What's the number one problem with how literature is taught in high schools?

What's the number one problem with how literature is taught in high schools?

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The students.

Kids are forced to read, rather than challenged to do so.

99% of the students are ineducable
95% of the teachers are themselves ineducable

It's more that 90% of teachers don't understand Shakespeare themselves and the kids can tell

Because it's not taught like it was for this guy

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They try to look for meanings that arent there. Very annoying and pretentious

Shakespeare would be great with a good teacher and a small class full of students with similar capacities. Shakespeare becomes boring when the teacher is forced to slow and explain everything for the benefit of the laggards.

>Every single book has an anti-racism angle

It's too much

I am speaking with American schools in mind.

The majority of kids will always hate whatever is assigned to them, as they will hate any subject they study in school, simply because they have developed an oppositional defiance in their psyche which makes them unwilling to do anything that they have been told to, even if they might enjoy the book or the action might be in their best interest.

Further, your perspective is skewed because you visit this place. The majority of people in general do not read for fun. Reading is the opposite of fun for them.

Thirdly, people who become teachers, bar an extremely small minority, are not good readers. Good readers go on to do better things. Teachers do not understand what they are teaching, and they likely dislike doing it. This shows.


Classroom size

fuck off

>state-enforced mass education is capitalism

Other students are tards who should be learning how to shovel

To devil’s advocate a bit, jow could it be anything else? The school system exists for the benefit of the capitalistic system, in order to create workers?

HS Teacher here

-> Can you open your fucking eyes for once?

You shouldn’t be teaching.

You know what would be way better at creating workers? training children to be workers

I think they should focus on teaching kids how to write properly.

I'm a teacher, and I can say with absolute certainty a decent amount of the kids I see are fucked beyond repair because of garbage families.
And I'm not even in burgerland.

You shouldn't be posting

It's obligatory

That already exists. At least in the UK, children are divided into level of ability. Shakespeare is bad to teach to teenagers because most of them don't read on their own accord and when you introduce them to something as arcane and archaic as Shakespeare, they presume that all literature is like that, and they get put off. This is fine if you just want them to achieve a grade but if your aim is to get them interested in reading, you should probably stick with something more accessible.

There is a labor surplus since the 70s and now it’s just a great big who cares. In education the public schools are being defunded so for profit schools can replace them. But the poor kids are given the cheap shit schools to fail at. DUH

That sounds utterly great.

Teaching "Literature", imho. What could that even mean?
We inherited this notion that literature in general ought to play a role in liberal education. That is perfectly right, but why should it be taught as a seperate subject? What are the contours of said subject - Literary theory? The basics of elocution and style? Skimming through books and expressing muh feelings over them?
The national Classics, like the Graeco-Roman ones, used to serve as foundation for teaching Grammar and Rhetoric, which are definable sets of skills that spring ready for use whenever the need for self-expression in a given language arises. As the premium on those skills diminished, we got this paedagogic mess of a subject called "literature," serving aims that are as unclear to educators as they are to students.
There's no better way to teach grammar and rhetoric (i.e. the language arts) than jumping into solid Classical exampla. This comes with the added bonus of inducting students into a branch of world literature and a shared heritage.

However, these kinds of issues: probably make all of this inevitable by now, so...

Youre missing the point, it never made any fucking sense to keep children learning a bunch of random shit until age 18 if all you cared about was the economy.

Most people barely needed literacy and numeracy for their jobs. Mass education was not a plan concocted by capitalists, it was a bunch of progressive shitheads in the civil service

You’re fucked beyond redemption too I guess.
So much for intellectuals

I’m an anarchist, and I assure you I am not missing any points. Just explaining the current situation

Youre an insufferable dumbass is what you are, it was not 'capitalism' that made various governments create mandatory mass education

Have you ever worked as a school teacher?

>I’m an anarchist
This explains that I guess.

those teenagers look like they're 30

I should be, though. Even though shit's fucked I'm trying to help these kids. If only parents and elementary teachers did the same. Oh well.

The biggest problem is that they’re not taught to have fun with literature before analysing it seriously. I did stuff like The Odyssey, Macbeth and The Bible in primary school, but we engaged with it on a simple fun level. It meant that by the time I got to High School, I was ready for deeper analysis.

The corporate state didn’t want better educated workers? You’re weird. Stop posting.

I’m sorry, but it sounds like you have some kind of bias against certain members of the class, and I was suspicious.
Smaller class sizes, more teachers, and fundin can help, as it’s done in Europe.
No Soc-Dem

>retard tankie thinks teachers can and should just waltz in and wave their magic wand to enlighten students because Deep Down They Just Want To Learn

>I don't like being reminded that my reprehensible ideas are wrong

lol cope

>The Bible in primary school
Jesus when will we nuke this retarded hellhole of a country

The corporate powers wanted apprentices, not having to pay taxes for a massive daycare system you retard. The state is not just an arm of capital

I'm from a spanish speaking country. The first book that I was assigned to read was "La Celestina", a book written in medieval spanish....not the best place to start for a kid.

And as the other anons say above, high schools are designed to create standard workers so literature and critical thinking are disregarded.

