Best books about psychedelics/psychedelic use? Fiction or non fiction please

Best books about psychedelics/psychedelic use? Fiction or non fiction please.

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peter pan

it's about a little boy who never grew up


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It's not entirely about psychedelics, but I felt like the descriptions were apt.

drugs are a tool of the discord trannies.

Yea Forums is a straightedge board


the maker of lsd did write quite a bit about the topic, though I can't remember his name or any of the works because it's been years since I was involved with that.

stop tainting every board with your poz vernacular you fucking retard

I did some acid the other day and i remember realizing that it's so easy to ignore the truth that's always around us: that nothing is funny and nothing even has any right to be, life is terrifying and scary. We are all lost.
But you get over it.


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Albert Hoffman

That's crazy, I had almost the exact same experience a few days ago with shrooms. The whole time I was panicking and it amazed me how much your mind can make you suffer.

Timothy Leary's books, one supposes.

Carlos Castaneda, Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary, John C. Lilly etc.
Check them all out, they are entry level


There is no truth around us, or anywhere around in general. Anything can be funny, why not? Life is exciting. There is nowhere else to get lost in.
Can't get over that.

it's all distraction.
no matter how you look at it: funny, exciting, sad , whatever, you're still being chewed on by a giant invisible beast.

Mckenna's true hallucinations audiobook, and yes, being stoned helps

>it's all a distraction
Yeah get over it, make it enjoyable or accept it without bitching if we are condemned as you say. What does feeling sorry for yourself accomplish?

The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley was the only interesting account of psychedelics I've ever read, I personally thought it was a lot less presumptious than Leary anyway.


not the best i guess but still nice read

What's a discord tranny? A transgender person who frequently uses Discord?

Quick rundown
>There are several organized MK Ultra mafia groups of mostly transgender and other mentally ill people who plan raids and constantly spam/monitor 24/7 multiple boards on Yea Forums.
>Their main objectives are spread of traps/communism/lgbtqbraaap+/racemixing/feminism/denial of race and many other.
>Any actions they take are meant to demoralize the userbase of an infested board.
>Both CIA and KGB bow to discord trannies.
>They use Discord App exclusively to communicate with each other and get the messages from above.

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Please go into detail, because there's a lot of different experiences on this. A very common reaction to psychedelics is laughter as one see beyond our limited perceptions and actually find comfort.

Personally, I have never been left with that sense of fear or that life is actually terrifying or scary. Quite the contrary, I live with a lot of fear and worrying, but psychedelics tend to show me just how meaningless worrying is. As far as I can tell, by dissolving our ego, any reason to be afraid vanishes with it. Also DMT at least for me put the concept of death and fear into a completely different perspective. Every other psychedelic can't even begin to come close.

Thankfully the lifespan of trannies is short

>The concept of Discord came from CEO Jason Citron
>Citron Name Meaning. Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): ornamental name from German Zitrone 'lemon (tree)'; in some cases it may be a metonymic occupational name as in 2 below.


Psychedelic noobs are so fucking annoying. The penalty for acting like this should be a 10 strip, a gram of k and a kick in the fucking gut during the peak

>Go to any college party
>spot the guy in his early 30's who still hangs out at college parties
>ask for advice on life

The Crying of Lot 49

Prometheus Rising

I did 500mg that time and I had a bad/good time, I mostly remember the bad parts. I did it in a windowless room at night however. I usually trip outside during the day.
But generally the fact that you can only have one or the other might be a sign of brainletism more than anything else.
Ego death is, in my opinion, one of the worst parts of an hallucinogenic experience. I can see the appeal, but i like to feel like i have some control over what's going on around me. I guess I fight it.
Never did DMT. Most I did was 1/8 of shrooms and 500ug of acid (not at the same time of course).

>he's never taken an 8th of mushrooms and a bunch of acid
lol pussy I used to do that at music festivals along with coke and whippets and sass oh my

you do whippets so you're probably retarded.
I don't feel bad about being a pussy in that case.

also im not a queer poser faggot so i don't go to music festivals.

