Why is /leftypol/ so fucking dumb, /pol/?

Why is /leftypol/ so fucking dumb, /pol/?

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Not enough cute traps

>le epic falesflag
Back to discord, tranny

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I've never used Discord.
Fuck off back to /leftypol/ with your forced "let's discredit /pol/" meme.

Reality is leftist

Reality is racist

Back to /leftypol/, all of you.

This right here. Steven Colbert told me that reality has a liberal bias and that means it's true

>Back to /leftypol/, all of you.
t. falseflagging leftycuck


everyone in this thread but me is a discord tranny

discord more like dickscord

t. the real discord tranny

Even though I agree with them on allot of things, /pol/ is pretty fucking stupid too. I feel bad for anyone who is introduced to political therory and philosophy through autistic chambers.

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Are you a faggot?

>The concept of Discord came from CEO Jason Citron
>Citron Name Meaning. Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): ornamental name from German Zitrone 'lemon (tree)'; in some cases it may be a metonymic occupational name as in 2 below.

You will never be a real woman you crazy faggot

You are already a real woman

blinded by our hot savior

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never forget the discord trannies planned and carried out 9/11 to ruin Yea Forums and oppress white men.

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>Not wanting to suck the toes of fascist qts

Why are demsocs so cute?

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t. overcompensating freak
Back to whatever ideological rat chamber you crawled out of

Is this books? Are we talking about books?

They're scared of the immortal science of marxist leninism and instead read Bakunin.

Right wingers don't read books

Why the fuck are you posting that chick like she's even slightly socialist?

Trannies are to us what the priesthood of cybeles was to antiquity, males who mutilate themselves in order to ascend the ZOG hierarchy. Cant blame them nobody wants to be an anime incel untouchable.

it's true we're not faggy nerds like you.

She was literally the president of the International Union of Socialist Youth

>This whole Jewish world, comprising a single exploiting sect, a kind of blood sucking people, a kind of organic destructive collective parasite, going beyond not only the frontiers of states, but of political opinion, this world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other. [...] This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank? The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralisation of the state. And where there is centralisation of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found

Regardless of political persuasion, how do you make sure people don't turn into the chromosomally ambiguous blonde? And why is it a particular brand of pop-leftism that is more susceptible to such faggotry? are parents responsible for not offering kids unconditional love so that they build identities and fortify all their self-worth around pop-politics? It's just painful to see people fetishising "suffering for the entire world" in the most narcissistic possible way and losing themselves in the process.

If trannies are so good why arent we allowed to criticise them?

To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticise

Yes yes and she also calls herself a progressive socialist or whatever-the-fuck.

She hasn't done or said anything socialist as PM.

What does that have to do with me burying my face in her ass?

Why are you babbling on about trannies? Why are you so utterly fixated on trannies?

Fuck off back to /leftypol/ until you figure yourself out you schizo freak.

wtf happened to this thread guise??? some dumb tranny lover freak pissing all over kys

this this this


Take down the ZOG tranny machine, honkies rise up

shut up discord tranny

keep fighting the good fight my white redpilled brother

>Tranny calling anyone a schizo

well the tranny is right about that one I AM schizophrenic.

You got me there tranny!


>leftycuck got his mates to come help him out
Pathetic. Fix your brain.