HoH: Holly
Noms: Nick, Christie
Veto: Jackson
Prankster: Nick
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Holly
Noms: Nick, Christie
Veto: Jackson
Prankster: Nick
Previously on /bb/:
Nicole is cute
second for FUCK Kemi
yes please
damn, I'd sodomize that
hell yeah
god i hope is a reset
When does the milk drop happen?
having a girls' night to build rapport also means that the boys will then have their own night together to strategize
she was a really bad player. is she literally only a twitter favorite because of her skin color?
milk truck just arrived
BB should pay JC to dress up as a clown to terrorize the HGs.
Which girl gets to sleep in Jackson's wetspot?
why did tommy tell nick he wasn't voting to keep him instead of lying?
jury management
frontstabbing instead of backstabbing
which ironically has had the opposite effect. nick now hates tommy
10/1 the queer sleeps with the girls
no way he will leave Nick alone with Cliff and Jackson, they are the swing votes
there isn't enough room. i'm surprised they're even trying to fit 4 girls in there when one of them is the fatty
the ending of that backgammon game with nick and quarky equals his ending in big brother. reset cancelled
lol they not even gonna bother scaring jessica alone in the bathroom
She’ll cut a bitch
quarky legit scared of the clowns
scared quarky is fun
God Nicole is annoying me
"Nooo! Noooo! haha!"
I gotchu
if by terrorize you mean molest sexually then hell jess faggoat
I missed the clown! was it a jumpscare or more of an atmospheric slow burn?
I fucking miss this m-bomb
god i love reddit
>bb20 was tree years ago
it hurts bros
for real? you're not allowed to say that. this is like out of control *sniff-blow-sniff*
>scared of production in a rubber mask
jesus christ grow up
have sex
nicole first
quarky totally wants to bump her forehead on bosshogg's beer gut
i wish.
its why i picked them together
Students of the game only reply:
What is the actual chance Devin comes back for All Stars 2?
he's already in the house
jackson saying tommy sketches him out
zero p.
he defended JC dropping an n-bomb.
he’s on the bad goy list
>they're hiding to scare Nicole
stepped away for a minute. are they setting up a quarky prank? she's gona die
>production loves season 16
>devin has been to the live shows and a few finales
I think he can get a spot but it'll depend on if he wants to play again or could
would be based if production turned off the lights
are we about to see the first heart attack on the feeds?
nobody getting evicted this week because nicole is going to die of a heart attack
*watermelon noises*
top kek
fun feeds :)
based production getting it on the prank
What if she got so scared her titties popped out
I wish production turned off the house lights too
this is good
why the fuck doesnt nicole just go upstairs though lol
hey production
got your wish lmao
they should make the house spooky as fuck
replace some like with orange or red
based production killing the lights
based michie
this is fucking hilarious
haha what if she pisses her pants and the camera zooms in on the puddle haha
Most of the people with brown skin were the first to be voted out.
they should have made a michie scarecrow with a watermelon head in one of the BRs
when she opens the HOH room they should just all pretend like they were just shooting the shit up there together
michie blew itttttt
hahahaha so epic :)
alright girls i've had a rough night so i'm gonna ask you all politely to pipe the fuck down and stop being morons
also the nicole shitters need to shut the fuck up and mosey off back to twitter
christie is winning the game, no need to watch. she was a racist who didn't give david a second chance. hate her. fine then.
add your stupid analyse chicken cuck copypasta
god i fucking hate the nerds who are nickposting. so mad he's not gone this week
this twist is stupid, clowns and lights have no effect on the game and dont save based christie from going home this week.
To be fair she saw that the couched had moved and got suspicious. His cover was already blown.
Nick confirmed Tommy's vote finally? Then he's good.
haha clean that shit up production
lmfao jackson has a pie
Those top two pics are like a metaphor for the entire season.
> tfw contagious laughter
>it's a "jackson recreates the end of Scream to scare nicole" episode
It would be too retarded to do a buyback after this stupid prank shit. Double eviction 100% certain, I will legitimately cut my balls off if its a battleback
they should give him a mask now
She's a complete wimp. Couldn't win anything if her life depended on it. Scared of BIRDS.
Wimp. She's everything that is wrong with modern society.
her entire gameplay in a webm
they used that kitchen trap door once from when before the feeds were on
>waaah thats a death threat
>I didn't think Sis was competitive at first
and that assumption proved correct
What time did the first clown show up? 7:20 BBT?
first episode season 20. it was wearing a shirt with its name on it
racist fucking piece of garbage
I suddenly have an urge to watch those killer clown pranks on Youtube.
>instead of Christie
Is at this very moment at the Jury House enjoying a threesome with Kat, and Jack
still seething huh?
Certainly. I would have much rathered looking at her over Christie for the next week or two.
remember when shrimpman got freaked out by the ouija board lol
no, because i missed out on OTT
and when he got freaked out by neely wearing that witch hat
bad juju
Shitting your pants is a dominant move, he was ahead of his time
jackson and holly wise on tommys shit, want him out before christie
great series.
christie manifesting the rewind. LETS GO
based Christie manifesting against her own interests.
at this point he trusts christie more than tommy
jesus, i used to get upset when people who missed the ianb owl would post, but not watching ott with /bb/? wtf
jackson ripped a fart that smelt like dogshit.
yard is open
kek. quarky and nick were battling each other with there therapy skills
looks like next HOH involves dog shit
aww. i was interested in quarkys wrangling of r-bomb's
you now remember ovi threw the 1st hoh, won the 1st power and got backdoored and evicted unanimously on week 1
Is he the worst BB player of all time?
no but probably the most disappointing player of all time
that probably goes to jozea or lawron
looks like nick is not mad at tommy anymore but he already did the damage
nick is totally gonna fuck tommy before he gets evicted
qute quarkys
[spolier]pranked lol[/spoiler]