>you would be a terrible father not to tell your son to take the money, 45k is nothing, especially if you're living in a NYC apartment. The money was chump change and meant nothing.
Besides, you're missing the main point here; Hughie's dad was a piece of shit not for wanting money to alleviate financial stress, but because his underlying reasoning for telling his son to take the money was because he couldn't stand to see that his own son and blood was about to surpass him emotionally and psychologically. Instead of praising his son and encouraging him to be a man, he tries to bring his son down back to his level. That's the real scumminess there, not the money issue.
Ethan Fisher
The Deep and Hughie are relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss them relentlessly.
Noah Roberts
Entertainment companies aren't corporations tho, just ask my left-wing millennial buddy, he's going to see endgay for the 503rd time right after he gets his starbucks this morning.
James Johnson
>45k is nothing to a man working minimum wage and living with his dad ???
Mason Wright
It's almost as if writing a sincere anti-materialist message would require you to give up the spectacles of materialism.
Cameron Mitchell
there's nothing wrong with nepotism only jealous incels hate it
Camden Allen
its called controlled opposition goy
Connor Bell
Mason Rogers
>r*ddit that where you bums are from?
Joseph Kelly
starlight is the archetypal midwestern girl who goes into porn