I respectfully disagree.
ITT: Shitty books by great authors
Corncob is currently writing “the passenger” I think there’s a grainy YouTube video where he recites a paragraph from it or something
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
uh you mean Exiles right
I honestly had to drop The Fall because the 2nd person perspective was so grating. Thankfully Bright Lights, Big City reassured me that I wasn't just biased towards the style.
I personally thought it was short enough that it didn’t overstay it’s welcome as a gimmick. Still one of his lesser books that I’ve read so far.
Brevity is the saving grace for a lot of books. I'm sure I would've hated Good Morning, Midnight that much more if it was like twice as long.
Puddnhead Wilson by Mark Twain
Intruder in the Dust by Faulkner
>selections from my shitty southern lit class
Portrait is amazing all throughout. It's already experimental without jumping straight into the madness sea like he did in Ulysses (or rolling in dirt on the ocean's floor like he did in Finnegans Wake).
Bu tto each his own I guess.
It's unironically his only good book.
why didnt u like intruder?