What book convinced you that Xenofeminism is the only real and sensible choice?

What book convinced you that Xenofeminism is the only real and sensible choice?

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Umm, nice try sweetie; but I'll think you'll find that Xenotraditionalism is the only real and sensible choice.

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I wouldn't say there was any one book or thing that got me into xenofeminism. I think it's something I always sort of thought of, but not in a way that I could verbalize or tangibly grasp onto. Stuff like Nyx's Black Paper definitely helped awaken or illuminated some of these thoughts.
It really is crazy how xenofeminism just seems Right, like an inevitability.
Also I finished reading Hybrid Child about a month ago and god damn was it good. Also despite in the book being a hybrid child is kinda terrible (or at least has a lot of problems) I fuckin wish I was one, or at least had the same abilities of one I feel wrong/inadequate that I'm not. I mean I've felt that p much always, but being able to transform yourself in that capacity and all of that seems Nice. While I doubt we'll ever have that kind of tech in our lifetime (unless hopefully we find a way to extend our lives/youth) I can't wait for it to be a reality.

What about xenofeminism do you like? Or what aspects of it drew you in?

What the hell is it?
Tacking anything onto traditionalism always ends up being super-cringey

When I was a teenager I used to think my parents were "super-cringey". You'll grow out of it.

Not OP, but I’d like to hear why you support xenofeminism.

Believe it or not, it’s the “xeno” aspect of the philosophy I have contentions with rather than the “feminism” aspect. I dislike the idea of technology playing such a large role in human life, regardless of whether there’s a patriarchy or not.

What really sold you on xenofeminism as opposed to plain accelerationism or any other kind of feminism?

Nice projection, kid. If you had the ability to think beyond one degree of abstraction, you'd realize I was defending traditionalism against tryhard zoomer mods.

While regular xenofeminism is typically of a more transhumanist bend or as you said the technology playing such a large role in human life. My own sort of view of it is more of a idealist sort of thing. I definitely don't hold technology as this super huge important thing that most xenofeminists do, I mean I do agree it is very transformative and will most likely in the future allow us to alter and change ourselves in new and strange ways (I mean we are already somewhat seeing that today) and I look forward to that. But in general I tend to have a my thinking of things in general (not just limited to xenofeminism) is in general founded upon a lot of ecological and a sort of idealistic thinking.
What really got me hooked into it is the idea of identity and how we relate to it. Typically people just view their identity as the one they present in the "real world" (essentially the physical world, going around in meatspace) but identity and how we relate to it is much more complex then that and is constantly changing and melding with other things. Particularly in the case of online identities, everyone on the internet cultivates an online identity (an it isn't uncommon to cultivate multiple identities) even on an anonymous chinese basketweaving website we are cultivating and presenting an identity, a side of ourself. And these identities are just as real and as true as our "irl" identities. They might be even more True than our meatspace identities, they allow us to explore and try to Become something that is different and better (at least in the eyes of the individual)
I mean this isn't limited to the internet either, though that is where it is most prolific and also growing and encroaching more and more into meatspace. Look at furries for example, they create this persona, this thing that isn't them but also IS them. This sort of ideal that they give characteristics that they have or wish they had, something that is desirable to them. And the creation of this persona is an extension of their identity and gives them an outlet and a way to Become something else. I can't tell you how many times after someone makes a fursona they take steps to become more and more like them, if they give their sonas piercings then they will almost inevitably get those same piercings. Ones who play with having a fursona of a different sex as them will probably in a few years identity as trans or nb or something of the sort.

And this sort of thing is prevalent in plenty of other things! When you create or express an identity in some sense that identity starts to Become you and you start to Become it. And I feel in the future it will be easier to Become more and more like your identity, your Ideal Self. The You inside of you that you know is more True than your actual you, the Ideal of you.
And all of this stuff about identity was very alluring and attractive to me because I have a lot of very strange or hard to realize parts of my identity that I know are True but I can't exactly realize. But coming into contact with all of this theory made me very excited and feel extremely validated. Like you know how you think you might be kinda crazy to have certain thoughts or that those thoughts can't ever be Real, but then you finally come into contact with something that shows you that it can be real or shows you the same thoughts and ideas that you've already been having. Well xenofeminism did a lot of that for me.

Sorry if I didn't exactly answer your question or if I meandered around a bit too much. I have a tendency to just stream of consciousness blurt things out. So if you need me to specify on anything or if I was unclear or avoided talking about certain things just lemme know and I'll try to correct it as best as I can!

