Was he literally retarded?

Why didn't he just pretend not to suspect anything, leave, then come back with like 30 officers?

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Why didn't they just have the secret meeting across the street in their secret hideout?

>I suspect our cover's been blown and that asshole is gonna come back with like 30 officers. Let's bail.

Why did they take dynamite strapped to their legs? Why didn’t they just leave it in their seats and blow the theatre earlier?

Yeah they could totally bail when it takes him like 15 seconds to call the nearest MPs.

Why didn’t they just throw explosives into the bar before entering it? Obviously telling the German skit to not be there at the time.

all 30 of them

The Mexican standoff part is my fav brat Pitt scene

2 for every second.

I repent

To bad Hans didnt just take them out when he had the chance.
Id take the Bear Jew in hand to hand, he can even start with his gay little dildo he call as bat.

He was literally retarded, yes.

Which movie are we talking about here, y'all?

he didnt know where they were going

evil cunts

glamourless gits

>An anti-Nazi movie.

I'm so sick of this shit.

He didn't need to, he could have quickly called people over as they were all trapped in the basement with soldiers anyway. Also, even if they did somehow get away, he'd know the actress and anyone she was with is a spy.

Because he's an autist who wants to gloat about how smart he is, when the smart thing to do would be take off without making a big deal, maybe high five the bartender to keep an air of normalcy, then come back and firebomb the building with reinforcements.

was getting clubbed to death part of your plan?

Dumbest criticism in this thread.

Wonder how it feels to be on the wrong side of history and have everybody hate you.
Buy a helium tank, cuck.

Was getting your dildo broken in a single forearm chop part of your plan?

so you are saying...that you can break a wood baseball bat with your bare hands? while someone is trying to hit you with it?
also possibly that you can break the bat by hitting the holder in the forearm and not the bat?

None of these things are true.

that movie isn't an anti-nazi movie at all.

Landa is by far the smartest guy in the whole movie.

To make it short, the movie is propably the biggest advertising/commercial to learn a foreign language that ever existed and also making alot of jokes about cultural differences.

i love this movie.

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He was an arrogant wannabe-Hans Landa. It was more important for him to show the Basterds that he "beat" them.

Lol nah I probably cant do that. Probably.
But I surely can dodge and disarm them then return it home with absolute ease.

>Landa is by far the smartest guy in the whole movie.
He, a Nazi, put his life into the hands of people that scalp Nazis.

good for nothin ruffians.

what do you think wohld have happend if the allies had won the war ?
He literally said it in the movie to not want to be send to a jewish tribunal.
he KNEW the axis where doomed, sooner or later, at that point.
better having a scar and a place on a nice island later, than getting hanged (or worse)

dilate plz

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L'appel du vide
Put yourself in his shoes. The war is nearing its tragic end, you’ve witnessed the brief peak of your empire come crashing down around you, as a true believer and intelligent, educated man you know you’re destined for the noose. Moreso than anything you’re just tired. Tired of all the bs, the fighting, the endless struggle merely delaying the inevitable.
I reckon he just couldn’t deal with it anymore and much like Fassbenders character wanted to go out on his own terms.
Kinda reminds me of John Malkovitch’s character in Burn After Reading where he breaks down and kills Mr Hardbody because he represents the idiocy he’s been fighting his entire life.

omg oyu owned him!!

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and he survived with a nice ass house and enough money to get plastic surgery on his forehead and replace his gay lover.

funny you bring up soi

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obsessed with what? This is a thread about nazis u git

>Why didn't he just pretend not to suspect anything, leave
Because that would be suspicious.

yu keep owning!!! omg!!

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hang yourself nazi scum

He thought only Fassbender was a spy.

>if I act sacrcastic, it doesn't count!

sorry to say that, but thats bullshit

they all acted like they know each other for years and when one of them is an obvious spy, they all are.
you can notice that from his "shut up slut" to the german female actor.
He knew they are all guilty af

Say auf wiedersehen to your nazi balls

because movies are retard tier, yet greatly influence society, leading people to believe that this is how the real world functions

>his gay lover
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed.



And that's terrible.

glorious nobles

wouldn't have made a very interesting scene then would it you fucking zoomer

>all the butthurt commie faggots in the replies
Solid bait, RWDS will mop up the rest

not even him, and I know you're trolling, but for the sake of getting into an argument, I would literally bash your skull in before you even attempted your little Naruto kung fu moves on me, faggot.

Take my bat? How about you take my COCK up your asshole?

I saw this movie and for some time after i misremembered this character being played by mads miccleson
I was disappointed and embarrassed upon rewatch years later after telling me mads was cool in it and his part was coming up.


he wasn't gay he just had a quirkiness about him
there is no actual good indicator he was gay, you are just reading too much into it because you are homo yourself
Tarantino wouldn't have made him gay because it would have gave him a level of sympathy from the audience because gay in nazi germany and all