/bb/ Big Brother 21

having a girls' night to build rapport also means that the boys will then have their own night together to strategize

she was a really bad player. is she literally only a twitter favorite because of her skin color?

milk truck just arrived

Attached: milkdelivery.png (1200x746, 1.23M)



BB should pay JC to dress up as a clown to terrorize the HGs.

Attached: bb20 jc.jpg (620x420, 105K)

Which girl gets to sleep in Jackson's wetspot?

why did tommy tell nick he wasn't voting to keep him instead of lying?

Attached: 33+8.jpg (1114x626, 53K)

Attached: 1564617155158.jpg (2048x1152, 213K)

jury management
frontstabbing instead of backstabbing