Better than spider-verse

>be literal supervillain named "Prowler"
>kill superheroes and enemy gang members for a living
>die in an internecine conflict between fellow criminals
>get a giant mural saying "Rest in Power" and is honored by the local community as a hero

What is Disney trying to say here?

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Phantasm laid the foundation for the next 20 years of animated comic book movies

No, Batman: TAS did that. Phantasm was just a long episode of the show. Not that that's a bad thing, since as I said, Phantasm is still hands down the best Batman movie ever. But the ground was broken by BTAS.

I don't remember the tv show being this sexy.

Good detective story, but I prefer spider-verse cuz it got a story on personal growth that I felt empathy toward.

What ground did spiderverse break that had not been done before and better?

I remember buying this as a kid and being completely bummed out that the the phantasm ended up being the girl

>animation unlike anything that came before
>juggling multiple characters from multiple dimensions at once
>black Spider-man without being preachy about it

It changed the whole game.

The director is a big Antifa supporter, etc. Movie was great though.

Incredibles 1 and 2 were better at everything you said except for the black thing. So were megamind, return of the joker, and big hero six.