To bad Hans didnt just take them out when he had the chance.
Id take the Bear Jew in hand to hand, he can even start with his gay little dildo he call as bat.
Was he literally retarded?
He was literally retarded, yes.
Which movie are we talking about here, y'all?
he didnt know where they were going
evil cunts
glamourless gits
>An anti-Nazi movie.
I'm so sick of this shit.
He didn't need to, he could have quickly called people over as they were all trapped in the basement with soldiers anyway. Also, even if they did somehow get away, he'd know the actress and anyone she was with is a spy.
Because he's an autist who wants to gloat about how smart he is, when the smart thing to do would be take off without making a big deal, maybe high five the bartender to keep an air of normalcy, then come back and firebomb the building with reinforcements.
was getting clubbed to death part of your plan?