Thanks for the response. I agree with your observations on identity totally, but I feel that the mere act of having to split up identity like that is largely a product of society and it’s pressures suppressing identity.

A technological outlet wouldn’t be needed if people were less judgemental. Then you also have to consider the ways in which technology has simplified human relations to the point where we’re beginning to see a destruction of empathy among people in day to day life. Gentrification and urbanisation (another product of technological evolution) is further compounding this. I’m no Luddite, but I’m scared that too much progression in technology will result in us losing touch with the spiritual, naturalistic and emotional side of life— All of which I value highly.

The one question I have is why do you incorporate all this tech evolution with feminism? I consider myself a feminist as well, so I don’t need convincing on that front, but how does this technological evolution aid in the dissolution of patriarchy?

Oh yeah, technology can easily (and in our current capitalistic society) create a ton of alienation and dissolution of empathy. And that's definitely not something I wanna see, like I said before I am very idealistic/naturalistic in my views/thinking so that is something I very much don't desire.
For the main part of Why to incorporate tech evolution with feminism is just essentially because it's pragmatic, it's an eventuality. Regardless of what happens in the future tech is going to be there and it is going to advance to the point where it will impact how we view ourselves and eachother and how we regard things like sex and gender. So it is essential to include tech in our current thinking of feminism so we can at least have a head start on it.
But there are several ways in which this tech evolution can occur, and the two ways that tend to interest me most and seem at least somewhat likely (largely depending on how events in the future unfold) but I should emphasize that these things could unfold in a million other ways (which is also why it's important to discuss all of these avenues so we can get a better grasp and understanding of these potentialities)
The first being the G/Acc future (and if you haven't read Nyx's black paper I would highly recommend checking it out, she's essentially the one who is front running this theory and how I found out about it and she explains it in much better clarity and depth than I could ever possibly achieve) in which essentially the devices of technocapital are rendering masculinity obsolete by the very nature of how it works. And with this demasculination humans as a whole will become feminized, this is most clear within the trans female who are almost the most Real females there are. And through our (humans) natural processes interacting under capitalism we will create the technology that will usurp us, or more accurately who have already usurped us, for they are the fanged noumena impacting the past and present from the future. By the time this happens we will all of evolved and changed and altered ourselves so much that we'l most likely just be femme slime people (or the machines that we create will herd us towards this end) The patriarchy ends essentially by dissolution, it cannot exist if everyone (or most) are incapable of being a patriarch.

The second path and the one I'm more in line with is the more gender abolitionist path. This could technically occur in the G/Acc path if you put forth an effort to dissolute all gender and/or sex characteristics or social constructs. But what I would hope is we are able to get off of the technocapital ride and liberate ourselves. The timeline would thus be much LONGER than with the G/Acc path, but that is mostly because we would be on a path that isn't focused on eternal growth and "progress". We would still be creating technology that would allow us to change and alter ourselves, but I think the main proponent or avenue that would cause the gradual change is the internet. The internet would be a very different beast on this path, but I imagine it would be a bigger and even larger pervading part of our lives (but I view it more in a positive way, as opposed to our current internet which is being used and abused by technocapital and causing terrible alienation and creating a facade of what is true and not) And along with this would come a sort of consideration around identity, particularly "constructed" identities. Which would bring into question everything from gender and sexual orientation all the way to age and race. What does it mean to be any of those things, what are their inherent natures? Do they even HAVE inherent natures? So on and so forth, and this would cause a good deal of dissolution between all of those things (not to say any and every part of a potential identity will be dissolved, we have to keep in mind that we will still (at least in this particular case, if we were to talk about a potentiality in which we upload our consciousness onto the web that is a whole different scenario to discuss) have to consider things like where we live and what we do, who we interact with, etc. to inform our identities it wouldn't be completely constructed or arbitrary) But I feel like the first and foremost thing that would be called into question are gender (and by proxy sexuality) and with all of the different ways and approaches and feelings towards these topics being essentially relative and not concrete in any sort of terms (including biological as evidenced by all the numerous types of chromosome formations people can have) would essentially lead to people agreeing there isn't really any gender and as for sex while there may be differences there isn't a reason to treat someone different for it (Or maybe at this point there won't even need to be a point in discussing sex, it could be that we have developed things like fully functioning penis/testes as well as functioning vaginas with actual wombs for which people can have their sex changed to. Effectively allowing any person to be anything in that regard, including combinations) And this sort of dissolution would also render the patriarchy as null and void.

