this makes me angry
Lion King (2019)
Cameron Stewart
Jack Roberts
the masses are dumb and don't understand what a fucking cash grab is
Charles Hernandez
okay schizo, clam down
Aiden Hill
Yikes, cope and dilate you unbaded seething cringe
Owen Ross
They're right that it's shit, but anyone with a brain knew it was gonna rack in the dough regardless of quality
Aaron Mitchell
How does this post have no replies? It's the straight truth.
Dylan King
>he doesn't know
Ayden Walker
>Once again, the ancient soothsayers of Yea Forums congregate to foretell the future...
Never, ever, ever listen to Yea Forums. If Yea Forums says something will bomb, it'll be a runaway success. If Yea Forums tells you something is shit and not worth watching, then you should see it as soon as possible.
/pol/? Always right.
Yea Forums? Always wrong.