That is the realm of music; Michael Gira.

Huxley is the most popular for psychedelic literature.
The Doors of Perception
Heaven and Hell

The Harvard Psychedelic Club was a surprisingly good historical account of how widespread LSD started within Ivy League groups, and eventually gave birth to the 70s as we know it.

Yeah cool bud you did acid a couple of times by yourself and you know reality is all fake and you're a massive queer who thinks the community of people who do psychs all of the time and designs art and events around them is so beneath you. It makes sense you would be the sort of retard who believes a drug you've never done causes LE BRAIN DAMAGE LOLZ. Nitrous is administered in dentists offices you retard. You shouldn't rebreath into the balloon but otherwise if you have a habit of sucking pounds and pounds of gas you can develop a vitamin B deficiency. Stay custie, custie.

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

Also these aren't whippets like you buy from a gas station they come in 20lb tanks and pack much more whallop especially if you're already spun. For me,I usually think I can see all of reality from the macro to the micro and every shade of color and how it all connects and then immediately feel like nothing can come next and the world will end like a bad TV show and I have to sit down and ride that out. There are some pretty wild hallucinations in between though.

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> the community of people who do psychs all of the time and designs art and events around them is so beneath you
I kinda do think that. I respect the drugs, not the users. You're clearly retards in denial as evidenced by your nitrous oxide defense.

>you clearly know more about the subject than me but I know I'm not missing out on something I haven't experienced
Okay dumbass have fun missing cool shit, nobody will miss you
>never did DMT
Wow bro maybe one day huh! The first time i went to moe.down when moe came out with umphrey's to do Time into Breathe by Floyd a couple on the hill next to us smoked some with us while I was tripping mushrooms and sass, and then gave us the half gram or so they had left because they didn't want to drive back to connecticut with it. Most of the people i partied with have smoked deemsters because of me.
>as evidenced by your nitrous defense


Baudelaire's Les Paradis Artificiels

There's an excellent history of magic mushrooms called 'Shroom' by Andy Letcher. The writer is a shroomhead but this is a sensible, detailed, scholarly book, which debunks a lot of the favourite myths of shroomheads.

If you want to contextualise your trips, understand how other people have responded to the feelings of religious ecstacy, read Huxley's 'The Perennial Philosophy' or Huston Smith's 'Forgotten Truth' which is similar but a lot shorter and more entertaining.

The Psychedelic Renaissance by Dr. Ben Sessa is a good read. Its about the use of psychedelics in psychiatry, with attention to the neuropsychopharmacology of these compounds - fascinating stuff.


Center of the Cyclone by John C. Lilly and The Invisible Landscape by McKenna are good starts

>I can see the appeal, but i like to feel like i have some control over what's going on around me. I guess I fight it.
See this is really strange too me. For me fighting or even trying to consider the concept of control is futile and painful. Like what are you going to control and for what purpose? I get some thoughts and worries but I always remember to just let go and flow with the energy which immediately removes all fear or worrying as youre not fighting the incredibly powerful things that are happening.
Without the ego death you might as well do stimulants, because if you're not traversing your own mind and exploding perceptions, then its just enhanced experience. Just my guess, not claiming there aren't other ways.

Also on high enough doses this happens naturally, not that I recommend that unless you know what you're doing and have some experience.

>Like what are you going to control and for what purpose?
Everything in my surroundings so that I may suffer less. Mainly relationships and peoples way of interacting with/thinking about the world.
I know this only increases my suffering but I can't let go. I feel like I have to save everyone from themselves. I feel obligated to help my alcoholic bipolar dad get off the alcohol so he can better cope with his bipolar. I feel obligated to a friend get rid of all his debt by teaching him how to manage his shit better. I feel obligated to my gf to help her get rid of the complacency so she can achieve something significantly closer to her max potential.
I hate this fucking shit, I hate how people would rather kill themselves than admit they might not have the best idea, I hate how I can't get rid of my compassion for humanity and all it does is jade me further. I want to be free from my self-imposed shackles.

