Better than spider-verse

Better than spider-verse

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Best capeshit of the 90s. We shall never see its like again.

Very good movie but nowhere near as groundbreaking as the Spider-Verse, desu.

Bullshit, spiderverse was zoomers first comic movie. Phantasm is better than every batman movie of the 90s.


Phantasm was better than every Batman movie, full stop. He's right about Spider-Verse being more groudbreaking, though.

Random comparison.

Attached: batman vs batgirl.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

>Animated superhero movies

Yeah what a wide and numerous genre. Totally random.

>Mask of The Phantasm
>Under the Red Hood
>The Dark Knight Returns part 1&2
>Year One

Why are animated Batman movies so kino?

>be literal supervillain named "Prowler"
>kill superheroes and enemy gang members for a living
>die in an internecine conflict between fellow criminals
>get a giant mural saying "Rest in Power" and is honored by the local community as a hero

What is Disney trying to say here?

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Phantasm laid the foundation for the next 20 years of animated comic book movies

No, Batman: TAS did that. Phantasm was just a long episode of the show. Not that that's a bad thing, since as I said, Phantasm is still hands down the best Batman movie ever. But the ground was broken by BTAS.

I don't remember the tv show being this sexy.

Good detective story, but I prefer spider-verse cuz it got a story on personal growth that I felt empathy toward.

What ground did spiderverse break that had not been done before and better?

I remember buying this as a kid and being completely bummed out that the the phantasm ended up being the girl

>animation unlike anything that came before
>juggling multiple characters from multiple dimensions at once
>black Spider-man without being preachy about it

It changed the whole game.

The director is a big Antifa supporter, etc. Movie was great though.

Incredibles 1 and 2 were better at everything you said except for the black thing. So were megamind, return of the joker, and big hero six.

Oh great now I can't enjoy the movie.

Incredibles was more about subverting superhero tropes but Spidey just rewrote the book entirely.

I didn't care either way, cause the film didn't smash you over the head with any of that stuff. Best Spider-Man film in years.

>Spider-Verse being more groudbreaking
Spider-Verse broke no grounds though, what the fuck are you on about

Fuck, I hope you're kidding.

Why is animated Batman so kino?

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DC animators actually give a shit, even if it's direct to dvd. Check out marvel's shitty direct to dvd catalog if you wanna see really bad animated superhero flicks.

Best Animated Batman capeshit?
>Mask of the Phantasm
>Under the Red Hood
>The Dark Knight Returns
>Return of the Joker

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Throwing this one in here. It really gave Mr. Freeze room to develop a character.

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Not a hard feat desu senpai

That was a good one too. I wish they would've combined it with the Freeze episode in the series, to establish Freeze's motivation better

Also if I remember right it kicks off the events that lead to Batman Beyond, Dick and Barbara grow apart which leads to Batman and Nightwing fighting and Batman being alone by Beyond

>Oh boy! A Mask of the PhantaZZZZZZ.....

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Miles Morales is the shittiest, most shallow, and cringiest comic book character every fucking created.

> created by a soi-b-o-y white dude.
> biggest virtue signal in comic book history
> pop culture IGN-ish journalists ate it up
> accolades from media for being lazy and simply putting black kid in Spiderman costume. Black kid from New York.. how original. Like Peter Parker but black.

You have a fucker like Dwayne McDuffy who created a whole pantheon of black/minority heroes that he sold to DC. Never got the hype for it.

By far the lamest character in Marvel. The "feel good" Spiderman.

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This was much better desu

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This was the only time the story of Bruce actually made me tear up. The film is so damn good, masterfully animated, directed, voice acted. It's the full package and demands the audience to actually think instead of passively watch like a cartoon.

The joker in this film is the best on screen interpretation ever. He is the right blend of comedy and pure psychosis. You don't know when the switch happens, and like in many scenes when it does the tension escalates tremendously.

The love story is truly touching and manages to nail who Batman and Bruce Wayne are, as a symbol and as a man. It pays homage to the comics while elevating them without throwing what they built up away. It's the perfect batman film.

Dwayne McDuffy was too good for this world. ;_;

The goat

what made spiderverse ground breaking? Wasn't it just the first time that animation technique was used in a feature rather than a short? whats ground breaking about that?

"It doesn't mean I don't care anymore.
I don't want to let you down, honest.
But it just doesn't hurt
so bad anymore.
You can understand, can't you?
I can give money to the city
to hire more cops.
Let others take the risk.
It's different now!
Please. I need it to be different now.
I know I made a promise.
But I didn't see this coming!
I didn't count on being happy.
Please.. .tell me that it's okay."

>that scene where Bruce puts on Batman's mask for the first time

>deep emotional drama character study of Bruce Wayne and the vengeance crusade that makes him batman in a unique plot that wasnt just an adaptation of something they knew would work
>fanservice and batwank: the movie
are you an actual child?

The first part of BB is decent enough but the rest isn't the best. On any level it can't compare to MOTP

The Killing Joke movie.

>read about the Batman Beyond comics
>the real reason Bruce had a falling out with Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl is because although Dick and Barbara were trying to get back together she was found out she was pregnant with Bruce's child but later miscarries. Tim Drake: see Return of the Joker

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love Red Hood and Phantasm, but let's face it desu, The Dark Night Returns is kinda shit.
>let's turn Batman, previously established as a likable, complex character, into an intolerable boomer

>teen struggling to live up to the legend compounded by his mentor's worst nightmare plaguing their actions
>1 and a half hour of nothing happening
I can generalize too

Doesn't Nightwing go full big boss from metal gear solid in The beyond comics tho

Women... not even once.