Really? Do you have any evidence whatsoever that the races are the same?

>The state is not just an arm of capital
Proofs ?

Anarchist. Not tankie.

You know when public schools were invented? Not the 1980s

France had the first mass education efforts in the early 19th century, what is your point

Good lord, just stop existing.

Teachers aren't fascinated enough by the works they present. More often than not, they will focus on the one aspect the book is most famous for - it's language, style, or theme. Rarely will they see the work as a whole. In general, poems are better judged in this aspect since they are shorter and easier to see in full.

Also, I am against the concept of free interpretation. A book cannot be interpreted as "whatever you want it to be", that is just lazy (also from the author's side if that is the actual interpretation, though rarely the case). This gives students the impression that books are worthless until they themselves give them meaning. Since so many high school assignments circle around the reader's impression, the mastery of the author fades into the background.

We must demand and incentivize an analytical approach to dissecting a book; factoring in the linguistics, the time period, the choice of characters, the author's life before and during the writing, summaries of the author's previous and later works, etc in order to form a valid opinion on why the author wrote the book and how he wants it to be interpreted. (Instead of "Crusoe's assumed right to give a name to a human being without his consent shows Defoe's support for the Atlantic slave trade").

This will increase the perceived value of a work of literature by immersing students in its complexity.

Students are assigned to read books they aren't interested in, which makes them lose interest in literature as a whole

Why would a socialist system not make school mandatory to just create a bunch of workers... lmao wtf is going on in leftist brains. School would still be a tool

I would have preferred if we just read the book during classes instead of the expectation to read at home (I had other shit I wanted to do then) only to discuss the text as a class. No one, teachers included, ever said anything of value about a text in my 4 years of high school. I guess I only have myself to blame but if I am being forced to spend 7 hours in a place I'd like to have gained something.

This. There wasn't a single book I was forced to read that I actually enjoyed. Then 3 years after graduating high school I started reading by my own choice and actually enjoyed it.

Mass education and modern schooling was a concept invented by the Prussians. A society with a populous with a general grounding in a little bit of knowledge in everything will produce far more scientists, engineers, chemists, officers, writers, and various other specialized occupations. A educated society is in the best interests of modern capitalists, they can use cheap spic and chink labor for the “dumb” jobs, and need as many people as possible educated to increase GDP at home. Which is why we still have mandated public schooling.

Also you can use it as an excuse to brainwash the kids with the prevailing ideology.

The main virtue of "fun with literature" is that children are made accustomed to reading. Large chunks of text are less of an issue and they experience enough material to get bored of the monotony of your average book, and thus welcome the advancement in the level of their reading, as well as value the uniqueness of more sophisticated works.

I do not see how "fun with literature" would help future deeper analysis though, please elaborate your thoughts

This. For one assignment we could pick a time period out of a list and choose books from it to read. It was the most freedom I had reading for school and it was really cool. I chose Victorian England and Dickens was pretty nice to read.

The teaching material and especially teachers aren´t as challenging as 20 years ago.

The victim curriculum

>muh slavery
>muh trail of tears
>muh holocaust

Repeat until you never want to read another book again

Inflation of good grades and picky parents.

>muh freedom of choice

There should be some but you should read things you would never pick on your own.

If there is ever a racist future, I hope that whatever fascist state is running things puts just as much racist propraganda into schooling as much as liberals put in anti racist propraganda now.

Teachers care more about the message the work is relaying and the cultural significance instead of enjoyment for the student. Most of them use this time to pontificate on their views instead of challenging the student to come up with an interpretation.

Public schools need to be disbanded and the students need to be sent to work in fields and factories

They don’t limit this to history class either, enjoy reading about all the oppressed minorities of the world in literature/language arts too. Why read books written by old racist white men when you can read classics like the boy in the striped pajamas!?

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I remember in 6th-7th grade the books were very enjoyable and the class loved discussing them. Then as time went on I feel the choices became more and more pretentious and tedious

>LMAOing at all the faggots in this thread who think they know all there is to know about teaching and how to do it when their only contact with the vocation is having been edgy teenagers who thought they were smarter than their teacher for 7 years.

>Implying half the population of Yea Forums aren’t teachers with years of experience.

Yea Forums doesn't even read. How could it teach?

The history of the West is predominantly the oppression of other cultures though.

The school system in communist countries existed to create workers who didn't challenge the status quo too. What's your point?

If you're already in love with storytelling, you're more likely to want to know about the craftsmanship that goes into it.

This is also why I think literature courses should avoid political bias where possible. Literature should be taught as a discipline above all else.

>the vocation

also inventing all of scientific and technological modernity and the greatest art of all time
easy to forget

this is your cultural bias talking

analyzing literature is fun and can be a good intellectual exercise regardless if whatever meaning sought was intended by the creator. also don't know if you realize this but all art is inherently pretentious. think of the most beautiful oil painting or song you can think of and think about the resources used to convey it's expression. literally just oil on canvas that tries to showcase suffering or any array of emotion or experience should by any measure be considered pretentious but in many cases it isn't.

Maybe oppressing itself lmao.

