Thanks, this book looks great.
A book about escaping the big city and wageslave life and living on a farm...
desu it really projected the rural new england feel that only exists this smaller and smaller curve through central vt, nh, and western maine, and what they did seems to be totally doable even now, since they basically just moved to a shitty farmhouse in the woods and did their own reno. the money required for such a house and property nowadays is tiny, you can find a million on zillow
Yeah I need to do this but in my own country. I'm not from the US.
Fucking 9-5 job is killing me. It's like living in a traffic jam - you hardly have time to rest your brain and you have to get up and travel to work and on and on and on.
move to canada
Canada is just as bad as America
Quite literally my diary desu.
I own a farm, 7th season this year.
liar, post comfy pics of your farm if thats true