Now again I feel like I have skipped over many things and probably crucial details (It doesn't help that I had to stop several times to do minor things inbetween causing me to lose my train of thought) So again if there is anything I didn't elaborate on or any sort of fault you see with what I've said, please do point it out.

feminism and technology ruined modern women. so they made a movement to combine those two. great

Thanks user, it was a nice read
The future is female yo

You’ve explained yourself pretty clearly to me. I question the possibility of complete gender abolition though. The concepts of masculinity and femininity are still deeply ingrained in all cultures. Even in trans cultures like you mentioned, the identity is still conceptualised by the masc/fem dichotomy above all else. That’s probably why you see MtFs trying to act more effeminate or FtMs trying to act more masculine. Masculinity and femininity just seem like immortal concepts due to the fact that they are each an identity. Even I myself am guilty of doing this, since in public I behave in a generally masculine way, but privately I identify as an effeminate man who is staunchly pro-women.

Basically, I’m saying that your first outcome is more likely than your second, but even then I doubt masculinity will be destroyed (nor should it be honestly). Whatever dismantles the patriarchy works I guess.

where is the mommyposter? i want to read his opinion about it

I think it would be foolish to ever say that there would be complete gender abolition, there's always going to be those who don't go with the flow or identify as something else or just generally won't participate. And that isn't a bad thing per se.
You can also still have gender abolition while retaining the concepts of masculinity and femininity they would just be detached from gender (which sounds oxymoronic I know.) In the sort of fashion that masculinity could mean aggressive, protective, ambitious, calculating and femininity could mean nurturing, creative, diplomatic, empathetic. So you would still have masc and fem people but it wouldn't be associated with the concept of gender more so just of how the person acts and behaves. For instance you have a person born with a vag but they're very athletic and sporty, highly competitive and pretty standoffish, but they might also love playing with kids, you would in that situation just think of them as a generally masc person with maybe some fem characteristics. Or you have a person born with a dick who is very sensitive and cries a lot, very attentive when it comes to listening to others, likes to garden, but might also justlove building and mechanics so this person is essentially primarily fem with a hint of masc features. And the combinations are endless, you have plenty of people who are masc, fem, and androg. But none of that relates to gender, it's all about how they do things and present themselves. You wouldn't be raised or treated any differently based on your genitals or presentation, because those are negligible differences. We're all pretty much the same and require the same kind of love and care.

Seems reasonable. I don’t have anything wrong with masculinity and femininity as concepts, but I do wish the genders would just get along and stop letting gender affect their individual relations with one another.

Okay then, user. I still maintain scepticism towards a high tech feature (particularly with capitalism involved), but you’ve convinced me of Xenofeminism’s merits.

What’s the Black Paper you were talking about? Also, do you have any other xenofeminist books you’d recommend?

Anyone who uses 'sweetie' in a sentence cannot be a proponent of traditionalism. It is a manly endeavour that requires a robust and burly language bereft of any lax feminine vocabulary.

>I don’t have anything wrong with masculinity and femininity as concepts, but I do wish the genders would just get along and stop letting gender affect their individual relations with one another.

The male and female sexualities are mutually contradictive, and as the culture grows to understand it, it leaves no other way but a Great Divorce of the species. Men having their waifubots and women their AI-government-daddy-husbando, not interacting more than necessary.

You just need to stop being obsessed about yourself. You're not the center of the universe.

Sorry for the (probably) late reply, I went to bed.
And yeah I think the main thing that drove me away from gender was all the conflict between them and how overbearing they could be when they always seemed very nebulous to me. I mean it probably helps that I've never felt aligned to any sort of gender or what those roles represent and whatnot, I've always just been Me. And I found it weird how people would box themselves in or limit their ways of expression by identifying with a gender, you are Yourself not your gender.
I think it's good that you remain skeptical! This is all something that definitely requires a lot of questioning and finding the answers to,and some of it can definitely seem dubious, so you should absolutely keep up that skepticism.
And the Black Paper is essentially the G/Acc manifesto. So heavily focused on transwomen, technocapital, as well as things like coding and the occult. You can find it on vastabrupt (it's probs easiest to just search gender acceleration on google, it should be the first or second result) Nyx tends to be of the Landian bend and p nihilistic. All of what she talks about is incredibly interesting, and while I don't agree with everything or see it as my vision of the future I think it was an incredibly worthwhile read and brought forth some interesting viewpoints. I also just generally like the patchwork approach she has, bringing together all of these disparate elements to describe and unfold this singular thing.
As for recommendations I'm sorry to say that I can't really help too much :C I'm just a 23yo fucker who while I've had these thoughts for a long time I have only been able to recently really grasp and figure them out in a systemic formation within the last year. So there's still a lot I'm trying to learn and figure out myself! And while I've been meaning to get more xenofeminist books to elucidate myself more, I'm a poorfuck so it's kinda hard. If you haven't read the book in the op yet I would defo recommend it! While it is fiction a lot of its speculations are incredibly interesting and worthwhile imo.