>giving schools more money will magically make kids want to learn and unfuck their shitty living situations that make them either unwilling or incapable of learning
retard or leech detected. giving every kid an iPad or doubling the wages of the dumbasses we employ to teach kids are not going to fix the education system.

The problem is that parents don't read stories to their children anymore.

its true tho, children are insurable

that never stopped Americans from becoming teachers

I'm in a creative writing class and my teacher went on length about how you shouldn't try writing a main character that is a different gender, race, sexual preference, sex than your own and that you need to acknowledge your privilege when even thinking about doing so.

I'm so close to revealing my powerlevel to this bitch and going off. But I live in SoCal where everyone is fucking indoctrinated at this point

Capitalist democracy leads to the impoverishment of the education system across the board. They reduce the threshold for success rather than increase it and everyone turns out mediocre as a result.

>racism is bad
Okay I believe you
>no seriously it’s really really bad
Sure I already said I agreed
>you’re not hearing me! It’s bad! Horrible! Evil! Problematic!
Fuck off, nigger!

How do you stop yourself from screaming in class?

It’s not that anti-racist literature is all bad or should not be read at all, but to have it be the MAIN FOCUS of much of high school level reading is just dull. People need to see the variety that literature can have

No, Shakespeare is pseud shit engulfed in the Emperor's Invisible Robe phenomenon. You would know what that is, if real literature like Hans Christian Anderson was taught in schools.

the USA were a mistake

I just want to read books about interesting, noble characters. I don't give a flying fuck what it's like to be gay and Somalian in Chicago

>tfw if you follow his advice you'll be burned at the stake for only writing hetero white cis males

It's just boring desu. Is race literally the only thing you think about?

Teachers are the intellectual dregs of the country

An I banned?

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That actually sounds more interesting than what they actually write about desu

Based Pol Pot sticking it to the intellectuals

Based and continentalpilled

Oppression is necessary and beneficial for culture

Phew, I’m not. They just deleted my thread. Please dont ban me for this comment. I was banned for 80 days last time

Yeah, I wish we never “oppressed” all those other cultures with modern medicine, farming techniques, and other technologies. I feel so bad for all the niggers enslaved by the evil white man, we should have left them in Africa. So many Mexicans are being oppressed by the evil Drumpf Hitlor administration even now, we have to start a Underground Railroad to get them back to Mexico before Trump’s Regime kills them all. The holocaust was the worst crime in all of human history, we need to help all the Jews get back to Israel before the white man starts another holocaust. Africa even now is being neo-colonialy controlled by the satanic west, we need to completely pull out of Africa and leave them alone. Our introduction of food aid and modern tech is basically a way to control that continent, basically modern slavery. I feel bad for all the Muslims in Europe facing Christian Nazi bigotry, we must help them escape persecution by helping them back to safety in the accepting Middle East.

How the fuck did you get banned for 80 days? i only ever got 3

The issue is fundamentally down to the students being poor. Poor people don't get read to by their parents, they're worse at reading, less civilized, less patient. They develop anti-intellectual tendencies. You cannot teach poor people abstractions like literature. Stick to easy, crappy books like Harry Potter or whatever.

Literature, poetry and the humanities should be the domain of the upper classes. The past century has seen a vast experiment in dumbing down philosophy and literature for the masses, causing incalculable damage to civilization.

Right we gave the Africans medicine when we colonized them. That's why they have such nice hospitals in Africa, which everyone knows.

There are nice hospitals in Africa tho. Especially in places where ebil whites lived and built them.

You ever been in one? How do you know they're nice?

I know! UN camps do absolutely nothing but kill small brown children! Stop African Neo Colonialism now!

Yikes. Keep reaching.

Told the mods to prep my wife’s bull

shakespeare wrote his plays for the groundlings old boy, the problem is his plays are being conned by scholars, dissected by pedants, and fed in synthetic and minute and quite distasteful doses to students

Way to not respond, anyway how is this Yea Forums? Did this start with a book somehow or are you just a /pol/ illiterate?

that its taught within highschools which are stultifying and not inspiring in the least

>Poor people can’t read
I was born into a super poor, dysfunctional family, barely ever was read to, yet I read all the time now.Though I’m white, and not a ghetto nigger, so that might have something to do with it.

Before you start calling people illiterate, maybe read a book on African urban developement and it'll dispel your ignorant notions that everyone on that continent lives in dung huts and relies on witch doctors.

>ex-colonies in Africa reaped quite a few infrastructural benefits from European interference
I'm not even the guy you were originally replying to

I Posted an image of the hit or miss shadman trap for yous on /int/. Pic related. No nudity but his butt was showing. I still have 8 days left, I’m on 3g now. Banned from all boards.

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I Miss The Rains Down In Africa

congratulations on letting someone else argue for you, retard.

Honestly they'd be better off if they did, South Africa is a fucking hellhole

Blacks ruined it, just like with Rhodesia

It isn't.

To be honest I think the big problem is that an appreciation of literature needs to be a decade-long process. An accelerated reader thing where kids can read a few books a year of their choice is probably the best way to go, especially if the list of acceptable books grows with age and gives equally weight to fiction and non-fiction.

