order to figure out what you like.

thanks probably the best advice i could ask for

Same boat as you, OP and I just read Animal Farm, so if you haven't read that, I'd recommend it.


>unironic "yikes"

falling prone to what others deem “good” is not beneficial for yourself; bias or elitism you could call it. i’m not saying that recommendations are bad, just think for yourself.
have fun user.

Read the outsiders

To be honest just go to the library or second-hand bookshop and look for yourself. Read the blurb. If you dislike reading a book more than you feel the worth of finishing it will be, then drop it.