I have the out most respect for your position and urge to help those around you. Wish I had some good advice. I am in a similar situation of wanting to help those around me, but I know the only way to help them is to help myself first and set an example as well as being more capable of the little things in life.

When I speak about control it is purely during the trip. I feel by letting go you are forced into the depths of yourself where things can be clearer. Like you say you only become more jaded and you wish you could be rid of the compassion. That is where we differ and I believe that there is something faulty in your relation to your compassion. I only become saddened by my inefficiency of helping others and myself, but that compassion is hard ingrained in my being and I value it above all. Maybe there are other ways of going about helping your loved ones and perhaps you need to detach somewhat or untangle something within your relation to your compassion.

Now remember this is just my ideas based of very limited information so please regard it as such, it was just really inspiring for me to have an actual serious exchange with you. Hope you figure things out.

My compassion is for their sake. I absolutely despise mediocrity and I don't associate with people that can't be helped in my eyes, which only occurs after I associate with them. I also deep down desire to be THE guy that made that change for them. "Without user, I would never be in the place I am, I'm so thankful for having met him so he could change my life around." I read all the philosophy and self-help books I can for the sole purpose of gaining more perspectives in which I can help more people with solutions that they can come to agree with. Nietzsche helps with some people (addicted to video games types), in that they desire to overcome suffering through their Will to Power and found the easy way, but some people need someone more like Joel Osteen because they only think negative and get stuck in thought loops that make mountains from molehills. Long story short, I can't help them be better if I don't know the right way to help them, and I can't start to help them if I don't know how and why they think the way they do.

It's selfish at the end of the day, but all throughout the day, it's for their sake. The part I want to get rid of isn't the compassion, but the feeling of obligation. I give them the benefit of the doubt, that they are none the wiser to the errors of their ways. If I don't inform them of this, I am as responsible for their suffering as their actions are. If they are unwilling to change, I become unwilling to help. I don't want this feeling of obligation, compassion I'm more than fine with.

I sincerely hope we can talk further, I've not experienced your perspective before.

Sure you don't mean FSB?

Tell me where the cringe lies my friend? I am l correct about nitrous, and getting super spun with friendly people at events designed for that purpose is the best. Every one of those people has been that guy who took acid or mushrooms a few times and it was X Y and Z and so profound. You're not going to have an hour long totally out of body experience rolling apart in the grass while psychedelic soundscapes crash around you doing an average amount of drugs by yourself. Multi-day psychedelic combos are where its at. The last moe.down I went to I brewed up 13 feet of san pedro cactus for saturday to split three ways. My girl and my buddy both puked but I was fucking flying.


Hello friend

I hope these can help you

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and there are a few here about mushrooms

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user has been waiting his whole life for this moment

list theories as to the nature of DMT beings (ex. clockwork/machine elves, cosmic snakes, whatever else are spoken of)

1/8 of mushrooms is baby shit
that's like the minimum dose if you want to trip

500 micrograms is what 2 hits would have been back in the 60s

>reading about psychedelics

I don't like shrooms.
500micrograms has been heavy for me, i've had good and bad experiences.
I hear you get diminishing returns on anything past 500, and past 1000 you get next to nothing, just duration.

It's for people who are still stuck in the 60s

Why is the general view on drugs so immature on Yea Forums boards. It's like this whole site is browsed by children

they're different experiences altogether
I prefer mushrooms because it's more visual and feels more religious/spiritual rather than merely psychoanalytical, plus more of a body-load/sensation with mushrooms

with LSD (and related compounds) at higher doses you have pretty bad vasoconstriction and I have high blood pressure so I watch out for that

>like this whole site is browsed by children

which one is less likely to induce panic attacks/bad trips in general?



Why is it that every time someone goes “does X browse this site or something” some fucking retarded asshole comes along and says “duhhhhhh of cawse X browses durrrr”.

I don’t think literal children post here. His point was people need to grow up. Drugs are for children

>His point was people need to grow up. Drugs are for children
Would you consider that perhaps the exact opposite was his point?
The truth is somewhere in the middle.

