Actually, scratch that. Make it a human man. Make him hate humanity, slowly going through corruption and starting to sympathize with the monsters, as he's already "one of them".
This is too sad
Stranger things was a netflix quality show but somehow it got super popular.
The only legitimately good part about the entire series was the Russian scientist that got killed way too quickly.
I unironically spent most of my 30’s as a volcel playing 40k, Mordheim and Necromunda over beers with my mates a couple of nights a week at my place. Eventually gave in to the mating urge and she fucked it all up within a year or so.
If I could, I’d go back and not get in her pants.
This post gives me hope
>born in the 80's
>grew up playing super mario watching anime
>never really cared for girls but i'm not ugly or fat
>was so happy growing up even though we're not rich
>grew up got married have kids now
>saddled with debt, constant fear of unemployment money running out
i'm not fucking happy anymore.
why did i have to grow up? ;_;
Now it's your kids' turn to be happy
Well I’m in my 40’s now and one of my crew died of cancer last year, leaving behind 3 daughters... life is pain and everything you love will wither and die as you watch. So chase what you want to chase, but close male friends are a better investment than women. Just hire a whore if you really must get laid, they work out cheaper in the long run.
yeah, seeing my family at the end of the day is my only joy now. i still fear for their future since by the time they graduate, automation is in full swing and resources are near depleted. the future will be so fucking shitty to live in that a war is imminent
Who takes care of those lovely little girls now?
Another one of the crew has stepped up to help his widow. I moved away a few years before he died so there’s only so much I can do to help.