2:30AM at a 7-11 near Disney World 1987

humans don't connect anymore because they are on their phone or stay inside beating off to porn and collecting neetbux to sleep and take happy pills

You forgot about Muslims taking over the world

>it's all so alien. what went wrong?

Video extremely related

>white person working at a 7-11
this is so surreal

He did the same video in the same place at the same hour, it was shit.

What went wrong ?


>muh Christianity
lol, Christians are some of the biggest cunts I know. They act like assholes to everyone they don't agree with, but think that because they go to church every Sunday they're still better than everyone else. Nobody fucking needs them, at all.

Watch the BBC documentary "Hypernormalization". It pretty much details exactly why western society crashed so hard after the '80s. It's a bitch of an eye-opener, as informative as it is depressing.

So... niggers?

Yep I remember back in 2013 when Yea Forums first discovered this video

Attached: 1529044547617.jpg (383x353, 50K)

is there a more soul/soulless comparison

diverse. powerful