Teachers also need to do a much better job of emphasizing cultural literacy and explaining how a working knowledge of the world and high-brow culture can be a huge benefit in education and business.

Yeah, modern chemistry, food aid, and sprawling White/Asian built cities are a bad combination for a primitive tribal people like the nigger. Huge sprawling populations, dependent wholly on foreign economies and charity, pushed into urban jungles that they don’t understand, and given modern guns and drugs. Look at places like Liberia for the end result.

'blacks ruined it' is basically Africa tl;dr

Why did you name your mother’s pussy after a dissolved African state?



Did nigga feral.

Shit son, grab the tide pods

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Future ESL teacher here. I think the best way to get children interested in literature is to give them a choice on
what to read from a curated pool of canonical works and perhaps to allow them to bring in new books if there is any merit to them. Also the texts should be made more accessible in order to facilitate understanding and appreciation for literary works. There should also be somewhat contemporary texts that connect to the youth of today so they can see the merit of literature and reading themselves.

Too many professors having sexual relations with their students.

I think you mean DSL teacher. Now bring those lips over here qt

and? every civilisation ruins their own country

This wasn't my experience at all. Everything we were assigned in high school was Hemingway, Hawthorne, Orwell, and contemporary YA

my female english teacher wanted us to read jayne eyre and wuthering heights. i didn't read them, not because i saw through her bullshit feminism but because all i wanted to do was play cod4

fuck it's jane isn't it


>W&P over two semesters
lmao scrubs, we read Anna K, C&P, Madame Bovary and Le Père Goriot in one

>as it’s done in Europe
This is how I know you're spouting bullshit. In Europe there's 50 different states, each with their own educational system, and putting them all under the same umbrella of utopistic bullshit is something only an American leftist could do.

lol reported for ban evasion

Imagine how good she would feel and smell haha

N, no. It’s been 72 days. I was only kidding, hahah! Get it? Hahah. I got you!

>dess o duh dubehvileles!
do Americans really think either of these are impressive?

>I prefer my population lazy and dumb as rocks

You mean Americans?

Did you ever read a 1,000 page novel in a high school class?

Americans are dumb as rocks but they're not lazy. Americans work far longer hours than any European country.

If you live in an urban setting where there's internet cables running throughout it, you're effectively a cultural American. So you should think about what you mean when you say stuff like that.

sitting at desks looking at facebook
its true though the spaniards are the real lazy ones

With low productivity and no benefits, kek

Don't worry, bro, plenty of adults these days read young adult lit. You can keep reading 6th grade books forever!

They force you to read meme books like The Shit Shatsby and 1984

>If you live in an urban setting where there's internet cables running throughout it, you're effectively a cultural American
>this is what amerimutts actually believe

Americans don't give a shit about school, but many of them are stringently dedicated to their shitty jobs.
>cultural American
Jesus no. Europeans think they know what the US is like and every one I've met has been drastically wrong about what Americans think and how they live.

Based. I went to college at the university’s he’s talking about

Let’s face it, they have poor schools and learn most of their facts from McDonald’s wrappers and food containers

Write whatever you want and if your teacher complains, say you're vast and contain multitudes, then jazz snap in agreement with yourself.

Fucking hell...

Sorry, but the internet is an American invention, as is its widespread social acceptance. The majority of websites you use are probably American made; this one is too. You don't even realize that your culture is already a part of the American one, and not the other way around, since American culture is the one that has the greater spread across the planet currently. And the fact it is this way proves that Americans aren't as dumb or lazy as you think.

well his point was the europeans (in urban settings with aforementioned internet cables) think the same way as americans

And I say they don't, based on admittedly limited experience. As an American, Brits alone seem like fucking aliens to me, and the ones I've met don't understand jack shit about the US.

>the ones I've met don't understand jack shit about the US
how so

>I’m an anarchist
How embarrasing.

Most of the students are ineducable, and the problem has gotten worse as Diversity has increased.

The quality of teaching below the college level has gotten worse as schoolteaching has become professionalized. At the college level, it has gotten worse via dilution.

that sounds kinda bigoted...

I did exaggerate there, but English people and Europeans in general are very different from Americans. I am personally baffled that English people still take their own monarchy seriously, and the Europeans I've met generally believe a lot of stereotypes about gun ownership, and gold rushes, and "the frontier." Europeans are also pretty clueless when it comes to American identity politics because there is no European equivalent to "Italian-American."

You're not wrong we have all been burgerized more or less

>Most of the students are ineducable
That's just an excuse shitty teachers make. The fact is that they don't understand how to connect with the students. I've had teachers and professors who understood this, and they're extremely rare, but the students, no matter who they are, always come out of those teachers' classes knowing something more than they did before. Meanwhile, teachers who don't know anything besides what their teacher manuals tell them to know for the week remain puzzled as to why their students don't give a flying fuck about their classes and don't pay attention.

The education system is rightly fucked. It's pumping out teachers who don't actually understand what education is. They don't understand that education is not supposed to be about memorization and testing, but about discovering yourself, challenging yourself, and instilling a sense of wonder in the students by way of showing the students what can be done with a higher education... fucking trainers at gyms on average understand what education is better than teachers in public schools, because they at least respect the nourishing factor that challenge has on the learner and the necessity of patience and proper technique in order to overcome obstacles. It's no wonder the "brightest kids" are usually the most autistic ones.

