Catalan Independence literature

What are some good works to fuel me in my fight for the independence of my ancestral homeland? Junts per Catalunya

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Anarchism-syndicalist literature?
Rudolph Rocker, etc.?

you do not know Catalunya

Cataluña es territorio español. Cry more, catafag.

I, who am from Catalunya, land of Seny wisdom, children of Josep Torras, follower of Puidgdemnont, dancer of Sandana, Josep Pla, and Pa Amb tomàquet do not fear you fascist. ask me for a job after independence you Vox following dolt

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please don't go, let's build a socialist republic together ;-;

cringe kys

I know of it and appreciate them

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No leas, no vayas a descubrir que el independentismo de hoy ha quedado reducido
arma politica, oveja.


Lope de Vega.

Lo siento hijo, Cataluña es territorio español.

dont know but barcelona is a shithole. all of you catalan people just try to scam tourists and niggers everywhere. drug niggers prostitue niggers double niggers.

>Catalan Independence
How's that rich people dick taste?

Catalonia es territorio hispano, me compadó de vos

No hay tal cosa como españa

>Felipe VI es rey solo en su imaginación



Basically any book about the history of Spain as Cataluña is a beautiful region from that beautiful country.

Basada mariposa


Do you really want to feel like a daring revolutionary when what you're basically in for is most likely a retarded referendum with no legitimacy and normalized relations functionally no different from the actual situation ?

I mean, by all accounts I tend to support independantist endeavors, but LARPing as the defender of an oppressed people is a bit disingenuous when you're essentially just one coddled individual in one coddled region among 16 or so others.

Next time people in Brittany are going to pretend they're being oppressed by the French government when they're one of the few non-strictly-French-speaking minorities that is actually better integrated than the majority.

gora cataluñya

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>implying Cataluña won't lose a lot of economical power after independència.
>you forgot Pujol

That is old af, and has nothing to do with the current Independentist movement.

disgusting. Even if they are Independentists they don't deserve to be laughed at because of their looks.


>ignores the Hispania etimology

Fellow Catalan actually contributing to the discussion:
- La Nacionalitat Catalana
- Terres de l'Ebre
- Incerta Glòria

The Communist Manifesto

>has nothing to do with the current independence movement
That is why you fail.

It doesn't
t. Catalán

The fascists won and they’d till hold onto you lands. You voice your opinions and want to #leave. So they call your politicians criminal and beat people over the head.
Now what?

*they still hold onto

I've lived in Valencia and Madrid for 8 years and 15 in Barcelona.

Barcelona (idk if Catalonia) DOESN'T look like the rest of Spain, it looks much more European. And it has nothing to do with Barcelona being metropolitan, it just doesn't feel the same.

They had a lot of differences through history so I don't blame Catalans who believe they aren't Spanish.

I beat your head with my cock.

As I sway it back and forth, I collide with your forehead.

You’re feeling it now, my cock is brushing sensually upon your forehead.

Your pussy is wet

>start revolt against spain
>suck french dick
>get crushed
>lose roussillon to france

>muh communes
>killing priests
>no pasaran
>ya hemos pasado
>get ideologies can't get it together to beat some moroccans
>your side gets raped in the ebro, barcelona, badajoz, toledo, badajoz
>flee to france
I like catalunya and all, but stop with this independence shit. you wanna be great, join something greater than yourself. galicians may be retarded but at least they don't complain

>Comparing Galician Nationalism with Catalan

You have no idea what you are talking about. I'm not going to bother explaining the entirety of the situation but let just say the most of the so "catalans" calling for independence are 2nd generation immigrants from Andalucia or have very little "Catalan" heritage. Most of this idiots have bought into the meme of believing Catalonia was ever a national entity. There only thing that this region has ever experienced closed to such a thing was when the Kingdom of Aragon existed. I do not deny the existence of a Catalán tradition to culture, but it is no less distinctive than the rest found in other regions in Spain. Current day independentist thought has been created by a political stunt made by a bunch of retarded politicians that let things escalate beyond their control.(read unbiased accounts of the current day indepdence movement and avoid any regional news outlets or national, you should learn how Spanish news outlets work and how they are funded) My family has lived here for generations, my last names are Alonso, Colomer, Prats, Marques, Puig. And I can guarantee you not one of my relatives have bought into the Catalonian anarchist movement of the 20th century nor would they have for this joke of a movement today.

These are the only Catalans worth learning about.

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Homage to catalonia
That book really conveys the inner cucktalan mentality

Just watch Real v Ajax highlights

user relajate.
Por que respondeis al tripfag? Ignoradlo y se suicidara pronto.

