Is Yea Forums actually fucking retarded?
Is Yea Forums ever right about anything?
Is Yea Forums actually fucking retarded?
Is Yea Forums ever right about anything?
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Yea Forums does not represent the general population, obviously.
It won't beat Avatar 2
>Is Yea Forums ever right about anything?
OP is a faggot
We were right about The Last Jedi.
Yea Forums said it would be shit and make a lot of money anyway, Yea Forums was right
Doesn't make the movie good. It's complete shit and dumpster fire compared to the animation.
>only 500 million
are you saying it's high or low? 200 domestic in week 1 could mean 400 dom overall or 1bn depending on how word of mouth goes and the children movie effect
this should be the peak of these live action remakes. Lion King was pretty much the best of the 90s Disney classics, along with Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin. Everything else goes downhill from here, with nigger Ariel etc
why did iron man's asistant start making animated movies after his boss died?
>thinking they'll stop at the 90s classics
On pace for $1.5B worldwide.
Yowza, Yea Forums is NOT going to like this...
He wants to make Morgan happy.
It made what JUSTice League made in only 3 days.
DC still living RENT FREE inside Mauscuck brains
I think the criticism was that it's soulless trash, not that it won't make money.
Yea Forums is always wrong.
About everything.
It's summer and nothing else is on.
>Wrinkle in Time
Fuck Disney
We said it was going to be garbage and it was, what do you mean?
MiB made money.
why do we care about how much money jews make
Needed 300 million to break even. It didn't break even. Franchise is basically dead right now.
>a movie needs to make 3 times its budget to break even
Why is Yea Forums wrong again?
It's on deadline man. The marketing budget was 120 million. Movies aren't cheap to make. The break even point was always 300 million as said by industry professionals.
Nobody claimed it's going to flop at the boxoffice. Yea Forums and even reviewers say the movie is shit and everyone who says that is correct. In fact Yea Forums said it would still make tons of money despite being shit so Yea Forums was right about everything regarding this movie.
No one even said it was going to flop, Yea Forums said it was shit faggot, I hope they ban your faggot ass too.
How much was Alita's budget? No sequel confirmed?
The audience loved it bruh.
Well originally it was 200 million but lowered to 175 million after tax rebates. A sequel being confirmed is up to Disney and seeing how little interest they've had managing the FOX made properties, it's not very good. The performance of the Avatar sequels will probably be the deciding factor for them.
It's a new movie for China, so they love it
It could have if it was Hemsworth & Smith
audience loved transformers too
>Are American audience actually fucking retarded?
making money =/= good film
seethe, obsessed paranoid disneycuck
still flopped, cry more disneycuck
your life is ruined lol
where's the proof insane paranoid disneycuck
seethe more, disneycuck, your shitty reylo general is gone
you are insane and unknowledgeable
based post
>Disney release all movie tentpoles now
>Disney releases a big budget blockbuster immediately after the previous big budget blockbuster is released
you know what would actually be interesting, now that Star Wars belongs to them? The original Star Wars trilogy, animated. If possible in 2D, but without the misandry shown in those youtube shorts.
>it's shit but it sells
>Literally cannot stop thinking about DC
You probably follow DC news more than it's fans
No it didn't you dumb cunt
170mil and it did not make 3x it's budget. Meanwhile Spiderverse and Shazam did get over 3x their budget and are getting sequels
Are you implying that Yea Forums said it will flop? No one was saying that, on the contrary, Yea Forums said it will be soulless garbage, which was right.
>Yea Forumsirgins
>normie nostalgiashit makes big money
woah big shocker
>Say a popular move is going to fail so I can make threads like this later
Based retard
Most people here knew it was going to make money you are just retarded, it doesn't mean it's not shit
it's literally pol the movie
>natural order
>invaders bad
>balance has to be restored
>neet life glorification
And Aquaman made more than Captain Marvel
We said it was going to be embarrassing shit but make money anyway and we were 100% right
>verified ratings
>Why yes! You DO need a proof of purchase, indicating you've seen the film before you can rate and review it! How did you know?
is this some deranged Calvinist delusion about financial success equating quality or just plain retardation
>foreign: 351 million
Wait. You mean mindless consumer parents drag their kids to the cinema to babysit for 2 hours? What the fuck
The real ones to look out for are Maleficent and Mulan
Disney always frontloads their years, their only guaranteed money maker for the rest of the year is Frozen 2
Nobody cares about Artemis Fowl
I thought the Yea Forums consensus was it would have a great opening weekend and that was it
Every Disney movie this year:
>shilled for months
>Makes a shitload of money
>forgotten in a week after release
except Dumbo which flopped
seriously, does anyone remember Toy Story 4?
We underrate the stupidity of the normies
Yeah, they should stop enjoying movies.
What's your point? It's still not a good film
>seriously, does anyone remember Toy Story 4?
Or Far From Home?
Movies are becoming as disposable and forgettable as a fast food burger.
Short answer: No
Long answer: No
The genius of these remakes are that they are kids movies and a nostalgia trip in one. Meaning you get two audiences: the usual parents and kiss, but also single 35 year old soiboy/gal faggots that never grew a brain
We always knew that this was going to rake in money, as designed. We just were waiting to see if the reviews were accurate in calling it a soulless cash grab rather than an Beyonce strokefest, which surprisingly seems to be the case.
The critics on rotten tomatoes hated it, but loved TLJ. Both TLK and TLJ are Disney. So is Disney buying reviews or not, Yea Forums?
American spics are the fucking worst. Stop watching this literal feces.
>remake original Star Wars in computer animation
>change everyone to brown people except the Empire
It's too perfect not to happen.
When was the last time a major 2D animation film came out? Does Disney even have 2D animators left?
>the sales of an opening weekend is indicative of the quality of the film
people are still on the nostalgia thing, not to mention rotton tomato deletes all bad reviews on disney movies during opening weekend because those are all "clearly trolls"
>Is Yea Forums ever right about anything?
If Yea Forums says something, be sure the exact opposite will be true.
Why is that review boxed?
Being flamboyant isn't the same as being gay.
tv is right with it being a shit movie.
Come on you idiot, you KNOW it's poos and chinks.
>Only 400 millions
Yikes, eat disc
who is Yea Forums and why do you care about their opinion?
toy story 4 was this year? wow that movie came and went fast
Basically this, parents will gladly pay some bucks to keep the kids shut and not trashing the house for a couple hours.
I'm Yea Forums and i said it would suck but retards would go en masse
Where was i wrong op?
extremely cringe post
kill yourself faggot
Already happening
it is now shitlord
Mulan looks pretty chinkino...they Just need to show mushu and GET DOWN TO BUSINESS
honestly I didn't even know it was released
Based retard schizoposter
Thats too problematic
so you can see it better
this makes me angry
the masses are dumb and don't understand what a fucking cash grab is
okay schizo, clam down
Yikes, cope and dilate you unbaded seething cringe
They're right that it's shit, but anyone with a brain knew it was gonna rack in the dough regardless of quality
How does this post have no replies? It's the straight truth.
>he doesn't know
>Once again, the ancient soothsayers of Yea Forums congregate to foretell the future...
Never, ever, ever listen to Yea Forums. If Yea Forums says something will bomb, it'll be a runaway success. If Yea Forums tells you something is shit and not worth watching, then you should see it as soon as possible.
/pol/? Always right.
Yea Forums? Always wrong.