My senior English teacher said fuck that. He just had a giant list of books and we took a vote on which ones to read. Best English class I’ve ever had

>I went to KU
You shouldn’t be proud of that user

i can tell you as an english person the monarchy is not taken seriously. in fact the general public feel the same was as (i assume) the americans: they like the weddings.

as far as 40 years ago the big english novelists were talking about us losing our culture rapidly to americanism. by that point we already spoke the language of the rest of the english speaking world (the 'do have' construction for example, is an americanism)

>believe a lot of stereotypes about gun ownership
so do a lot of americans though

You shouldn’t be proud of your dick size either, but we all gotta embellish things for future prospects

all education is and always has been bad. schools exist to keep the children out of the parents' hair

>all public education is and always has been bad.
Fixed that 4 u

>so do a lot of Americans though
What I mean is that "guns" and "Trump" are the extent of the typical English person's relationship with American politics. The same way that for Americans the entire English monarchy is just a wedding that happens on TV every once in a while. I couldn't name any of the royals for example, although I think there's a Charles.


No, ending capitalism will work wonders though.

no private schools as well (possibly especially)

you can't kill things because they don't work v well, what kind of message does that send to the children

>English monarchy is just a wedding that happens on TV every once in a while
this is what it is to the english public as well.

anyway there's no end to the ways in which politics and culture have nothing to do w one another

Fuck private schools. Mentorship is the only way to do proper education. It can make men like Alexander the Great, depending on the quality of the mentor and the student.

Do we live in a capitalist society? If yes then its capitalism.

>What I mean is that "guns" and "Trump" are the extent of the typical English person's relationship with American politics.
Twitter and other internet outlets tend to suggest that's also the relationship of most statesians with statesians politics.

you're stuck in a class with a decent amount of fucking retards; placement in higher-level classes isn't based on how well you actually write, it's about how good you are at menial reading comprehension packets and whatever the fuck. a lot of my teachers pretty much gave the fuck up on trying to actually teach and just assigned art projects which had very little to do with actual literature/writing. plus you're taught to inflate your writing with meaningless garbage to meet a word count, etc.

yesterday i looked at a hedge is that capitalism?

Are you drinking?

well alexander the great wasn't remembered for being particularly clever was he? he cut the gordian knot. more and more i think autodidactism is the only way

>ending capitalism will work wonders though.
taking a trick from the Art of the Deal huh?

If the means of production are privately owned, and that hedge is owned by someone as private property, then yes that is capitalism.

You’re obviously waiting for it

For some, especially loud people on Twitter. Culture is made up of so many little things its hard to summarize. Most Europeans don't know anything about the cultural impact of race and ethnicity in the states, nor do they understand the drug war, or the general drug culture of the US. Europeans think Americans care about cowboy movies and sitcoms more than they actually do. I'm not complaining about Europeans, they're just not "culturally American."
People from different parts of the States are also palpably different from each other. Moving from the Midwest to the East Coast was actually a pretty big culture shock for me, and I do not fit in at all in the South.

well the queen owns all the land

The queen is dead man haven't you got the memo.

>well alexander the great wasn't remembered for being particularly clever was he?
Yeah man, he was totally a braindead moron. Not like he almost united the entire known world at the time in his 20s or anything.

long live the king

Yeah but it's almost as if some people are smarter than others, and that selecting a population based on racial quotas rather than performance means you kind of miss out on some of the smarter ones.

>they're just not "culturally American."
No of course not.
I just mean that "europe" is not really a thing culturally.
You say that different parts of the states have different culture. Now imagine the same but with 2500 years of history and different languages.

And not a single word of thanks to Philip II for giving him the most elite army in the world at that time.
What an ungrateful bitch.

>Ending capitalism will magically solve all problems!
Commies are psued af. You realize your ideology is basically cult, right?

Very true. I was entirely arguing with the guy who said the internet made Europeans "culturally American." Certainly an invention like the internet brings a profound influence, but I don't think the countless imported things I use bring me any closer to being "culturally x."

Maybe Philip II should have kicked Persian ass as well as Alexander did then, if he was so sure of himself.

then ruined his own countries and died shamefully with no sons to succeed him. anyway it's no trick to invade an awful lot of countries if all you want is to invade a lot of countries.

yes are you?

yeah, just for the not opressed ones

you don't know that

I'm an anarchist but i'd never say i'm an anarchist. retard

I’m more open about it. How are you?

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I don't know what its like now, but in Canada years ago we read a Shakespeare each year, and then a pretty wide variety of stuff you might expect a highschool class to read from the 30s-70s. 1984, Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, Streetcar Named Desire, Brave New World, Of Mice and Men, Duddy Kravitz, Clockwork Orange, ect.

There was an option to read Handmaidens Tale in gr 12, but that is probably the newest published one. This was more than a decade ago though.
I want to say some Dickens and Austen was also on the table too iirc.