I'm genuinely annoyed at how everyone just ignores that based traditionalist Catalonia unionists and catalans get to be represented by the low class morons that buy into whatever ideology looks like it's going to make their miserable lives better.

De verdad que normalmente lo dejaría pasar, pero es que hay tanta ignorancia hacia la naturaleza de lo que está pasando en Cataluña que de vez en cuando me salta un nervio.

>You have no idea what you are talking about
Ferran, Macià, Sardà, Boix, Ros.
>most of the so "Catalans" calling for independence are 2nd generation immigrants.
How can someone be that stupid?
Look where the "No" vote won in the referendum. Look at the results of the "Las elecciones autonómicas de 2017". Wow, surprise Ciutadanos and the "No" won in the fucking industrialized zone of Catalonia, where all the resentful immigrants live.
I'm sorry you needed to clean my grandparent shoes to survive because the rest of Spain is poor.

>but it is no less distinctive than the rest found in other regions in Spain

No, it's not, huge differences in Catalonia (and Basque Country) and Spain.

>Catalonian anarchist
Yeah, sorry to inform you that the "war" is between Catalan STATE and Spanish STATE. Don't mix anarchism.

try again
>You have no idea what you are talking about.

You know so little about this its humorous. First of all do a little research on the demographics of rural Catalonia and how many "catalans" actually reside there, although I'm pretty sure you'd have to go there yourself to actually see what I'm talking about. Second you clearly know nothing about the nature of current day independentist actvism or else you'd actually know how they gained majority in the rural areas (very similar to what Trump did, just more corrupt and deceitful). Also let me give you a heads up, there's a reason the leaders of said movement are in prison and no its not because of the ebil, facist state. Not sure what the fuck you were saying about my grandpa, im also quite sure that he made 10x more than whatever of that subhuman waste you call family ever made in their life.

>try again
How about you bother learning about what is actually going on instead of reading whatever commie/socialist/leftist/etc biased scum you waste your time with.

Try telling a basque nationalist that catalán culture differs to Spanish as much as theirs in any wat shape or from. You know nothing of this "catalán" you seem to think is so different. And no a dialect doesn't as a major cultural difference.


>catalán state
Kill yourself

Language, even you shitty RAE says that.
4. m. Lengua romance que se habla en Cataluña y en otros dominios de la antigua corona de Aragón.

What about the Industrial revolution where Catalan distribution of land destroyed Spanish latifundism economically? Making Catalonia more developed and rich?
Again, probably your immigrant mom was sucking some Catalan dick to make money, this is why u mad kid.

Onions nieto de el fundador de CLARIANT IBERICA imbecil. Tu puta madre estaria chupando la polla a toda mi familia durante toda su vida para ganar un 5% de lo que mi padre gana en un mes.
Asi que ponte a llorar como el poorfag de mierda que eres.

>Catalunya becomes independent
>Spain gets butthurt
I kinda want this to happen t.portuguese

Dios que pena. Diselo a las dos fincas que voy heredar una en Cabrera y otra en el Lluçanès. Las dos valen más que tú miseria familia junta. Una pena que solo sea un fracción de lo que mi abuelo tenía, lo de más ha sido dividido a él resto de la familia. Mi tía está casada con el director de Siemens, este compra a tu padre y su puta mierda de compañía 10 veces.

I see you haven't taken a basic history course on Spanish history. It's worthless to prolong this you clearly are just vomiting the words of whatever failed socialist author you idolize. Also please stop falling for the "catalán is a real language" meme it's just sad.

Que risa el doble post por mala conexión. Ya te gustaría tener dinero a ti retrasado, rogarle a tu padre pa que te compre Fibre óptica ratita de mierda.

>Mi tía está casada con el director de Siemens
Joe Kaeser/Cónyuge
Rosemarie Kaeser
Fecha de nacimiento: 10 de marzo de 1957 (edad 61 años), Gutendorf, Alemania
Cónyuge: Joe Kaeser

Que puta vida mas triste debes tener para inventar tanto.

>lo de más


Todo idioma nació como un dialecto de otro, hasta que se separó lo suficiente como para ser considerado un idioma diferente.

Lo difícil es determinar el momento en que eso sucedió. Pero dado que el latín vulgar, de donde derivó el catalán, es una lengua muerta que no se habla desde hace siglos, no hay duda de que es un idioma.

