What's some lit for a guy who lives off government checks, crashing at a different friend's pad every month...

He probably has some shitty job that pays out cash or is a dealer and lives like that.

I had a job as a truck/warehouse helper and I crashed at a few different friends places over a year. One friend didn’t charge me rent at all, and another place had $100 rent but they grew weed so I could smoke whenever.

P chill looking back at it. Then I went to jail eventually.

After jail I was in a group home and had to attend AA meetings even though I wasn’t an alcoholic. Then I got an apartment in the cut and got out of that situation. Then I started to get all of my shit stolen and had to move out of there.

That’s where I am now. And I am arms reach out of a salaried sales position in a reputable company, get paid $13.50 / hr. to be a high rise concierge AND I basically read on the job. Plus I have a girlfriend who is always there for me when I need her.

Life takes you places. Gotta take it all in stride, make it a mission

Real shame single white males can't qualify for section 8.
Section 8 + disability = God tier.

sucks to be you

Did you read the part about the girlfriend? Or the kush jobs?

Yeah and it still fucking sucks from my point of view.

Do you have a girlfriend? Or two very awesome jobs?

i won't brag my riches and my sexual conquests here because it would make you depressed and also mess with my karma points.

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interesting life user
what do you like to read? did you read in jail?

A job application

It wouldn’t make me feel anything negative, friend. I would wish the best for you. It’s why I’m surprised that you don’t do the same for me