I can't imagine filling the class with press-bait books that have no real merit and were published in the last 5-10 years is helpful for teachers when they have decades of curriculum to lean on from the past instead.

zoomers are literally taking holocaust and racism classes instead of English and history now. I didn't even know what grammar was until I learnt Latin after I graduated

Read Dante, Dosto, Conrad, and Plato my Junior year of HS. Aristotle, Goethe, and Aquinas my senior year

I had a similar experience with highschool. The ideological bent of the teachers and the curriculum was very clear. Meanwhile many individuals lacked basic skills grammar and the ability to structure an essay. In Victoria, Australia the only compolsary subject is English and it has been hijacked to indoctrinate dimwitted fools who take everything teachers say for granted. Whether the ideology pushed is true or false is irrelevant, what matters is getting people up to a minimum standard of competency in English.

Suppression of the working class

>zoomers are literally taking holocaust and racism classes instead of English and history now
I bet this backfires

You do the IB?

You'd bet right, how do you think I ended up here? There's a whole generation of me coming into physical peak during the next ten years

This is an enticing idea, but do you have any source to back that up?

Poetry. Very few people read poetry outside of school, and the way poetry is taught is by analyzing structure, techniques, etc. When your first experience with poetry is identifying rhyme schemes, meter, alliteration, metaphors, etc, poetry just feels like a combination of techniques with no soul. It's like as if you took a music theory course without having ever listened to music before. Kids should get an appreciation of poetry in middle school before they analyze them.

where are you from?


It is actually quite common to read more than that in Slav countries.In my Balkan country we read Tolstoy in our third year of highschool and we also read works of Gogol, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Hemingway, Faulkner, and Proust among others on top of classic domestic works.

what the hell are they doing?

Why do Europeans act like minorities and do whatever they can to ideologically deny what America has gifted them, while taking full advance of said gifts?

>In Europe there's 50 different states
top burger post

It's a leftist thing. They pretend to be hip and trendy for supporting the status quo.

Maybe it's because I'm on the spectrum but I literally cannot understand poetry unless it's in terms of its construction. It's just too condensed for me to glean much meaning from it unless I break it down extensively. With a novel or something more long-form the patterns are easier to see.





>tfw no autistic mcr girlfriend with which to sort squares by size

The girl in OP looks like ass (crusty brown)

>jerks off
>goes back to hating women

I want to bone both of these girls up the pooper


non comprede señor

nice, my senior English teacher was a pedophile.

I think the biggest problem is never being taught how to appreciate a book as a work of art. We never read something just because it was good and looking at the techniques the author used that made it so good - from day one it was

>this book has a meaning, to pass this course you need to "get it" and support your realisation with quotes

maybe I just had a shit teacher/school but I was always in the mindset of scanning for a didactic meaning and juicy quotes I could use. didn't help that a lot of the texts we were prescribed had a clear agenda (racism is bad, gender roles are bad), not that I even oppose those things it just felt like a huge circlejerk reinforced by the authority of a writer

Also I'm Australian so about half the texts are meritless works taught just because they're Australian

wth is this picture OP?

I'm not an American, but you're probably talking about To Kill a Mockingbird. what other curriculum mainstays from that perspective are there?

>lmao scrubs
>Implying there is not benefit to slowly devouring such a work over the course of a year

>retard who hasn't read the Bible or much of the Canon

>this book has a meaning, to pass this course you need to "get it" and support your realization with quotes

Yes that was my experience too.

>Also I'm Australian

Ah, no surprise there. Our literature courses are awful shit that are just about indoctrination and do nothing to help people understand literature.

Only book I was assigned in the entirety of High School was Hunger Games. I'm not even joking.

books get tiring when they're all about racism all the time, just generally boring to kids or in an inaccessible language for the average 14-18 year old.

I still have some of the books I was assigned from HS, and its stuff like To Kill a Mockingbird, Ethan Frome, The Scarlet Letter, things that aren't bad per se but absolutely shit to a high schooler. They shouldn't be reading YA or anything, but I don't see what would be hard about like, Murakami.

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry; Huckleberry Finn, The Color Purple, some shit by Amy Tan. A lot of books aren't necessarily just about racism, but also experiences of races/racial identity.

the people in this thread and pic related exist

The association of a student's age with what information he is taught is the biggest mistake we're making. Training those minds not to be flexible. Not to seek information, but to wait for it to be presented. It's really fucking people up. The only advancement in content is through advancement in age.

Some perfect egalitarianism, where the only true advancement is getting older and not by improving.

Attached: Jumping the Fence.jpg (500x665, 124K)

good post

What were you anons assigned in high school?

My incomplete list:
Dante’s Inferno
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
Of Mice and Men
Bizzare ayn rand novel where a luddite society takes over and everyone’s name is something like INTERNATIONAL-12I
The Stranger
No exit
Chronicle of a death foretold
Hour of the star
Multiple Ibsen plays
Romeo and Julliete
Julius Caesar
Lord of the flies
Animal farm

+to kill a mockingbird
+raisin in the sun twice

Conducting academic research into education as a field provides a lot of red pills that most people are uncomfortable discussing. Since these things do not get discussed, they also never get solved. It's only going to get worse.

