I'm going to jail tomorrow and the only entertainment I'll have for a few months is ordering books (anything new from...

I'm going to jail tomorrow and the only entertainment I'll have for a few months is ordering books (anything new from Amazon is okay)
I'm planning on studying Japanese, but I need other stuff to read also.
Here's my list so far
Genki 1 Textbook
Genki 1 Workbook
Infinite Jest
Malazen series
Bonus points to something that will help me not be such a piece of shit drug addict but that's optional. And for malazen, I was all hype to read it, but now I'm having second thoughts because with how intensive language study is, I might want something that's not so difficult to read since I'll be reading it during learning burnout. (but I will still get the first one to try it)

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do they rape people in jail?

No. Jail is for only up to month long sentences. Prison is another story, but even then it still depends what security level and what crime you committed. Child molesters getting raped, beaten and killed is not a meme. And they will find out what you did by a simple internet search by someone's girlfriend or something.

Derp. Year long, not month. Sorry Im sleep deprive myself going into my court date so I can sleep for days.

Depends on the country.
In civilized places like Europe you don't even get raped at all.

Going to prison where? From what I hear prisons in burgerland amount to slave labour camps run for private profit. In that case you may have already got all you can stomach in just a few months. But if you got the comfy Breivik treatment of sitting on your ass all day, you might as well throw in the second Genki volume and workbook and order some Japanese manga with a shounen/young adult target demographic so you have something easy to try and read for practice once you got the basics down. Language acquisition ultimately boils down to actually using the language as much as you can in its natural environment or something as close as possible. Maybe throw in a dictionary, since I doubt prison is gonna give you easy access to convenient online ressources.

given that OP is a weeaboo we can deduce he is also a pedo.

his time in jail will not be enjoyable.

Except weebs don't give a shit about 3D girls.

doesn't really matter in jail the police obviously found his drawings of lolis on his computer and when he gets to jail, assuming he's in a non cucked country like murica, the inmates are gonna test him to make sure he's not a chomo and when they find out his charge is possession of cp he is fucked.

I'm going for a misdemeanor drug possession. This isn't my first time and I've been to prison for drug shit as well. I became a weeb since my last visit but my power level is firmly hidden. I will not be ordering manga.

To the guy who suggested the dictionary I forgot to list it but that's on my list also and I'm getting it right away. I have my family on standby with my money for me to say to order whatever I say and I'll get genki 2 if I come to that bridge in the 75 days I'm gone

I'm near Detroit, MI. I'll be home on my pc in a little bit and will answer any questions about burgerland incarceration but I got 6.5 hours of freedom and I need book recs

Sartre - The Nausea

Do you get a private cell?

do you get off on being wrong on the internet?

Ralph Ellison - Invisible Man

Read it over a 3 day stay in a holding cell and it just felt right. I don't consider it a great book or particularly profound, but it felt like it matched my environment in a way I needed.

If also recommend maybe picking up a short novel in Japanese and attempting to translate it as you go. Might not be applicable for such a short stay though

you're not fooling anyone, pedo

The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi. Maybe a book on who he was and his life as well, but I don't know of any to recommend to you.

No, I will have a bunkie. Pray for me that I get a white man

>non-cucked = prison inmates are beaten and murdered
sure thing

>infinite jest

oh nononono

on the road by jack kerouac

has drug use and stuff. book was written by him in a one paragraph scroll in the desert or some shit.

enjoy jail i guess. think of the memes when you get out

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You should plow through Genki 1 quickly; Genki 2 sucks. Don’t neglect kanji. Learning the kanji components early on will save you a lot of work later on. Tae Kim’s guide is great.

In Europe that is the punishment.