2:30AM at a 7-11 near Disney World 1987


can't stop watching this video.

everyone is so warm and authentic, they have that light behind their eyes like they're more interested in having a moment of human engagement than how they come across.

it's all so alien. what went wrong?

Attached: 711.jpg (1467x1147, 89K)

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Social media, pornography, far-left and far right indoctrination in the education system and internet, ideology being stuffed down everyone's throat, poison diets, alcohol, marijuana dumbing people down, automation basically making 99% of human jobs useless, the death of Christianity, maniacs in psychology over medicating people, the death of reading and philosophy.

did i miss anything?

Funny how you only ever spam the same 9 minutes of video to show everyone WHAT THOSE CULTURAL MARKSIST (((((((JEWS))))))) TOOK FROM US. Maybe it’s that these guys were shitfaced at fucking Disney world and had a fancy new camcorder to shove in people’s faces. You would have been just as much of an unfuckable loser then as you are you synthwave listening, BR2049 loving INCEL.

>what went wrong?
the internet.
early 2000s were the last good times.

computers and phones, it’s really that simple


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racism getting "worse". I literally cannot walk past a black person without them giving me a dirty look

There was still porn. However, it was harder to get, so people returned to normalcy.

The only difference between then and now is that people were more open to public conversations because they weren't afraid of being recorded or punked. With social media and SJW politics, a lot of people are afraid of saying the wrong things.

People who weren't alive in the 1980s really can't even begin to comprehend the depth of what was stolen from them.

politicians do this all the time and get called fake
wonder why this shit gets an exception like you're pushing some agenda

humans don't connect anymore because they are on their phone or stay inside beating off to porn and collecting neetbux to sleep and take happy pills

You forgot about Muslims taking over the world

>it's all so alien. what went wrong?

Video extremely related

>white person working at a 7-11
this is so surreal

He did the same video in the same place at the same hour, it was shit.

What went wrong ?


>muh Christianity
lol, Christians are some of the biggest cunts I know. They act like assholes to everyone they don't agree with, but think that because they go to church every Sunday they're still better than everyone else. Nobody fucking needs them, at all.

Watch the BBC documentary "Hypernormalization". It pretty much details exactly why western society crashed so hard after the '80s. It's a bitch of an eye-opener, as informative as it is depressing.

So... niggers?

Yep I remember back in 2013 when Yea Forums first discovered this video

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is there a more soul/soulless comparison

diverse. powerful

>same hour
11pm is not 2:30am, that's a huge difference

The area outside Disney World is a fucking ghost town nowadays. Shit is surreal.

>far right indoctrination
but not enough

Look up the rat universe experiment. Itll explain the trajectory we're on.