It's very hard to find passionate and intelligent people that want to be teachers.

I didn't go to high school. I was home schooled, so I guess my assigned book was the Bible.

There's a theory (backed up by one study I once read but forget the name of) that as more fields of employment were opened up to women, the result was that fewer capable women went into teaching as a field. This could have affected the level of instruction currently going on.

There are other factors of course. When you look at the decline of education in California, for example, it graphs pretty well to immigration patterns in the past 3-4 decades.

Attached: 1549973439622.jpg (1200x1146, 269K)

Main problems for students are:
>being forced to read
>being too stupid to understand the material
>being too inexperienced to understand the material
>books being selected for political reasons

Forcing kids to read a book is a surefire way to make them hate it forever.

high school is mandatory

90% of all high school teachers (and many university and college professors also) don't understand what it is they teach.

can someone please provide context for this pic?

Shakespeare is like 85% puns and obscene jokes that don't work anymore due to sound shifts.

it isn't really taught at all

It depends on the country but it's often a issue of state-centered population control. For instance in France it was a way to wrestle control from the Catholic Church while also developing a more competent labor force.

I'm perfectly happy with terribly inept teachers teaching rebellious "fuck books" dunce kids in swathes.
The kids who want to read will do so in their own time and on their own accord.
The dunce kids and teachers get swept up in the sensationalist dialogues and become so dumb as to be easy as hell to step over for others in later life.

If anything I'd prefer it if classes got bigger, teachers were more inept and the reading material was harder to chew through.
It would provide a far more tireless walk into individual greatness for the few that eschew the socialist trollop pushed. If I had it my way school would be optional, let the dunce kids become prole thugs as fast as possible and leave the education to the elite as it always should be.

this, Serbian studies were great

kys tripfag


>still no image context
we aren't going to find out are we

Attached: 1547158960292.gif (400x400, 1.64M)

t. gay book reading melbournite

>what is China

Such as?

You must fall into that 99%, pulling false numbers out of your ass and all that

you mean how the french opressed nearly all europe back in 1811? or the one when russia oprressed all of eastern europe in 1950?

>tranny tripfag is an anarchist
oh god i am laffing
have a (you) as thanks

I can't really remember for shit, but here's what I DO remember:

Of Mice and Men
The Great Gatsby
Wuthering Heights
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Canterbury Tales
The Catcher in the Rye
Waiting for Godot
The Crucible

Classroom size has little to no impact on education outcomes. Smaller classes need more teachers, which lowers teacher quality (there's only so many great teachers out there).
Education as a whole does very little to actually increase intelligence. Most of what education is for is to classify your abilities so employers can select you for retraining.

Attached: numeracy after university.jpg (1107x636, 61K)

Romeo and Juliette
Of mice and men
Kensuke's Kingdom
The Crucible
Great Expectations
Edexcel GCSE Anthology of poems that contained absolute blinders like half-caste by John Agard. Still a great source of jokes.

Overall i had a totally awful English education separated between reading and analysis of the above and another class, called English language. In which, we would be taught the rhetoric sufficient for writing a convincing letter to the relevant authority about why sending the licencing people to inspect our property would not be necessary. Bong education is a joke.
Our exams and therefore curriculum are dictated by 3rd party private companies, which schools pay for. Thus creating a race to the bottom education system whereby schools pay for the curriculum which will guarantee them the highest student pass rate. So exams and curricula are made to be passable by even the most left-thumbed of students. These companies even go so far as to train teacher in what words/ sentences are exactly needed in order to get marks. Bong education is a joke.
My English studies consisted mostly of rote memorisation of disjointed information strings.
I still don't know the difference between basic shit like a noun, pronoun, adverb ect and i graduated with an A* (highest possible grade) from the (at the time) highest rated school in my area. Bong education is a joke.

You can't be serious

I work in a UK school and this all applies here too.

Thanks for the wishy washy blogpost

Niggers be dumb

Pretty much. You cannot make a dumb kid smart. You can improve their ability slightly but you will never make them "educated" in an idealistic sense.

have you considered admitting to yourself that the last couple years you've spent namefagging on Yea Forums were a massive mistake and that you ought to move on with your life? I bet you've thought about it a million times, and the only thing stopping you from leaving is your narcissistic pride. faggot.

Where's this graph from? What sort of students were tested?

Not enough teachers are having sex with their students.

Don't remember most of the books I read but it went something like this:
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Odyssey
The Catcher in the Rye
Romeo and Juliet
Great Expectations
Some book about the Berlin wall
Raymond Carver short stories
Hemingway short stories
A shit ton of poetry, my lit teacher in jr and sr year being a published poet
A Hero of Our Time
Waiting for Godot
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea

heqco.ca/SiteCollectionDocuments/Formatted_EASI_PAWS Summary.pdf
Canadian students from Ontario in all subjects.
Level 3 is not impressive. The simple fact is we've made university mandatory for jobs which should simply not require degrees. If an ever larger portion of the population goes to university then university students begin to resemble the average of that population. It's a gigantic scam.

