Why is it that self-taught writers have more charm than University-educated writers...

Why is it that self-taught writers have more charm than University-educated writers? I'm talking about people like Jorge Luis Borges or Clark Ashton Smith, among many others. Does formal education kill creativity?

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Formal education hems in your ideas about what literature is and what it is capable of.

I don't understand what makes Aleister Crowley so evil. Like what did he do? Wear a silly hat and write schizoposts?

drugs, sexual deviancy, espionage, etc

Jorge Luis Borges did study literature at a university though, it shows in his writing as well.

I agree with you however, I've always considered G.B. Shaw the most charismatic author to ever exist, and without a doubt he never would have been able to write the way he did being held down in an institution.

University teaches you what to think, what to write, what opinions to have about what things, often while merely presenting enough prestige and noise to seem convincing, while falling back on obviously biased cynicism towards anything they don't understand. People who are self taught, are generally more susceptible to the aesthetics of an argument rather than social vogue, and tend to be drawn accordingly towards metaphysics, Schopenhauer, conspiracies, and mysticism.

That's just a reflection of your interests. Other people find university types interesting and informal types non-interesting. Don't make the mistake of conflating your interests with truth. Why do you find certain types of people interesting verus others? I'd have to know you to tell you that. You're a product of your genes and your environment. I don't know your genes or your environment.

Think about it- how can you be charismatic if you think you're somehow superior to the people around you? It fucks with your ability to listen and identify with people. Elite universities have always sold their attendees on being superior to the majority of the population whether its true or not. It's part of the allure. How can you sit next to your fellow human being and capture their emotions faithfully if you think you are somehow a better kind of human being than they are?

>"Jorge Luis Borges did study literature at a university though, it shows in his writing as well"
>being such a self-taught genius that Anglos actually think you went to Uni
That's pretty impressive.

I could have sworn Borges studied literature at some important university in France, perhaps I'm thinking of someone else. As a self taught drop-out myself it's very nice to know that so many of my heros are cut from the same cloth as me.

This is a very University-Educated response.

>Why is X more charismatic than Y?
>"You can't even define charisma and it's all just subjective, some people like Y better and it all just comes down to nature and nurture. Like, what even is charisma haha? can you point to it? haha".

Look at college-boy over here.

>This is a very University-Educated response.
How so user?

Why don't you define if it's so knowable and exact you dirty little incel?

lol I dropped out. look how close to the truth making your assumptions gets you. do you see my point? do you want to be right or do you want to pursue the truth? keep on assuming you know what the truth is if it makes you happy. personally I just want as many people to be happy as possible. sometimes what's right to you isn't right to other people. this is one of those things.

>I could have sworn Borges studied literature at some important university in France, perhaps I'm thinking of someone else
He got a high-school level diploma from the Collège de Genève (collège just means school, not "college" in the American way). That's as far as he went.

I would take an educated writer like Kawabata over autodidact peddlers of science fantasy schlock like Ashton Smith any day.

Meant for . I happen to agree with your post a great deal

Fairly sure I was thinking of Nabokov. I'm surprised that Borges didn't attend university though, his writing is always very academic feeling and he plays with a lot of literary theory.

>Nobel Prize Laureate

I dont think hes evil, just a retard

He was a retarded paedophile who thought that his drug related hallucinations meant something, so he started his own "religion" so he could get as much dick and pussy as he wanted