Aún hoy en día hay quien piensa erróneamente que es un dialecto del castellano. Eso sólo demuestra ignorancia (o mala intención), pues muchos idiomas romances se desarrollaron a la vez, y no unos a partir de otros. Es el caso del castellano y el catalán, ya que ambos surgen del latín vulgar de cada zona. Son idiomas hermanos o primos, no padre e hijo.
No puedo controlar la calidad de mi conexion en autopista. Movistar no da para mas.

Me trato de uno de los nietos de Florentino Pérez. Me coméis la polla todos.

Busca al previo al director.

His wife, Marta, the daughter and granddaughter of former presidents of FC Barcelona, is Spanish and Mr. Loescher confesses to be mad about Barcelona – "my favourite city" – and its football club. The only time he seemed to relax and smile in our 90-minute meeting was when he talked about Barca.

Este que su esposa es hija del fundador de FCB ?
vete un poco a la mierda anda

tu como mucho heredas el down de tu padre el de los padres primos tontin


Sip busca a su hermana que es mi abuela, esposa de Claudio Colomer (mi abuelo, ya difunto, el cual te saldra si le buscas) , Teresa Montal Prats. De ahí ya no revelo más, tampoco necesito que me creas.

Bueno onions el dueño pero evidenente hay usufructuarios. Mi abuelo creía en que cada uno primero tenemos que ganarnos la vida un poco antes de heredar las fortunas familiares.

Que me la suda tio. Ya hay que ser triste y friki para vacilar de linaje en un foro de lenceria bulgara akajskajksj

Pero que dices si has empezado tu. Yo solo he dicho que mi familia era catalána y el otro ha sacado lo de mi abuelo lamiendo botas. Luego aparece Mr CLARIANT IBERICA fardando de su riqueza.

Si yo acabo de llegar al hilo hombre. Tampoco me va mucho en distinguir a uno del otro la verdad. Pero weno que tienes mis bendiciones si te las mereces

A bueno pues nada, buenas noches caballero.

>kingdom of Aragon
>kingdom of Valencia
>county of Catalonia


I laugh at you. You know nothing else that I didn’t already know.

Fuck states

nice digits and based post

Again, you don't understand why Catalonia became rich, it had nothing to do with land reform but instead the development of textile industry. Regardless read to understand the actual nature of real catalán tradition and values.

Might I add that the anarchist groups that took over during the Civil War almost ruined barcelona economicy. Or that it is mainly Marxist thought that inspired most the of the catalán separatist, a philosophy that aboñoshes culture and traditions. Do you think anyone proud to be catalán would actually support such movements? But alas the situations that has come forth today is entirely different. It, as I have said multiple times, is simply a representation of how degenerate modern politics can be and how misinformation and lies win elections.

You shed no extra light on my understanding of the situation. You’re just telling me how pissy you feel the revolutionaries were. I don’t care about your opinions.

Catalan is Sardinian clay.

>Might I add that the anarchist groups that took over during the Civil War almost ruined barcelona economicy.
You can if you provide sources, because blaming the anarchists and not the civil war for the collapse seems a bold claim.

Catalans are a race of cowards. Their national sports are setting bulls on fire and losing wars to the rest of Spain, and they have become extremely proficient at this over the last thousand years. Why they think they deserve a country when they are cucked by castilians once every 30 years on average (which must be a european record) is beyond my understanding. Them getting a country before the kurds would be a mockery of the very concept of nationalism.

Catalans are not human

>mfw even when arguing among themselves catalans STILL try to one up each others based on wealth like the petty bourgeoisie they are.

Jamás serán hidalgos castellanos, y lo saben.

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Zamora also looks pretty different to Madrid. Maybe they should also become independent, you god-damned retard?

I am looking for some books that review the history of Catalonia. Specially how they were an independent entity, and how they were crushed by the Spaniards.

Please, post titles in English preferably. Català are also good but I find them kinda hard, specially when I read academic texts.

Thanks in advance.

Espanyol is also good, but I would prefer English. Thnx

>Specially how they were an independent entity, and how they were crushed by Spaniards.

This should be right up your alley you absolute moron.

Thanks! But this is an official website for some organisation. Yeah, they got a few articles, but do they edit a montly almanac or sth of that sort? Something I can read and study.

But that never happened user.

It's ideologically driven pseudo-history trash. Unfortunately that's the closest thing to academia you will find that supports what you're looking for. It's almost like you have no idea what the historical relationship between Catalonia and the rest of Span is like.


Not even going to bother quoting. here retard you could just pick a regular history textbook on the Spanish Civil War and that covered what happened in Catalonia.

I dare you to call the catalán tercios requetes of Montserrat cowards. Those are true Catalán traditionalist that fought a crusade against communism, risking everything they had for the sake of justice and honor.