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Yeah any indie film maker could bring this to life on a show string budget.
You fucking pickle Rick obvious observation making piece of shit. Stop posting.


Do you think Jeff Bezos reads the scripts? What would he have to gain besides the profits from the show?

The rest has obvious Justice League equivalents but who is Translucent supposed to be?

>misreading the message that badly
the message of the show is that kids who dont grow up in a loving household with a MOTHER and FATHER grow up to be fucking psycopathic murderers and shit. they literally mention this about homelander being raised in a lab as opposed to an adopting family and is further reinforced whne you see homelanders super son being raised by a loving mother.

tldr op is a retard

>Reeee I have a burning desire to point out the obvious edgy opinions for cool points on a ching ching board. Reeee

>shows can only have one theme

>one corporation is bad, therefore the message is all corporations are evil!!!
again, op is retarded

No one, the tv made the character up. The comics was Martin Manhunter

imagine being this smooth brained

all corporations are literally evil and if you disagree you're a cuck

Yes i also read the top rated comment on the RLM video

but me and my dad arent evil? my dad owns a gravel transporting business, but i run it. i have no ownership of it, but i control it independently of him. it has a total of 2 employees, me and my brother and i can guarantee we are pretty decent people

A business and a corporation aren't necessarily the same thing

starlight and the main guy were both raised by single parents and turned out good though

>not evil

a corporation is literally a business where the people who run it are independent of the owners you dumb dumb

gave fish man BJ after knowing him for less then 2 minutes, had premarital sex, told kids not to listen to the teachings of God.

she might not be evil, but she is by no means good

Show has quite a few head scratcher moments that would never happen in real life
>Both plane crashes would be thoroughly investigated by the NTSB (quite possibly one of the few GOOD governmental orgs.)
>CIA would probably already have supes and know what was going on
>hurr baby ward with armed security and locked behind blast doors

>told kids not to listen to the teachings of God.

based going to hell poster

it's not saying all companies are bad retard.
>movie paints nazi Germany bad.
How how ironic for a film made in AMERICA to say COUNTRIES are bad.

Hell's not real, kiddo

But user, you have a mother and father and you're a disgusting vile piece of shit

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Hawley Griffin, AKA The Invisible Man. Basically uses his invisibility powers to rape college-age girls.

>I'm going to join a massive corporation/superhero team and become rich and famous
>But at the same time I don't want to be beholden to the corporation that I willingly joined of my own free will
>Instead I want to have my cake and eat it too by demanding the right to be myself while also lapping up all the fame and celebrity at the same time because double standards? What's that?

Starlight is a narcissistic sociopath.

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>Has the best arc of any character

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>a person with moral upbringing must be bait
you are part of the reason the world is going to shit, you are no better then the pedos, furrys and trannys. it all starts somewhere and that somewhere is premarital sex and not having Jesus in your home

>is the best character without having an arc

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Imagine watching this show at all in the current year.

>all corporations are literally evil

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im at ep5 it's pretty good I like their take on how superhero would actually work

Keep coping

>is the best character without having a character

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Its just the one corporation, actually.

I dunno how it's in the show but in comics Vought-American has a massive government lobby that keeps them afloat. They control current VP while traditional MIC controls the president and both have uneasy coexistence (with Vought trying to displace MIC at the top).
The dirt on them gets buried.
The Boys are the product of CIA research, the only reason there aren't more of them is because the stable formula is obscenely expensive. Comparatively Vought has a cheaper product that's far less reliable and stable and produces random results which is what's been keeping them from getting into military contracts.

>religious delusional fag
>ever using "coping"


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Back to r*ddit, incel

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>one orphan is bad, therefore the message is all parentless children are bad!!!!1

Different in the show. The boys arent superpowered, vought has the only thing that turns people into supes, CIA HATES THEM

It kinda looked like Homelander was crying after he blew up that plane in the first episode. I was honestly hoping he'd be a "good guy" pushed by corporate culture to do terrible things. Instead he's just DC Comics' Ultraman with better social skills.

>one orphan
you didnt see that they had baby making factories making orphan superheroes user?

Homelander is based though.

Hughie didn't turn out 'evil', but his dad was a piece of shit who was responsible for turning his son into a weakling and never giving him the opportunity to become his own man and stick up for himself. Seeing the way his dad low-key browbeats his son into submission and trying to get him to accept the hush money from Vought should have clued you in how unhealthy and abusive the relationship between the two is.

Honestly, living life on the edge with Butcher and co was a massive improvement for Hughie.

>gf dead, son is a pussy, and a company is offering him a ton of cash to shut up
you would be a terrible father not to tell your son to take the money, realistically wtf could hughie have done? no one is going to believe him or arrest a super man anyways


>you would be a terrible father not to tell your son to take the money,
45k is nothing, especially if you're living in a NYC apartment.
The money was chump change and meant nothing.

Besides, you're missing the main point here; Hughie's dad was a piece of shit not for wanting money to alleviate financial stress, but because his underlying reasoning for telling his son to take the money was because he couldn't stand to see that his own son and blood was about to surpass him emotionally and psychologically. Instead of praising his son and encouraging him to be a man, he tries to bring his son down back to his level. That's the real scumminess there, not the money issue.

The Deep and Hughie are relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss them relentlessly.

Entertainment companies aren't corporations tho, just ask my left-wing millennial buddy, he's going to see endgay for the 503rd time right after he gets his starbucks this morning.

>45k is nothing to a man working minimum wage and living with his dad

It's almost as if writing a sincere anti-materialist message would require you to give up the spectacles of materialism.

there's nothing wrong with nepotism only jealous incels hate it

its called controlled opposition goy


that where you bums are from?

starlight is the archetypal midwestern girl who goes into porn