They all have the potential to do so, but I agree with the guy that said mescaline. It's got a little bit of the acid headspace and time/mind fuckery but it's mostly just bright and visual color for me for the most part. It's also probably not as safe as the tryptamines like psilocybin and DMT though

>Drugs are for children
lol sure

mushrooms and other fungi of north america
mushroom miscellany
mycophilia - eugenia bone
psilocybin mushrooms of the world - stamets
mushrooms and mankind
magic mushrooms
fungi delight of curiosity - brodie
growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms stamets
the mushroom cultivator stamets
mycelium running
mushrooms demystified
the fifth kingdom
introductory mycology
texas mushrooms
shroom andy letcher
society field guide to north america
mushrooms schusters
the mushroom handbook
kombucha miracle fungus
medicinal mushrooms
the mushroom trail guide
mushroom magic
the savory wild mushroom
the mushroom and truffle book
the mushroom hunter's field guide
the encyclopedia of mushrooms
reefer madness
marijuana botany
hashish! clarke
deceptive weed
acid dreams
orange sunshine
the brotherhood of eternal love
archaic revival
invisible landscape
acid dreams
hallucinogens and culture
the long trip
plants of the gods
psychedelics encyclopedia
from chocolate to morphine
mystic chemist
psychedelic reader
pioneers in psychopharmacology I joel elkes
fire in the brain ronald k siegel
dmt the spirit molecule
a primer of drug action
elephants on acid alex boese
princeples of neural science
cosmic consciousness
the roots of consciousness
the chemistry of joy
drugs and the brain
mind boosting secrets
licit & illicit drugs
hippies drugs and promiscity
the psychotropic mind
passage of darkness
the serpent & the rainbow wade davis
peyote religion
uppers downers all arounders

I'd feel like my child would have not lived life fully if they had not experienced psychedelics at least once in their adult lives

Not op. Although This is a great take away, "Maybe there are other ways of going about helping your loved ones and perhaps you need to detach somewhat or untangle something within your relation to your compassion."

Have you ever read into Stoicism?

List, which one is your personal favorite, which one is a great introduction, which one has open your mind the most and which one would be great for leisure/coffee table reading

Albert Hoffman, book is LSD, my problem child

Albert hoffman

good job

i assume you mean the mushroom books specifically since you linked to the second post. It depends what you're interested in, really. "Shroom" by Andy Letcher is a great basic, overview of the history and culture of magic mushrooms. Stamets' "Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World" is also a great introduction, from a slightly more rigorous stand point, and is a basic field guide as well to psilocybe and related active genera. Really anything by Stamets is going to be great. His Mycelium Running is a good little basic introduction to the medicinal and ecological value of mushrooms + very interesting facts about them, and a little bit of how to grow them (it's definitely geared more toward the layman/novice on the subject). Mycophilia and Mushroom Miscellany are very cool little books that go over the lore and history of mushrooms/fungi, and are fairly well written. The mycology books are interesting, though they're best if you know a little basic biology first - you can find out a lot in certain chapters of most biology or botany textbooks on the basics of mushrooms usually - as they're pretty in depth. For field guides, Gary Lincoff's National Audubon Society Field Guide to N. American Mushrooms, as well as Dave Arora's books are recommended. If you're interested in cultivation, Stamets' Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms is probably the most up to date on the subject; for psilocybin-related specifically, the orange handbook at the bottom is pretty detailed and has modern techniques. For just its pure historical value though (although I don't have it pictured in my little collection there) are the McKennas' (published under pseudonyms) "Psilocybin Magic Mushroom Growers Handbook" is basically the original/first of its kind and has great little drawings and photos. Around the same time Stamets' Mushroom Cultivator and Steven Pollock's book all came out around that same time in the 70s - All but the reissues of the 1st are rare/expensive for practical purposes unless you just want to collect them

no because trannies aren't people

I've read Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Seneca. Practicing stoicism greatly antagonizes my spirit.