fuck off /pol/tard stop trying to smear feminism you racist piece of shit

For those who don't wanna read a book but wanna know XF


BotNS is lame and overwritten

>You're not the center of the universe.
I can definitely see how that can come across! But I assure you I definitely don't think I am, I just think about identity a lot, and while I think it's important it isn't the end all be all (But I should also add, that just because one might have a focus on identity doesn't mean that it is inherently it is just about themselves, it is also about others and being able to liberate them in order to be truer to themselves.) My metaphysics are sort of wishywashy at this point, I'm still learning a lot and coming into contact with lots of different and fascinating systems and models for how our reality Is. So what I'm about to describe isn't necessarily how I concretely think about Everything but just some ideas that I currently find alluring or at least somewhat True.
I feel that the base of our reality (or at least to a base that is meaningful) is something like energy/motion/a spiraling (for the most part I will refer to it as Energy.) And this Energy is everywhere and in everything, all across the universe and inside ourselves, it is the one connecting feature, we may have a physical body and we may have a spirit of some kind but regardless those are just two different expressions of the same thing which is Energy. So while they may be different, they are still able to operate and affect one another. I feel this is most poignant when it comes to how we are able to affect the world around us and it on us. Most importantly with things like creativity, I feel that creativity is almost like raw essential Energy, it is apart of the building blocks of existence and taping into that is an incredibly powerful thing. You know that awestruck feeling you get when you are in some beautiful vista out in the world and you feel like you are above yourself and apart of the world or have some connection with it but are still yourself? That is the creative Energy of the universe, and you are interacting with it and becoming one with it and it is becoming one with you. You also get the same sort of thing going wit say a piece of music at a concert, the raw creative Energy dripping out of it can connect with you and draw you in and make you feel like you're apart of something bigger or give you this strange transcendental feeling. The artists who created that work used their Energy to affect the world around them and change it essentially. And these things are the same thing in essence. The physical world is also able to affect the other ends as well, because it itself is made up of Energy, that's why things like dialectical naturalism work, the Energy from the physical is able to affect the creative/spiritual and thus force us to interact with and recognize it, just in the same way that we can make it interact with us and recognize us. These are all apart of the monid Energy.
So there isn't even really a "center" to the universe, it all just Is, and all that it Is is Energy expressed in different ways.

At least it's actually written, unlike any of your banal "thoughts"

on tender hooks aren't we

Attached: 1548542587770.gif (328x328, 1.95M)

>tender hooks
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong.

you seem like such a sweet and cute person. i hope you have a good night/day, wherever u are

thank you user UuU that really made me smile
I hope you have a good night/day as well!!

aw, you really are a cute person. wish more here were like you. i hope you don't let this place corrupt you. i am personally trying to leave it, albeit unsuccessfully. but you retain your sweetness no matter whether you do stay here or not, and keep working on that philosophy of yours. even if you later disagree with it or never publish it, it's very mentally stimulating for you to try and create your own metaphysical system. that's all take care user uwu

Get a room homos

I am just jealous, no one is like that toward me

ITT: some xenofags, going on about the how their xenobiases lie more towrds xenovenus than any other xenoterrestrial body out there to stick their xenococks in.

you just have to be a sincerely sweet person like that user was, and i'm sure you'll be raking in compliments too. then again i'm more compliment-giving than most people i know, and most don't give me compliments either. but this was a cute comment on your part, so there you go user. someone has now spoken to you like that

Theoretically, how would a xenofeminist society even come about? There’s already enough difficulty trying to establish a non-capitalistic feminism. Why would xenofeminism be any more practical or realistic.

Just a reminder that there’s nothing inherently wrong with society becoming more feminised.

But would make me easier to get a cute trap gf?

You could probably even BE the trap gf if you really wanted.