Attached: university skills.png (2415x1126, 406K)

I remember taking an American literature class in my junior year. For the first half we studied transcendentalists but then the teacher decided that was too boring so he had us read 'Night' by Elie Wiesel. I was pissed not because it was a holocaust book or anything but if you're gonna teach American lit then that's what I expect to fucking study. When I brought it up to him he looked at me like I was an idiot and went off about how Night was "more important" than the curriculum he was supposed to teach. I don't know if that's "what's wrong" with the education system but it definitely rubbed me the wrong way, and all that being said I got the highest final average in that class even though I half assed it. Bullshit.

>tfw no qt high school "emo" gf
I sometimes drive by my old high school and check out some of the qt's walking home or hanging out
Get massive boners

In America, the very best of curriculum and the very worst are each going to be oriented towards troubleshooting and problem solving. American education is not by nature conducive to creativity so much as it is a holding tank for glorified mechanics. What you end up with is a cognitive dissonance wherein everything you read has a key (to some extents true) and if you can find it, you can solve the problem, write the appraisal your teacher wants, and get out with the delusion that you have learned something, when in fact you've spent hours constructing a problem which did not exist just to prove that you can solve it. Rather than learning to enjoy literature, learn how to think laterally about similar works, discover nuances which differentiate one array of thoughts against another, etc. it is instead set up as a game with the unconscious intent to ensnare people with stronger legal minds (law being the more "useful" direction for most).

This extends into the selection of works you're supposed to read, most of it being dry, antiquated, and with cut-and-clear readings anybody can find on the internet. While obviously the ideal for a teacher is to encourage individual thought, it's much easier to encourage students to write to form, in format, and in such a way that they can be useful technical writers in whatever dead-end industry they find themselves in should they be in a position to write at all (as corporate power is concentrated in the persons who get to send words to the most people).

the lesson of the knot story is that when faced with a bullshit menial task with the psychological intention of "bow down and submit your intellect to our wisdom" alex presents solving the knot in such a way as to say "fuck all y'all and your basic bullshit" ya dingus

Based dare I say.

They don't have Culture of Critique as mandatory reading

IB curriculum went full SJW in the 2000s


Too bad it laid the seeds for reactionary thinking in me. When you've been forced to read multiple accounts by feminist Arab authors of the kinds of brutal, terrible customs that exist in Middle Eastern countries, like female genital mutilation and rape as a mechanism for punishment, you will fail to understand the enthusiasm for letting in millions of them into your own countries, even if you are a diehard liberal. Eventually, I realized that it's all bullshit but that's a story for another time.

>not true capitalism

>obviously didnt get laid in HS
highschool girls give toothy blowjobs and are completely useless in the sack (as most people are), the only ones that werent were the batshit ones who were molested and were giving out BJs in middleschool and are busy trying to fuck people who own a car by highschool

>anyone other than commies following the marxist definition of capitalism


should have posted a nude of brie larsons ass, you cant be banned for what doesnt exist

Ban this underage zoomer, you useless mods

Georgia, USA

all that hard work and still 50mil on food banks

Love seeing the tripfag trap getting btfo in these threads. Thanks guys.

Or some kind of "accept other cultures" bullshit. All the trashy Native American and Mexican lit we read in school made me racist.

>'be of good heart' cry the dead artists from the living past
and that's why i'm racist :)

I'm saying I didn't care about cultural differences until the school system pointed them out and shoved them down our throat. Instead of learning that stuff from my friends I still have this deep rooted prejudice towards certain groups because the school system taught me that every Mexican lives with their grandma or that every Native is a drum banging hippy.

Every educated liberal I’ve met from every far-flung corner of the world has been culturally, politically, even on the basis of personality, indistinguishable from their American counterparts. Rurals and malcontents probably retain some authentic characteristics, but they’re backwards and dumb lol.
Sick of people pretending we’re not all pigs at the same trough.

Spotted the pseud.


Yeah, this is part of it.
They just come off as preachy and corny. Kids probably get sick of it.

I wouldn't know, because I dropped out of full time education at the end of elementary school.

In my English Lit class we voted on which texts we were going to read, ending up being Invitation to a Beheading, Brave New World, Waiting for Godot, and a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Had to somehow compare all four in a 1.5 hour exam.

This, it was only after I happened to pick up some books on my own that I started enjoying it. Everything else was for some project, homework, etc.

I support your ideology, but in all honesty why even add a political label to yourself? It's not like anything other than what furthers capitalism will ever be implemented from now on until the end of civilization. We're post revolution, post everything.

That's the story of man

302 replies and no one asked the most important question: wtf is that picture?

Fuck that, if I want to write about cute tomboys experiencing love for the first time and slightly autistic kids who love plants, that is what I will do.

No one in my creative writing or English classes reads. Had one kid today (at third year level) say that he's only read two books, the Bible and something he couldn't recall the title of.

These people become highschool teachers.

Philip was a dickhead, I'm glad Alexander killed him

All the literature I've ever read was Beowulf and King Arthur, both of which I kinda just skimmed over. In the end I've never actually read a book cover to cover. Would've gotten engaged if we read more or read different stuff like poetry.

Beowulf is literally an epic poem.

beowulf is a poem